Cherche conseil pour les points 7/2/2020
Je venais ici regulierement et la vie etait belle, de belles
rencontres, 3 entrees en IM par jour c‘etait parfait>
Puis tout d‘un coup, plus personne, beaucoup de fakes,
et plus de points pour les IM gratuits…que‘s‘est
il passe ? Et le site a lair bien triste depuis… <br><br>
J‘ai bien commente. like, vote, j‘ai cru a ce moment
la avoir trouve la solution mais que ...
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
0 Votes
N'essaie pas de licher le poteau du télésiège 10/12/2019
Il y a des places à licher et d'autre pas !
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
Loosers 13/7/2018
Etes vous comme moi? Moi j'en ai assez des loosers qui
sont en couple avec une femme de 103 ans... Pouvez vous juste
vous rendre comptes que vous etes gay et refaire votre fiche?
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
1 Votes
Besion de conseil 27/11/2017
Bonjour à tous ! <br><br>
Ne trouvez-vous pas scandaleux qu'à des heures de
grandes écoutes des émmissions pornographiques soient
diffusées à la radio alors que des puissent etre
présents ? non ? Bien Amicalement.
1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
How to read a profile if you're a standard member. 27/7/2017
As a standard member, you can't read most profiles
of the people in here. Yet, some profiles have members saying
Read My Profile. Well, we can't if we are not Gold Members.
I am in that boat myself. However, I discovered a way for
those without the Burger King crown status to read profiles.
It works majority of the time but all you need to do is type
in address bar:
1 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
j'ai besoin de conseils pour mon blog 5/1/2017
Bonjour à toutes et tous,
Je me décide à ouvrir un blog mais je ne connais pas encore
bien son fonctionnement ! Par exemple : je souhaiterai ouvrir un espace oû les affiens
puissent me laisser des messages sans qu'ils soient
publics, comment faire ?
Merci d'avances pour vos réponses
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
0 Votes
Préservatifs féminins( girl condoms ) 9/11/2016
Nota bien qu'il existe déjà un aticle de 2008 dans
cette rubrique le sujet me semble assez important pour
une piquure de rappel ; je l'ai également mis dans
la rubrique "safe sex"
Coucou Régulièrement je suis interrogée sue mes vidéos et
photos qui ne montrent aucune protection Selon leur tempérament
ces messieurs s'en inquiètent ou en salivent. Je
leur ai toujours répondu ...
3 Commentaires, 107 Consultations,
9 Votes
,5.56 Score |
fini MI gratuit 1/8/2016
bonjour je vous contacte pour savoir si se qui m'arrive est
normal ? depuis un mois je peux plus envoyer de message instantanée
sans être prélevé d'un poins et pour regarder les
cam des membres 20 points je veux savoir si c'est une arnaque ou c'est comme
ça pour tout le monde cordialement
2 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
les 5 message gratuites 10/7/2016
bonjour je ne me suis pas connecter depuis un mois ou deux
et aujourd'hui surprise j'ai plus la possibilité
de contacter personne par ce que le conteur et a 0 et je me
demande si le site a supprimer cette option pour nous les
membres standard j'attend vos réponse pour ceux qui save quelque chose
pour sujet merci
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
Boite messages illisible / Messages box unreadable 6/12/2015
Bonjour, depuis plusieurs semaines Des celibataires pleins de ressources floute les messages reçus
pour les membres standards, les rendant ainsi illisibles.
Il ne sert donc à rien de devenir membre OR dans l'intention
de contacter des membres standards puisque ceux-ci ne
peuvent pas lire leurs messages ! (Voir cet article: Publicité mensongère... )
Hello, for several weeks Des celibataires pleins de ressources blurs received messages for standard
members ...
2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
4 Votes
,5.19 Score |
Comment mieux voir les photos des membres tout en étant membre standard 30/3/2015
Voici une petite astuce de geek pour voir en un peu plus grand
les photos des membres quand on est un membre standard.
Dans la messagerie instantanée ou sur la page d'accuel
d'Des celibataires pleins de ressources qui liste toutes les personnes en ligne, passé
votre souris sur une photo puis faites un clic droit, choisissez
"ouvrir l'image dans un nouvel onglet".
Dans l'url de la photo remplacez : "square"
par ...
3 Commentaires, 35 Consultations,
11 Votes
,5.41 Score |
Conseils pour déceler les faux profiles 10/2/2015
Bonjour à tous,
Je fais parti de ceux qui en ont marre des faux profiles,
ainsi que ceux qui se cachent derrière, et qui salisse
cette communauté de prenneurs de plaisirs! Alors pour ceux qui ne le savent pas encore, voilà une astuce
pour déceler si la personne en face vous ment au sujet de
ses photos: A partir du moment ou vous avez établi un échanges par
email, et que la ...
8 Commentaires, 107 Consultations,
21 Votes
,5.48 Score |
Photo 10/12/2014
Pour les photos, qu'est-ce qui est le mieux?
2 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
0 Votes
Est-ce que ca marche? 22/6/2014
Simple curiosité, car j'ai l'impression que
sans être membre or il est impossible de rencontrer qui
que se soit. Avez-vous vraiment régulièrement des rencontres
coquines et facilement?
4 Commentaires, 61 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.80 Score |
Pourquoi il me trompe et n'avoue pas 20/6/2014
Votre homme vous trompe, vous attendez patiemment qu’il
vous avoue sa faute mais jusqu’ici, sa bouche reste cousue.
Vous vous demandez si c’est normal. En fait, quel que
soit le motif, dans la plupart des cas, les infidèles se
taisent. Ils vont jusqu'à nier farouchement leurs
liaisons clandestines.
C’est vrai, vous ne faites pas partie de celles qui préfèrent
les pieux ...
0 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
2 Votes
,5.20 Score |
Quelles sont les méthodes à adopter pour faire jouir un circoncis ? 19/6/2014
Trouver ce qui l’excite : Un circoncis est plus sensible qu’un homme qui ne l’est
pas. En effet, sans le prépuce, le pénis devient plus
facile à stimuler. La première chose à faire pour faire
jouir un circoncis est de connaître son penchant sexuel.
Aime-t-il faire l’amour tendrement ? Est-ce un sadomasochiste
? Aime-t-il parler en faisant l’amour ? Préfère-t-il
faire l’amour ...
3 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.51 Score |
jouissance. 1/4/2014
salut! le meilleur moyen de rendre une femme dingue de vous
cè de la faire jouir.et pour cela il faut trouvé son deep
spot ou son point g et le tour est joué
3 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
4 Votes
Avis aux utilisatrices camerounaises de ce site 10/2/2014
Ce site est assez enervant puisqu'il n'est pas
gratuit or beaucoup d'entre vous mesdames etes des
utilisatrices gold de ce fait vous pourriez utilisez votre
statut pour permettre aux hommes camerounais d'entrer
en contact avec vous. Qu'est ce que vous en pensez????
1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.47 Score |
Avis aux utilisatrices camerounaises de ce site 10/2/2014
Ce site est assez enervant puisqu'il n'est pas
gratuit or beaucoup d'entre vous mesdames etes des
utilisatrices gold de ce fait vous pourriez utilisez votre
statut pour permettre aux hommes camerounais d'entrer
en contact avec vous. Qu'est ce que vous en pensez????
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
Statut de membre standard 10/2/2014
Il n'est pas facile d'etre membre standard sur
ce site, vous qui etes des membres gold ou vip avez vous des
conseils pour nous les membres standard? Merci d'avance
pour vos reponses.
1 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
3 Votes
,4.90 Score |
rencontres réelles 5/7/2012
Je me demande, s'il y a moyen de vraiment rencontrer
sur ce site. parfois, je reçois des clins d'oeil de
personnes, je leur envoie un mail et elles ne répondent.
S'agit-il de vraies personnes ou bien juste d'animatrice
du site???
5 Commentaires, 93 Consultations,
12 Votes
,3.86 Score |
Faut-il s'épiler le sexe ? 13/2/2012
Tout le monde en parle et même les mecs y pensent !!! S'épiler
le maillot est une pratique très répandue, avec les strings,
on peut même être amenée à en enlever beaucoup ! Mais,
faut-il aller jusqu'à s'épiler entièrement
le sexe ? Fais tourner : Partager sur Skyrock
Les poils c'est pas sale ! L'épilation totale du minou est une mode récente
due à la banalisation du porno, ...
6 Commentaires, 57 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.78 Score |
Mais pourquoi les membres de mon pays sont tous inactifs! 8/10/2011
Je ne comprends vraiment pas certains membres qui se donnent
la peine de s'inscrire pour ne plus repasser voir se
qui se passe sur leur profile. C'est vrai que dans nos
pays africains, les transactions en ligne ne sont pas assez
développer pour nous permettre de prendre des abonnements
payants mais nous pouvons tout de même animer des blogs
et des groupes et pourquoi pas tisser des réseaux où ...
1 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.51 Score |
L'efficacité du site Des celibataires pleins de ressources.com 31/8/2011
Bonsoir chères libertines, chers libertins,
Je me suis posé des questions sur l'efficacité de
ce site dans mes recherches coquines.
après plusieurs années sur ce site, j'en suis venu
à la conclusion que Des celibataires pleins de ressources (Des celibataires pleins de ressources.com) était
restreint et peu pratique et efficace en comparaison à
d'autres sites de recherche coquine dont certains
sont gratuits.
Je vous ...
0 Commentaires, 100 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
Flexible Hetero Flexible 26/6/2010
English follow
N'ayant aucune attirance pour les Hommes je ne peu
me qualifier comme étant BI ou BI Curieux... Toutefois ayant du plaisir avec certain COUPLES dans des
moments chaud je peu me laisse aller quand l'ambiance
est bonne... donc le terme HETERO FLEXIBLE est bon pour moi !!
I never had attendance for MEN so i'm not BI or BI Curious
... How ever having fun whit ...
2 Commentaires, 48 Consultations,
0 Votes
Kama Sutra - Position d'Andromaque 3/12/2009
Aujourd’hui les sexologues conseillent cette position
à tous les "apprentis-amoureux", aussi bien
aux femmes qui désirent découvrir l’orgasme pendant la
pénétration, qu’aux hommes qui veulent apprendre à maîtriser
leur éjaculation.
Une femme qui ne parvient pas à l’orgasme lors du rapport
peut choisir de caresser son clitoris. Attouchements ...
10 Commentaires, 264 Consultations,
42 Votes
,6.16 Score |
Suis-je invisible ? 28/11/2009
Bonjour, Je suis inscrit ici depuis plusieurs mois, et j'ai
déjà essayé de contacter une cinquantaine de membres.
Ce qui me surprend beaucoup, c'est que non seulement
je n'ai pas beaucoup de réponses, mais que presque
personne ne consulte mon profil. Pourtant, mon profil
est ouvert aux membres standard, et je prends bien la peine
de le préciser dans chaque mail que j'envoie. Quelqu'un ...
5 Commentaires, 96 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.51 Score |
photo ! 31/1/2009
pourquoi ? nous les mecs ont montre plus facilement nos
bites que tout notre corps !moi je montre tout méme mes petites
rondeur car j'en ai pas honte ! nul n'est parfait
! les femmes ne s'arrete pas qu'a une zone de notre
corps , elles jugent l'ensemble !
2 Commentaires, 47 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.37 Score |
improve your oral sex 19/10/2008
Okay this can be a very touchy subject. So I am going to try
to help both men and women in getting more oral sex on both
This is for the girls. Now I know you get times were a guy does
not like giving oral sex. I personally love it because a
girl getting turned on gets me turned on, But anyways here
are some tricks you can use on us to give more oral pleasure.
But to be honest you ...
0 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
3 Votes
même les boudins sont virtuels 3/9/2008
depuis 2 mois j'adresse des emails, je ne sais pas s'ils
arrivent à leur destinataire et pourtant j'ai choisi
des boudins qui comme 80% des membres n'excistent
que sur l'ordinateur. Passion.com revendique 23 000 000 de membres ce qui est
totalement faux. Un membre doit être quelqu'un qui
paye pour être exposé hors ce n'est pas le cas Passion.com est un piège à CON
7 Commentaires, 167 Consultations,
18 Votes
Manque d'informations 19/8/2008
Bonjour à ceux qui voudront bien me lire,
A ce jour, il existe encore beaucoup de zones d'ombre
sur le fait d'être en fauteuil roulant.
Il s'agit d'une situation dont on ne parle pas
souvent et qui a pour conséquence un réel manque d'informations
Dans ce cas présent, comment démontrer qu'il est toujours
possible de satisfaire une femme dans une relation intime
1 Commentaires, 48 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Nouveau contact puis plus de nouvelles ? 8/8/2008
Nous avons eu un nouveau message d'une femme qui recherché
un couple
Apres 5 messages, nous lui avons donné nos adresses msm.
Apres 10 minutes, notre nouveau contact nous dit coucou, nous répondont.
Quelques instant plustard, elle ouvre sa cam, nous la regardons,
elle nous envoie quelques message coquin, nous montre
sa poitrine (plantureuse), se touche les tétons, ...
7 Commentaires, 254 Consultations,
16 Votes
,1.95 Score |
déception 10/5/2008
bonjour, je voudrais savoir si les femmes sont souven,
t decues la prmiere fois plus que les hommes ...
1 Commentaires, 51 Consultations,
6 Votes
le bondage comme un art 29/4/2008
Le bondage (du verbe anglais to bind, lier) est une pratique
érotique qui consiste à contraindre, à l'aide de cordes,
le corps de son (sa) partenaire, dans sa totalité ou en partie.
Si le vrai bondage se fait à l'aide de cordes, il peut
également se faire à l'aide de bandes adhésives, de
lanières, de chaînes, ou de tout autre ustensile apte à
exercer une emprise sur la ou les ...
6 Commentaires, 70 Consultations,
10 Votes
,0.60 Score |
Dix raisons pour justifier de faire l'amour 21/4/2008
1. Le sexe est un beau traitement. Des tests scientifiques
prouvent que lorsqu'une femme fait l'amour,
elle produit un certain degré d'hormones estrogène,
ce qui lui donne des cheveux luisants et une peau douce.
2. Faire l'amour doucement et tendrement réduit les
problèmes de peau, les démangeaisons et grains de beauté.
La sueur produite nettoie les pores et rend votre peau ...
1 Commentaires, 33 Consultations,
5 Votes
,0.86 Score |
vive la vie 6/2/2008
Hier soir, en sortant du bureau, me dirigeant vers la salle
de sport, j'ai vécu un événement terrible. Sur la route,
au volant de ma voiture, je roulais doucement à l'écoute
des infos inlassablement débitée par la radio. Un camion
porte conteneur sur l'autre chausée attirait mon
attention, je le voyais dériver doucement et ne pouvais
détacher mon regard. Soudain, il dévie complétement ...
0 Commentaires, 38 Consultations,
2 Votes
,5.20 Score |
sodomie 28/1/2008
conseil pour tout le monde, l'analingus est la methode
la plus efficace avant une sodomie afin que votre partenaire
ne ressente aucune douleur, evidemment cela prend du temps
mais kelle plaisir
1 Commentaires, 139 Consultations,
9 Votes
,0.43 Score |
accessoires : cockring 29/12/2007
Voilà, je suis très excité par les cockring... J'en
ai un ou deux, mais je voudrais discuter avec quelque expert
sur ce sujet...
2 Commentaires, 87 Consultations,
7 Votes
EJAC IN ou OUT ??? 22/11/2007
Vous les Femmes ;o) vous preferez que votre mec reste dedans au moment de l'ejaculation
Qu'il sorte ? pour finir sur les seins les fesses ????
OU c variable ???
Merci pour vos reponses
1 Commentaires, 142 Consultations,
10 Votes
,1.39 Score |
Bon j'avoue que j'adore cette position et que
forcement j'en abuse ......
j'essaie pourtant de varier .... Mais j'y reviens toujours ...
J'ai un peu peur qu'a la longue ça lasse ma partenaire
qui pourtant adore ....
Qu'en pensez vous ??
2 Commentaires, 45 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
Des celibataires pleins de ressources & MAC 22/11/2007
j'ai pas mal de problemes pour diffuser ma webcam sur
MAC Plantage du navigateur des que je diffuse ...
QQ a une solution ??
2 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
6 Votes
hommes, femmes et sextoys 17/9/2007
J'aimerais savoir, si les femmes qui utilisent des
gods aiment l'utiliser avec leur partenaires et sodomisez-vous
votre homme avec ??? Aimez vous cela ???? Lui ????
Moi, j'aimerais bien essayer, mais je n'ai trouvé
3 Commentaires, 150 Consultations,
15 Votes
,5.27 Score |
Quelles attentes pour un premier message ? 14/9/2007
Bonsoir à tous et à toutes,
Je suis passé membre argent dernièrement afin de pouvoir
enfin envoyer des messages. Ce que j'ai fait à quelques reprises, joignant avec
les derniers une photo en me disant que cela importait sans
doute même aux jeunes femmes n'en ayant pas mise non
Et comme beaucoup apparemment je n'ai pas encore de
réponse. Même si je préfèrerais ...
3 Commentaires, 214 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.14 Score |
prot間ez-vous ! 3/5/2007
n'oubliez pas le préservatif, prenez les à la fraise,
hmmmmmm c'est bon
1 Commentaires, 42 Consultations,
3 Votes
Conseil pour les débutant(e)s en Sodomie 12/1/2007
moi j'suis bi alors j'vais m'permettre de
donner mon avis.
Alors le lubrifiant en exces au debut c primordial, meme
si ca pose un probleme d'echappement en cas d'aller
venu de trop grande amplitude
Etant docteur j'dirai qu'en principe tout le
monde a la meme configuration du rectum, mais ca depend
bcp (transit, taille prostate/uterus et donc periode
menstruelle ...
4 Commentaires, 460 Consultations,
9 Votes
,6.42 Score |
sois sage... 25/12/2006
sois sage mais jouis, la vie est si courte... tu sors couvert
et tu profites...
2 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
soyez heureux... 25/12/2006
et si la masturbation vous soulage ne quitter pas ce site...
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
1 Votes
comme moi... 25/12/2006
Soyeux voyeurs soyez exhibitionnistes, le piment nous
aide et nous exite...
1 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
1 Votes
sex i is sex 16/11/2006
j'adore sex mais j'ai besois une partenaire
0 Commentaires, 99 Consultations,
2 Votes
,0.34 Score |
il fo ce protégé!! 1/11/2006
Il fo ce protégé excusé du coté moraliste de mon acte mé il
né jamis assez di kil fo ce protogé alors sortez tous couver!!!!
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
il faut toujours bien manger!!! 8/9/2006
n'oubliez jamiais qu'il faut bien manger et ne
jamais sauter de repas!!!!c'est tres important pour
la forme physique!!!!
1 Commentaires, 52 Consultations,
2 Votes
toujours le preservatif!! 8/9/2006
salut a tous n'oubliez pas de vous couvrir le soir manteau, couverture, bonnet, et
preservatif!!!!tres important!!!!
3 Commentaires, 63 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.77 Score |
pfff 28/8/2006
le seul conseil: aime-toi d'abord, et ensuite, seuleument
ensuite l'autre t'aimera...
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
0 Votes
Tu cherches peut-être trop 3/8/2006
Tu sais dans la vie quelques fois les choses arrivent sans
qu'on les ait cherchées. Tu dois faire confiance en
la vie et tu trouveras surement ce que tu cherches. Bonne
route mon beau.
4 Commentaires, 945 Consultations,
49 Votes
,3.71 Score |
Sodomie 22/7/2006
Bonjour à toutes et à tous,
Ma petite amie souhaite essayer la sodomie mais je n'ai
jamais pratiqué cela et ne sais trop comment y prendre...
De plus je ne vois pas comment elle pourrait avoir d'orgasme
(excepté si je la caresse en même temps...).
Pourriez vous me donner des conseils afin que cela se passe
bien et que je ne la fasse pas souffrir ?
Merci d'avance.
2 Commentaires, 349 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.51 Score |
comment faire apprécier la sodomie ?? 20/6/2006
que faire pour faire apprécier la sodomie à une
qui garde un mauvais souvenir de sa seule fois?
( methode, paroles, matériels... )
2 Commentaires, 347 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.37 Score |
Or ou argent??? 12/6/2006
Quelle abonnememnt choisir entre l'or et l'argent
les deux semblent plutot similaire 4000 points pour l'or
soit pratiquement tous les points durement gagnés ou l'argent
a 2200 points pratiquement la moitier.
Alors je m'adresse a ceux qui on deja souscrit un de
ces abonnements pour avoir leur avis.
Qu'elle est vraiement la difference entre or et argent?
Est ce important d'avoir l'adresse ...
1 Commentaires, 101 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
Vaincre sa peur! 12/6/2006
Ca y est, un premier rendez-vous! La peur au ventre et au
dernier moment je n'ai pas pu traverser la rue pour
y rejoindre et j'ai filais tout droit.
Depuis je ne suis plus rentré en contact avec cette personne...
Aie, pas bien
2 Commentaires, 243 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.69 Score |
1er sodomie 12/6/2006
La sodomie, pour ceux qui pourraient l'ignorer ;o),
est l'introduction du sexe de l'homme en erection,
le conduit anal. La sodomie est de plus en plus pratiquée
: le plaisir semble l'emporter largement
sur les tabous... Il faut savoir que l'anus, richement
innervé, constitue une zone érogène importante
et peut provoquer lors d'une stimulation, ou de la
pénétration, de ...
0 Commentaires, 86 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.80 Score |
Premières rencontres 7/6/2006
Bonjour à ... surtout
toutes, et tous.
Nous sommes tout fraîchements inscrits sur ce site et nous
posons quelques questions.
Quelles sont les attitudes à adopter lors de premières
rencontres à trois?
Les partenaires féminines ne s'interposent-elles
pas dans la vie de couple?
Devons-nous faire beaucoup de rencontres et ...
0 Commentaires, 48 Consultations,
0 Votes
pas facile 6/6/2006
Il n'est pas facile de se construire une bonne relation
si au premier contact se laissent aller par cette ivresse
Certains cherchent une relation solide et serieuse donc
se reservent du premier coup de se laisser emporter par
cette folie dite (Au premier venu, je lui donnerai tout
sans me soucier du reste). Ils prennent leur temps, analysent
tous les ...
2 Commentaires, 100 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.01 Score |
essaie 15/5/2006
essaie somple
0 Commentaires, 37 Consultations,
1 Votes
conseil 7/5/2006
Laisser faire les conseils, les gens sont apte à prendre
leurs propre décisions!
0 Commentaires, 62 Consultations,
1 Votes
Truc "contact" pour membre standard 21/4/2006
Certes, on ne peut pas contacter les autres, mais on peut
faire en sorte d'être contactable, en associant une
adresse mail à son "titre d’introduction".
Pensez à remplacer le signe arobace par "AT"
sinon le systeme supprime l'adresse automatiquement.
On se crée des adresses mail temporaires
1 Commentaires, 243 Consultations,
9 Votes
,5.35 Score |
Petit conseil demandé sur la sodomie 7/4/2006
Bonjour, j'espère que je ne vous ennuyerai pas trop
avec cette demande de conseil...
Ma petite amie veut s'essayer à la sodomie. Pour ma
part je suis pas très enthousiaste mais elle insiste.
J'ai envie de lui faire plaisir mais pas de lui faire
N'ayant aucune expérience en la matière, pourriez-vous
me donner quelques astuces pour que cela se passe bien s'il
vous ...
3 Commentaires, 512 Consultations,
11 Votes
,4.48 Score |
pipe 22/3/2006
L'art de la fellation consiste à combiner harmonieusement
l'action de la langue et des lèvres tout en faisant
oublier l'existance des dents... C'est pas beau
2 Commentaires, 349 Consultations,
13 Votes
,2.98 Score |
Je cherche toujours... 15/3/2006
Bonjour. - Je suis sur ce site depuis plus d'une semaine,
j'y passe plusieurs heures chaque jour, mais je n'ai
pas eu, moi non plus, le moindre contact. On dit parfois
que certaines jeunes femmes recherchent les "tempes
poivre et sel", mais je constate que ce n'est
pas le cas. J'admets facilement tous les goûts en matière
de rencontre, mais quelqu'un peut-il me dire comment
augmenter mes ...
3 Commentaires, 202 Consultations,
8 Votes
,4.17 Score |
la vie est dur!!loll 14/3/2006
bonjour ou bonsoir a tous ceux qui vont venir lire ou repondre
a ma question!!ca fait quelques jours que je suis inscrit
sur ce site en tant que membre standard...etje n arrive
pas a dial avec l alphapage??soit je suis nul je sait pas
comment il faut faire, soit ce site est plein d habitues
et les nouveaux ont du mal a ce faire une place?aidez moi
please....pourtant j ai trouve quelques ...
0 Commentaires, 63 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
Les dangers du net 1/3/2006
Attention aux âmes sensibles et autres fleurs bleues.
Il est bon de rappeler que beaucoup de gens sur ce site arrivent
plus à faire la part des choses que d'autres. En effet,
dans le dial, il peut naître une complicité qui pour l'un
passe pour du divertissement mais pour l'autre va
engendrer des sentiments irréversibles.
Alors mesdames, messieurs, ne jouez pas trop avec la ...
2 Commentaires, 344 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.31 Score |
ejaculation précoce 18/2/2006
bonjour àtoutes et à tous.
je souffre d'un rrl probleme qu'est l'éjaculation
précoce.Quelque soit soit la fréquence des rapports, je
n'arrive pas à maitriser ou plutot retarder mon éjaculation, sans
que ça rende le rapport désagréable.Le rapport est devenu
cauchemardesque, alors que c'est du plaisir avant
5 Commentaires, 789 Consultations,
16 Votes
,3.57 Score |
l'instint 9/2/2006
Se fier a son instint est parfois nécessaire en amour?
Parler avec son coeur et laisser l'instint prendre
le dessus sur tous les bons ou mauvais conseils qu'on
a pu entendre.
Il est parfois bon de se faire sa propre opignon basée sur
ses experiences personnelles.
Avez vous des anecdote a partager comment savoir faire
les bon choix lorsqu'on hesite qui écouté et quel conseils
éviter ...
5 Commentaires, 902 Consultations,
32 Votes
,1.64 Score |
sexe 17/11/2005
certaine me demande de leurs lecher l'anus or
moi je n'aime pas ca( je trouv eca deguellasse) mais
c leurs fantasme et comme n'importe kel homme j'aime
donner du plaisir a ma partenaire
est ce que je dois le faire ou pas?
donner moi vos avis!
2 Commentaires, 372 Consultations,
15 Votes
,4.51 Score |
la branlette indispensable 6/9/2005
toujour ce faire la tite branlette avant un rendez vous
hard. Afin de ne pas lacher trop tot
6 Commentaires, 1510 Consultations,
100 Votes
les rencontres 26/8/2005
Des celibataires pleins de ressources c'est bien pour les rencontres mais ne baser pas
votre vie dessus sortez recontrer des gens et vous verez
vous ne serez pas seul tres longtemps et surtout pour que
cela marche osez ! osez la vie !!!
1 Commentaires, 923 Consultations,
62 Votes
,1.87 Score |
69 27/5/2005
ma copine trouve que c'est sale de faire un 69 car on
voit les fesses. comment je pourrait faire pour qu'elle
dise oui?
6 Commentaires, 284 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.65 Score |
Le SPEED DATING - La dernière Invention de l'homme? 1/3/2005
Le Speed dating est la plus recente invention de l'homme
pour se rencontrer.
En effet, autrefois on faisait des annonces voie presse
écrite, ensuite l'homme a utilisé les moyens du telephone
avec sa messagerie vocale, on un moment passé par l'internet
surfant sur la vague de l'internet.
Aujourd'hui pour faire , encore plus vite que ...
2 Commentaires, 421 Consultations,
25 Votes
,1.80 Score |
cg29 18/2/2005
le conseil général du maine et loire se situe rue samantha
ébéyé dans le nord est de brest, près de la vieille citadelle.
on y rentre pas, et ceux qui vivent là on jeté la clé.
enfin bon, c'est ça qu'euj dis.
0 Commentaires, 30 Consultations,
1 Votes
amour 5/1/2005
Pour avoir une bonne satisfaction sexuel, il ne faut pas
penser à autre chose que le sexe (jouissance); et non aux
problèmes de toute sorte.
3 Commentaires, 454 Consultations,
47 Votes
,1.33 Score |
MATCH 20/7/2004
0 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
scammers using AM instead of i'm or i am true sign 31/12/2022
anyone else come across this . instead of I am or I'm
they say . am looking or am here... most likely someone who
does not know proper english. 100% of the time on my end..
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
0 Votes
As a black male total bottom. Have any masculine black male top like to fuck passionately 8/10/2022
As a black male bottom here in St. Louis, MO. The style I like
being fucked is passionately while laying on my stomach.
I want a masculine black male brotha top who takes his time
for a long time when fucking me. 30 minutes up to 1 hour and
longer. I want to feel his black dick throbbing in my ass.
Best of all black men. I want you to use your black dick to
play in my ass for a long time and ...
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
0 Votes
How to make Long distance relationships work 9/9/2022
Effective communication is essential when it comes to
a successful long-distance relationship. Not just how
and what you communicate, but when you do it, too. It helps
to establish some sort of schedule when it comes to communication,
and although routine might not sound romantic, it can play
an important part. Most of us feel secure with routine;
it reassures us to know that something's ...
1 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
humour: 5Dating Tips For Guys 5/9/2022
Ever feel like you're losing in love? Can't ever
get past the first date? Do women give you fake numbers or
simply leave half way through a date when you've gone
off to the restroom? Well, it's time for your luck to
change my friend! Follow these simple dating tips to help
ensure that your love life is everything you ever wanted
it to be. <br><br>
1. You are what you ...
1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
Single Men Over 50: 5 Ways to Find the Right Woman 4/9/2022
1) Look within your age group. You may think this is the time
to find yourself a hot beach bunny, but remember the downside:
she wants you for the security you represent, the places
you can take her and the things you will buy. She will create
a lot of drama in your life and may be looking to trade-up
to your wealthier friends or someone younger. For a while
it may be fun to try and keep up with ...
2 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
The Average Guy's Guide to Beautiful Women 4/9/2022
Why didn't you say anything to her?" I asked my
friend. "She's just too pretty, " he replied with
defeat. <br><br>
It's a recognized phenomenon that most men who consider
themselves "average" have a difficult time
approaching, much less talking to, women they consider
"beautiful." "She's too pretty, "
"I'm not good ...
1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
Why don’t I have luck in here!! 2/5/2022
Please you you have any pointers , I will definitely my best
to get the best advice I could to have some fun
0 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
0 Votes
Pareo 23/10/2021
I recommend that women of all ages and body types consider
wearing a pareo at home and at special gatherings. The pareo
originated in Tahiti, and is a rectangular piece of cloth
that can be worn as a skirt, or as a full-length sarong. It
is easy to put on and remove, but takes a practice
the first few times you wear it. I prefer to wear the large
pareos tied just above my breasts either ...
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
0 Votes
Shaving down below 14/5/2021
Looking for advice on how to get the smooth look down below.
0 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
0 Votes
Get Vaccinated! 13/5/2021
If you live in a country where you can get the COVID-19 vaccine,
GET IT! <br><br>
Safe sex doesn't just mean condoms or making sure you're
tested for STIs, it also means being safeguarded from something
that can kill you and the person you're with. <br><br>
Be safe, get vaccinated. <br><br>
Then have tones of sex given you also got tested. ...
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
0 Votes
Des celibataires pleins de ressources Instant Messenger is broken - Don't buy more points 6/5/2021
Currently running into an issue where I have enough
to chat, but am being told to buy more . I have check
different browsers, cleared history/cache, but it's
the same issue. <br><br>
So my advice is use other apps to message people if possible.
You could save more money if you just put your usernames's
in the description of your profile at the start. ...
1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
2 Votes
,5.20 Score |
great saying 8/2/2021
A spoonful of honey will catch more flies than a gallon of
1 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
Accidental exposure 15/1/2021
Several years ago during a trip to the beach my wife was exposed
more than once. She never knew and I didn't tell her.
Nothing like that had ever happened to us before. The first
time she was laying on the balcony nude tanning, I'd
covered the railing with sheets for privacy but soon noticed
three college boys one floor up looking down watching.
I was shocked to found myself aroused and ...
2 Commentaires, 99 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
Suggestions for pics video 31/12/2020
I am looking for suggestions for pictures or videos to do.
All reasonable suggestions will be considered. Thanks
in advance for fueling my voyeurism
0 Commentaires, 26 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
Fake accounts to earn points and gold 17/12/2020
I think it's becoming more common on here now that women
who are too good to be true are popping up. The more you dig
into it, you get that funny feeling something isn't
right. It's not they don't respond to your messages,
it's that something isn't sitting right when
you look at their accounts. <br><br>
Then it hits you! <br><br>
It's a fake ...
3 Commentaires, 53 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
Patience is a virtue 25/11/2020
Whew! Where to begin? I've only been a member for a short
period of time (Standard member) & i have begun to notice
an "air of impatience" coming from some members
on here.....specifically GOLD members. I thought it was
common knowledge that Standard members cannot fully view
profiles, cannot read e-mail & can only chat in IM if
they pay the points? That being said, ...
3 Commentaires, 63 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
buy me a drink? give me points? 18/11/2020
it is expected for a man to offer to buy a woman a drink if they
meet in a bar. why is it so hard for a man to accept the idea
of giving a few points when he invites a woman to chat? <br><br>
I'm not talking about a lot of points, just enough to
replace what she has to use in order to chat. <br><br>
really is that too much to ask?
4 Commentaires, 48 Consultations,
9 Votes
,1.93 Score |
point accumulation 14/11/2020
what is the easy way to achieve an abundance of points here
5 Commentaires, 53 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.00 Score |
How to date older? 15/9/2020
so I have a crush on this older woman yet she constantly says
I'm to young but we talk often. I'm trying to figure
out how to get her to say yes to going out any suggestions?
3 Commentaires, 53 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
No Reply to IM - No Points * Keine Antwort auf IM - Keine Punkte 30/8/2020
Sorry - Entschuldige bitte: As it is not sure - Da es nicht sicher ist Whether this post will be visible in English - Ob dieser
Beitrag in Deutsch sichtbar wird I decided to use both languages - versuche ich es mit
beiden Sprachen <br><br>
Can't reply to IM. No . Des celibataires pleins de ressources making
it harder for standard members to chat on IM. My apologies.
Ich kann auf ...
4 Commentaires, 26 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
What sexy lingerie to buy? Help me find the perfect piece 25/7/2020
What sexy lingerie to buy Help me find the perfect one...
10 Commentaires, 92 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.92 Score |
Sex 9/6/2020
I am very exhibitionist look my images, I like look very
people, I like sex in public whit public, look my show
public and use my images...
9 Commentaires, 148 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
This on here are worse in 2020 and you're all being suckered into it! 6/6/2020
Des celibataires pleins de ressources is no worse in 2020! <br><br>
This isn't up for debate, it simply is worse than ever.
More features have been blocked or removed. <br><br>
Pay wall for using Des celibataires pleins de ressources has gone up despite more people being
out of work. <br><br>
The Instant Messenger, which use to be free to use, then
3 free chats, then 10 points chats, is now 15 points ...
1 Commentaires, 36 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.57 Score |
looking but no chat 10/5/2020
I have a few members on here that look at my profile every
time I get on. I IM and E mail them and no reply. <br><br>
You can check this out in E mail under pending convos. got
some that are months old and they are gold members. I know
that standards can't e mail or view my whole profile
unless they pay the 3 bucks. <br><br>
Am I being a real asshole if I block them ...
7 Commentaires, 68 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.94 Score |
From Johns Hopkins Hospital.... The following is from Irene Ken physician, whose daughter
is an Asst. Prof in infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins
University, quite informative. <br><br>
* The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule
(DNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which,
when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal
mucosa, changes their ...
9 Commentaires, 85 Consultations,
11 Votes
,5.60 Score |
From Johns Hopkins Hospital.... The following is from Irene Ken physician, whose daughter
is an Asst. Prof in infectious diseases at Johns Hopkins
University, quite informative. <br><br>
* The virus is not a living organism, but a protein molecule
(DNA) covered by a protective layer of lipid (fat), which,
when absorbed by the cells of the ocular, nasal or buccal
mucosa, changes their ...
2 Commentaires, 35 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
too much virus hype 15/3/2020
all this media hype is making people crazy. <br><br>
I know this is real and should not be taken lightly. <br><br>
BUT........we just had report of 6 confirmed cases in a
town of about 24000 and every factory and a high percentage
of businesses are closing. <br><br>
most schools in state have closed for at least the next two
weeks. <br><br> ...
4 Commentaires, 53 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.62 Score |
POOR EMAIL & IM INTRODUCTIONS and why you should place effort in making them better! 5/3/2020
Lifestyle BLOG posting from a couple with a psychology
degree in human behavioral studies and a former professional
dating coach. <br><br>
We have written our blog posts truly hoping make this community
a better place through teaching others how offer quality
communication, interaction, and increasing the skills
necessary to be successful. <br><br>
A great way to have more ...
9 Commentaires, 102 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Help 4/3/2020
I need help some ice breakers to help introduce myself to
people I tend bebshy alot. How should I start a conversatio
4 Commentaires, 40 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
dressing like a slut 4/3/2020
I think we all like to dress like a slut but there are times
when we should hold back. like wearing too short a mini skirt while wearing crotchless
bodystockings to an office party. <br><br>
I wore that to an office christmas party. all was fine I l
ooked sexy but no one knew it was body stocking or that it
was crotchelss untill I went to the bathroom. <br><br>
I had a few ...
5 Commentaires, 111 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.92 Score |
power to the women 4/3/2020
women drive this site <br><br>
I am not happy with things right now <br><br>
if we want things to change we need to stop playing by the
"new" rules <br><br>
I for one am going to stay off site for the rest of this month
I'll return to see if anything has changed after that
and if not I think I'll start looking for a ...
3 Commentaires, 39 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Best way to connect ? 1/3/2020
Tell me about your experiance on this site and what you think
is a best way to talk to people
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
feeling not goodenough 27/2/2020
do any other women feel out of place posting nudes or going
on cam cuz theire body aint perfect
2 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.47 Score |
Outdoor play is fun! 25/2/2020
Have you tried outdoor play? It can be a challenge and hard
to do but I find it very thrilling. The beach can be messy
but I love the idea. Pool play is fun too, bonus if there is
other adults around that dont notice. Playing in the
woods is fun too but without risk, not as thrilling but still
feels good to be outdoors.
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Older women for younger guys 23/2/2020
So I’m trying to work my magic and fuck this beautiful
older woman but she’s playing hard to get. What can I do
to help my case?? Anything??
5 Commentaires, 49 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
Sexless Marriages 14/2/2020
Sexless Marriages How do you or I or anyone survive a sexless marriage? is cheating
and going on Des celibataires pleins de ressources the solution? When counseling
and multiple talks do nothing change the libido or attitudes of the low libido partner. What is one do? You do not want leave
your partner, but they are never satisfying needs you have.
What is the logical next step divorce? just cause they are
not as ...
5 Commentaires, 74 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.82 Score |
Sexless Marriages 14/2/2020
Sexless Marriages How do you or I or anyone survive a sexless marriage? is cheating
and going on Des celibataires pleins de ressources the solution? When counseling
and multiple talks do nothing change the libido or attitudes of the low libido partner. What is one do? You do not want leave
your partner, but they are never satisfying needs you have.
What is the logical next step divorce? just cause they are
not as ...
3 Commentaires, 34 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
Now they’re 10/2/2020
Banning comments and posts that mention the use of a certain
currency that the site makes you use for chatting. I’ve
had gold and it’s not really worth it in my area so sucks
to see they’re pushing standard away
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
Now they’re 10/2/2020
Banning comments and posts that mention the use of a certain
currency that the site makes you use for chatting. I’ve
had gold and it’s not really worth it in my area so sucks
to see they’re pushing standard away
2 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
0 Votes
Whats the difference between a magazine post and a blog post? 5/2/2020
Trying to figure out what is different about the different
community sections on this site.
3 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
Kik 5/2/2020
Is there an alternative app to kik since it lost its video
chat capability?
2 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
improving ejaculate 2/2/2020
I have a friend that can cum like a porn star. I mean shoot
with lots of force and also shoots huge loads..........maybe
5-6 times as much as any other I've been with before.
My question is there anyone that can recommend a diet or
supplement that can improve things ??? <br><br>
Was told by one man that diet can improve the taste........that's
good too.
8 Commentaires, 130 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.65 Score |
What are other sites you like? 29/1/2020
What other sites do you like? I used dating sites but too
many games on them. What do you like? Tell me your story!
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
0 Votes
Ice breakers 27/1/2020
As a somewhat shy and reserved person in public I’m looking
for ideas on how to start conversations with strangers.
Anyone have a good opener or ice breaker that isn’t played
out cliche or the kind of ridiculous over the top sort of
thing that take a certain panache that I probably don’t
have? Curious.
1 Commentaires, 26 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Ice breakers 27/1/2020
As a somewhat shy and reserved person in public I’m looking
for ideas on how to start conversations with strangers.
Anyone have a good opener or ice breaker that isn’t played
out cliche or the kind of ridiculous over the top sort of
thing that take a certain panache that I probably don’t
have? Curious.
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
We have NO no issue with the MRS inviting whomever she wants
"hang " with or meet. <br><br>
However, she may sincerely appreciate a personality and
find interest and commonality but she finds the least attraction
blonde/redheaded white men and African American, Indian
and Asian <br><br>
- -just does not find these men sexually appealing-- BUT
we have many ...
5 Commentaires, 50 Consultations,
19 Votes
,3.12 Score |
SELFIES SUCK! - Take a normal picture for your profile 19/1/2020
Lifestyle BLOG posting from Couple with a psychology degree
in human behavioral studies and a former professional
dating coach. <br><br>
We see almost every profile including couples profiles
with SELFIES posted as main pics. <br><br>
This trend is TERRIBLE.....and its NOT doing you any good!
You should always have some one else ...
1 Commentaires, 30 Consultations,
10 Votes
,1.39 Score |
SELFIES SUCK! - Take a normal picture for your profile 19/1/2020
Lifestyle BLOG posting from Couple with a psychology degree
in human behavioral studies and a former professional
dating coach. <br><br>
We see almost every profile including couples profiles
with SELFIES posted as main pics. <br><br>
This trend is TERRIBLE.....and its NOT doing you any good!
You should always have some one else ...
2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.71 Score |
How to write a QUALITY profile 19/1/2020
We always see the same descriptions and profiles. <br><br>
"We want to meet people like us" or " We
want to add spice" , or "We joined to explore
our sexuality" <br><br>
we see these statements along with a one sentence description
and ...
5 Commentaires, 57 Consultations,
14 Votes
,4.26 Score |
ONLINE DATING PROFILES and STRIKING Similarities with Sales Marketing 19/1/2020
Lifestyle BLOG posting from a with a psychology degree
in human behavioral studies and a former professional
coach. <br><br>
We have written some blog posts truly hoping make this community
a better place through teaching others how offer quality
communication, interaction, and increasing the skills
necessary be successful creating a quality profile meet
more people. ...
0 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.43 Score |
IM 18/1/2020
Is there any sure way to know that IM is working instead of
always wasting
2 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
14 Votes
,4.26 Score |
Do you meet locals or go a few cities away? 17/1/2020
So on here, do you meet locals or go a few more miles out? I
dont always want to run in to people at my favorite stores
because it can get strange. Some times its good to connect
but I am not sure. How about ya'll?
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Posting for points 16/1/2020
They raised the chat to and I let my gold run so here
I am
5 Commentaires, 34 Consultations,
15 Votes
,3.59 Score |
Points 16/1/2020
Yup, just one of those I need posts
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.79 Score |
Points 16/1/2020
Yup, just one of those I need points posts
3 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.55 Score |
What’s the main thing I need to do in order to get more replies? 16/1/2020
I know I need to upload a photo so that much is clear but I need
to know what else is needed? Anyone have some suggestions?
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
Sleepnosis - Rokudan0013 15/1/2020
This is meant as article only you are use this material
at your own judgment any affects negative or positive occurrence
are the result of the reader's ability apply what
is offered here. The author is not be held responsible
for any outcome. <br><br>
Many women complain that intimacy, sex is dead in their
marriage. This is also true of man who go in search of sex
with others. ...
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
Sleepnosis - Rokudan0013 15/1/2020
This is meant as article only you are use this material
at your own judgment any affects negative or positive occurrence
are the result of the reader's ability apply what
is offered here. The author is not be held responsible
for any outcome. <br><br>
Many women complain that intimacy, sex is dead in their
marriage. This is also true of man who go in search of sex
with others. ...
1 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
Best way to meet? 15/1/2020
How do you think the best way meet is? Phone? Public? What
0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.49 Score |
New to meeting 14/1/2020
Divorced and interested in meeting ladies, does anyone
have any advice on meeting from online? New online never
met anyone like this. Thanks
1 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Where to find your FWB? 14/1/2020
Been on Des celibataires pleins de ressources for several months now, along with every other
site that promises free, easy hookups. How many hookups
have I found? ZERO. What gives? Where can you actually meet potential FWB or
hookups in a discreet way? Options: Des celibataires pleins de ressources adult chat Tinder or similar app local brew pub (practice your pickup lines) Starbucks (also, pickup lines) Hangouts / Skype Tried all of the ...
4 Commentaires, 72 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.99 Score |
Pictures 13/1/2020
Do women really like.to get sick pics?
2 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.78 Score |
Are you seeing multiple people 13/1/2020
I think it's better to see on person at a time because
once you start seeing more than one person, it can spiral
out of control quickly. 2 than 3 than 4, where and how does
it end?
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
Trying to start Initial conversation via IM 13/1/2020
What is the best way to start a conversation via IM with a
woman on here?
0 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
11 Votes
,3.54 Score |
Another silly post 13/1/2020
for points
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
Point 12/1/2020
My is I need so sorry about this
0 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.71 Score |
How to get points: 11/1/2020
Writing articles is an excellent way to earn points on Des celibataires pleins de ressources
3 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.71 Score |
How to get points: 11/1/2020
Writing articles is an excellent way to earn points on Des celibataires pleins de ressources
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.65 Score |
Does this work 11/1/2020
To get extra ?
0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.30 Score |
Be open-minded 10/1/2020
I live with the motto of you never know what's going
to happen tomorrow so have fun anytime you can because you
live once
2 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
8 Votes
,4.64 Score |
Oral 8/1/2020
Do ladies like a man whos very enthusiastic about giving
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
3 Votes
,0.49 Score |
Gold members 7/1/2020
I was a Gold member a few ago and felt it was a great value
- made it much easier narrow my search and meet like minded
folks. Fast forward and now it seems that there are a wide
range of views on the value of Gold membership. <br><br>
Wanted pose the question - have things changed that much
since ago?
2 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.39 Score |
Striking Out 7/1/2020
Hey everyone, has anyone else been striking out on here?
Is there any tips or tricks you guys have
0 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.28 Score |
Improvements 7/1/2020
Not getting much luck on gets, any suggestions on stuff
I can do to help get me some haha
0 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.79 Score |
Beat way to meet swingers in public 6/1/2020
Any help from long time swingers on ways make a first impression?
0 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.51 Score |
Any way to tell an Des celibataires pleins de ressources member in public? 6/1/2020
Mainly for points but interesting to see if there is a way?
5 Commentaires, 29 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.53 Score |
I advise you all 6/1/2020
to send me points..
1 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
0 Votes
I advise you all 6/1/2020
to send me points..
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Getting it 6/1/2020
No luck on getting what’s the deal.
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
3 Votes
,0.98 Score |
Getting it 6/1/2020
No luck on getting what’s the deal.
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.08 Score |
anal 5/1/2020
so perfers anal, an why do you think its better'?
3 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.21 Score |
anal 5/1/2020
so perfers anal, an why do you think its better'?
3 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
6 Votes
,0.52 Score |
points 5/1/2020
4 the points
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
5 Votes
,0.86 Score |
Connecting with people 5/1/2020
Can anyone tell me why nice guys always finish last
3 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.49 Score |
Points 4/1/2020
Just looking for more points, nothing else.
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
Creampie 2/1/2020
Creampie cleanup... yes or no?
4 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.51 Score |
Creampie 2/1/2020
Creampie cleanup... yes or no?
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
Creampie 2/1/2020
Creampie cleanup... yes or no?
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
0 Votes
Women and couples 1/1/2020
Has anyone really hooked up with a woman or couple on this
5 Commentaires, 38 Consultations,
11 Votes
,3.35 Score |
Points From Adding Articles 30/12/2019
If you are like me and are using this to gain some points,
I recommend that you do so early because it seems to take
some time for the articles to be approved, and it is just
long enough to miss out on chatting with that person you
are interested in.
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
New year 30/12/2019
What is everyone's new year's plans?
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
11 Votes
,2.42 Score |
New year 30/12/2019
What is everyone's new year's plans?
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
Points are useful - How to Earn them and spend them 29/12/2019
So, you've been on the site for more than a day,
and you're realizing a of zero or more points are listed next to your username. <br><br>
*How do I earn these points? <br><br>
This is a link to the site's page explaining
how to earn more points. Beware ...
1 Commentaires, 33 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.19 Score |
IM 29/12/2019
Does anyone else have serious trouble with IM.
5 Commentaires, 37 Consultations,
14 Votes
,5.06 Score |
[SIZE 10]Notice for new members and those with tenure[/SIZE] 29/12/2019
First off, we'd like to welcome
the new members to the site.
We hope that you find great success as measure in your own
terms. You may have created a profile on this or other sites
in the past, or you may be totally new
at this. Either way, feel free to shoot us an email,
or post in this thread ...
4 Commentaires, 34 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.39 Score |
Much success 29/12/2019
Curious to know how much of u are having success on here.
3 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.19 Score |
Points 28/12/2019
Can anyone understand why the points keep going up for messages
1 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
0 Votes
Points 26/12/2019
Points Points Points Points Points
2 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.01 Score |
Points 25/12/2019
I’m seriously just here because the website switched
this crazy point system and I need some so I can get a hook
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
Writing articles for points 25/12/2019
points writing articles for
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.12 Score |
Looking for more than one. 25/12/2019
Looking for more than one with.
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.63 Score |
never give up .. 24/12/2019
that's right .. no matter how bad it gets, and no matter
how low you feel .. just keep going out thee and battle for
more points ... <br><br>
it's worth it .. i think
4 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.06 Score |
Needing a lot 22/12/2019
more points
2 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.04 Score |
are butt blocks harmful to the anus? 21/12/2019
so ive always wondered, do women get used using but plugs
before anal is it worth the effort of using prior anal
1 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
12 Votes
,1.92 Score |
BBWS 21/12/2019
Where would I go to find a nice local older bbw for a fwbs relationship?
2 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.19 Score |
Des celibataires pleins de ressources not working for you? 20/12/2019
This site won't work for anyone doesn't
for gold membership. They have choked off every thing you
could do with a free membership.
3 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
10 Votes
,4.38 Score |
Sexless Marriages 18/12/2019
How do you or I or anyone survive a sexless marriage? is cheating
and going on Des celibataires pleins de ressources the solution? When counseling and multiple
talks do nothing change the libido or attitudes of the
low libido partner. What is one do? You do not want leave
your partner, but they are never satisfying needs you have.
What is the logical next step divorce? just cause they are
not as horny as you? is it a good ...
5 Commentaires, 37 Consultations,
10 Votes
,4.78 Score |
Need help 15/12/2019
Lol need and points getting laid points to get
2 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.30 Score |
Icebreaker 14/12/2019
What is a good icebreaker in your opinion? that works
well for you or that has caught your attention in the
3 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.14 Score |
Some tips for users 14/12/2019
I’ve found that my time on here can go in waves of a lot of
attention to mine quickly. While most of the time you find
who you want, sometimes you can get a lot of messages from
those who you don’t. So here’s my advice for those who
aren’t getting the responses they want, stop being creepy.
Just be nice! Let the intentions be known up front, and if
they don’t respond, let them go! ...
0 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.00 Score |
Looking for the perfect one 14/12/2019
What's the chance of actually meeting someone off
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.86 Score |
Points 13/12/2019
Need those points
4 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
11 Votes
,3.17 Score |
Points 13/12/2019
What the best way to earn points on here?
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.78 Score |
Weed co-op 12/12/2019
No You do the math...
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.49 Score |
more 10/12/2019
points points points points points points points points
points points points points.
4 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.94 Score |
Meeting 10/12/2019
Where do youbtake someone you met off here for a first meeting.
3 Commentaires, 26 Consultations,
14 Votes
,2.34 Score |
Anal sex 9/12/2019
I have always fantasized about a woman doing with a strap-on.
I would love to hear about guys experiences with their first
time being topped. Please comment with your experiences
1 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
9 Votes
,1.93 Score |
Bi-Curiosity 8/12/2019
I have been "Bi-Curious" for a long time now
but have never had the opportunity to move forward. One
thought was to go to a place known for hook ups just to see
but not sure. Anyone have any advice?
4 Commentaires, 43 Consultations,
16 Votes
,3.86 Score |
things i ponder 7/12/2019
in many years on this earth theres been many things I just
dont get , , like volatile personalities , or even people
are fine minute , then the next and change their
mind completely , thats a no win , either route you go is going
be wrong once the person changes their mind on ya sheesh
1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
12 Votes
,3.86 Score |
Guys liking a strap-on dont make them gay 7/12/2019
Just because my spouse loves to wear my strap-on does
not make him gay <br><br>
So when a guy ask's us what we are into and i add that to
our huge list of intrest and his response sorry I am straight
That really lets us know just what kinda person you are...
But to be truthful as a couple we have been with both men and
woman but we really ...
3 Commentaires, 45 Consultations,
17 Votes
,2.98 Score |
Best ways to lure a woman 6/12/2019
What are the best ways to lure a woman? Curious to see what
responses are out there.
7 Commentaires, 41 Consultations,
13 Votes
,3.48 Score |
Yellow snow 5/12/2019
Don't eat it.
1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.06 Score |
what's up with points?q\ 5/12/2019
why is everyone posting about getting points?
4 Commentaires, 30 Consultations,
14 Votes
,4.74 Score |
Grab 4/12/2019
as many points as you can get!!!
6 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
13 Votes
,4.82 Score |
How to connect with couples 2/12/2019
I am wondering the beat way to find couples there that
want to add a respectable single man? Is there a good identifier
of hey I’m not crazy pick ? Or are there certain other
things to be aware of?
3 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.79 Score |
How to connect with couples 2/12/2019
I am wondering the beat way to find couples there that
want to add a respectable single man? Is there a good identifier
of hey I’m not crazy pick ? Or are there certain other
things to be aware of?
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Look for an opposing sexual style 2/12/2019
I met a person that was fully dom and it clashed with my dom
side. They turned toxic really fast, forcing me into a sub
role, which I am not. Please check with your sex partner
what kind of person they are in bed, and it’s opposing
to yours.
0 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
10 Votes
,1.59 Score |
I wish more people were real 29/11/2019
No saying people are not real but it seems that people dont
really know what they want from this site. I am okay with
that but please just say so. Like maybe in your intro or something.
4 Commentaires, 32 Consultations,
19 Votes
,4.71 Score |
Points 28/11/2019
It would be nice if we got more points it seems that once you’re
of them you will do anything get more. I’m new but
I don’t think I’m paying for anything on here. If you
have many points share please help. I would love
with some of you. Pictures coming soon
3 Commentaires, 48 Consultations,
23 Votes
,4.53 Score |
sex addiction 25/11/2019
if sex is all one thinks about. All that one wants to do and
has to masturbate several times a day? Is that an issue to
2 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
14 Votes
,3.30 Score |
sex addiction 25/11/2019
if sex is all one thinks about. All that one wants to do and
has to masturbate several times a day? Is that an issue to
3 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
13 Votes
,3.81 Score |
have you ever? 25/11/2019
have you ever been chatting with someone. They disappear
on you for no reason and come back. you know that you have
chatted before, but they have no idea?
3 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
14 Votes
,4.10 Score |
small tiny dick - is it really the focus point? 25/11/2019
is a small tiny dick so much a problem in D/s ? Is it really
the primary focus point like in a vanilla relationship?
I realise this is not alt, and people who come here are more
vanilla, but when someone says they are open to D/s but still
seems to circle around the tiny dick topic, what should
i make of it?
4 Commentaires, 32 Consultations,
17 Votes
,2.70 Score |
Yes here for the points 25/11/2019
Yes you guessed it. Most articles are now about the points
6 Commentaires, 26 Consultations,
14 Votes
,4.58 Score |
Same circus. Diffetent clowns 24/11/2019
I love using all my points contact members who don't
even have the consideration respind, even if it's
say "not interested" No response is wrost than any response
2 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
13 Votes
,3.98 Score |
Really just posting 24/11/2019
for more points.. hate runnin low!!
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone 22/11/2019
Does anyone have any fun Plans for The big Day ? Hopefully
you aren't planning to Shovel down excessive amounts
of food and make yourself feel miserable. Myself, i'm
planning to just chill out and maybe run away to a Casino
0 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
13 Votes
,3.48 Score |
IM conversation starters... 20/11/2019
I’ve had mixed results, so I’m curious what approaches
others take. I’ve found a “hello how are you” or other
polite greeting gets ignored almost all of the time. <br><br>
If they have pics sometimes a compliment about works but
it’s hit or miss. And if they have no pics ’s not an option.
Something outrageous or naughty seems be 50/50 but then ...
4 Commentaires, 53 Consultations,
23 Votes
,3.71 Score |
Bring it back 20/11/2019
Bring the free chats back, because the notion of having
just chat times is annoying.
4 Commentaires, 36 Consultations,
23 Votes
,4.18 Score |
Bring it back 20/11/2019
Bring the free chats back, because the notion of having
just chat times is annoying.
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.08 Score |
Is anyone real here 19/11/2019
Is anyone actually real here and genuinely looking to meet
up or are we all just some form of scam/lie?
6 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
14 Votes
,2.50 Score |
cumshot 18/11/2019
best method to shot load farther?
6 Commentaires, 32 Consultations,
16 Votes
,3.42 Score |
points 17/11/2019
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Meeting 17/11/2019
Outside of here where is a good place to meet people other
then the bars?
1 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
12 Votes
,2.62 Score |
Toys 17/11/2019
Not having any toys myself what are some good toys to check
to use on myself. Obviously nothing to big right away
1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.19 Score |
Points 17/11/2019
Just here for points.......
2 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.62 Score |
Points 17/11/2019
Just here for points.....
1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
10 Votes
,1.19 Score |
Points 16/11/2019
Just needing points. Hope everyone is having good luck
on here.
3 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
11 Votes
,1.67 Score |
Fake accounts 16/11/2019
Fake accounts seem be more common now than they were.
Reporting them hardly seems help. So i guess as users
we have be cognizant of the fact that there scamsters
here that try hard be real but still some clues <br><br>
1. too good to be contacting you 2. very well photographed images. 3. poor english 4. no clue what to say when asked not so common questions.
5. say they want to ...
6 Commentaires, 41 Consultations,
14 Votes
,3.78 Score |
A bit lost 16/11/2019
I am a. It lost how exactly do I get more points?
1 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.39 Score |
Points 15/11/2019
This sites changed and not for the best
4 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.94 Score |
Points 15/11/2019
This sites changed and not for the best
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.49 Score |
Lubrication 13/11/2019
I find coconut oil to work the best for lubricant, its slippery
and doesnt dry out. what do you all find to work the best?
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.51 Score |
Lubrication 13/11/2019
I find coconut oil to work the best for lubricant, its slippery
and doesnt dry out. what do you all find to work the best?
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.80 Score |
Best BJ 11/11/2019
I was giving bj by this that was chewing ment gum
2 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
17 Votes
,3.69 Score |
butt play 10/11/2019
Unless anal is on the menu, too often a woman's butt
is sidelined during sex. And that's a shame, because
"the buttocks are packed with nerve endings, "
says Gilda Carle, Ph.D., a sex therapist in New York City.
"To give her a surprising jolt of pleasure, spread
your fingers wide and squeeze both buttocks." <br><br>
That said, be gentle, and take it step ...
4 Commentaires, 32 Consultations,
16 Votes
,4.01 Score |
advice 10/11/2019
Men: A change in thinking may improve your sex life. Get
the details on common mistakes guys make with women,
and learn how avoid them. <br><br>
Mistake 1: Sex Starts in the Bedroom Men may turn on like a light, but for women, arousal doesn’t
happen so fast, says sex therapist Ian Kerner, PhD. <br><br>
Pave the way during the day by hugging, kissing, and holding
hands. ...
0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
7 Votes
,1.77 Score |
anal sex.. 10/11/2019
According a 20 study by Indiana University, more people
are having anal sex. While the 1990s saw roughly -quarter
-third of men and women having tried anal, by 2009
that percentage had jumped 40 45 percent. But while
that may the case, anal sex is still, as Salon reported in
20 "Science’s Last Taboo.” We know that some
people are having it, but it’s not very likely that people
are ...
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.28 Score |
???? 10/11/2019
What does a goodlookin well built, hoodlookin fun fosn
earth man need do find eexy older woman is like
1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
7 Votes
,1.77 Score |
first move 10/11/2019
is it better to make the first move or let the other do it?
3 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.08 Score |
Points 10/11/2019
Is this how you get points?
5 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.78 Score |
Newbie here! 9/11/2019
HI All, <br><br>
New guy here trying to introduce myself and get any tips
on meeting new people. First time on these sites and hope
to meet some fun people!
1 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.78 Score |
Anger ISSUES 9/11/2019
Most men get very angry when I turn them down. I go from you've
got the greatest ass on earth to fuck you bitch you must be
gay in seconds. What I don't get is that by doing so
don't they realize that when they do that to someone
that person probably will talk to other profiles?
6 Commentaires, 29 Consultations,
11 Votes
,3.73 Score |
Anger ISSUES 9/11/2019
Most men get very angry when I turn them down. I go from you've
got the greatest ass on earth to fuck you bitch you must be
gay in seconds. What I don't get is that by doing so
don't they realize that when they do that to someone
that person probably will talk to other profiles?
7 Commentaires, 37 Consultations,
11 Votes
,4.10 Score |
do you get upset 8/11/2019
I was wondering how many people become upset by all the articles
and questions that people post just for the points? I am
sure that there are some that are very serious about what
this site is all about.
4 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.53 Score |
Fucken bitchea 7/11/2019
So with my of dating I learned there is no way turn
a hoe into a wifey or anything serious..there perfect stress
relievers but unless u want to get played don't get
any more involved
1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.51 Score |
ED advice 7/11/2019
Ok, so here's question. I have blood pressure issues
and take medication for it. I can get an erection during
foreplay, but can't seem maintain it. Currently
have a dr and not comfortable asking her for advice.
Of course I'm not the with this issue. I'd
like hear from others may have overcome this problem.
Any advice would be appreciated.
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.84 Score |
Cunnilingus 7/11/2019
If you know a guy is terrible down there, would you let him
practice on you to improve or just say "forget it?"
6 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.71 Score |
Boredomr 7/11/2019
What to do when run out of points. pleassw
2 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
5 Votes
,0.86 Score |
Wiping! 7/11/2019
All check and wipe until theres none!
1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.14 Score |
Points 7/11/2019
This only for points
1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
Hand job 7/11/2019
Whatever happened to guys liking a good hand job. Seems
like it's going extinct.
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.28 Score |
Hand job 7/11/2019
Whatever happened to guys liking a good hand job. Seems
like it's going extinct.
1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Where are all dirty minded women 7/11/2019
I want a erotic woman with dirty mind and loves to chat about
what makes her wet . Why cant i find a blunt woman likes
chat dirty
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Hmm 6/11/2019
One night stands? Are they gereraly hotter or does more
regular encounters make it better?
1 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
You gotta have 6/11/2019
points around here
2 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
Vacuums 6/11/2019
Guys have you ever used a vacuum cleaner to give yourself
a blow job?
3 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.63 Score |
BE truthful on your profile 6/11/2019
Truth is something that seems to elude people when describing
themselves in their profiles. I find it a particularly
"dark" place when confronted with having to
deal with someone's lies, half-truths or misinformation.
I would like to take an opportunity now to shed some "light"
on the topic in this article as a form of advice. **********Be truthful********* How ...
5 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
11 Votes
,5.22 Score |
Get gold is my advice lol 5/11/2019
just needed more points so im doingthis
1 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.09 Score |
Anal 4/11/2019
I tried getting this question answered before, before
they didn't publish it, so I'm trying it here.
I am going try anal sex soon for the first time. Any advice
on this subject?
11 Commentaires, 50 Consultations,
19 Votes
,4.97 Score |
Self Pleasuring 4/11/2019
Do you have a better orgasm watching porn or just using your
imagination while masturbating?
1 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.30 Score |
dic pics 4/11/2019
Women want see the guy's face first, and some are offended
by dick pics of a stranger who has never bothered have his
face pic available on first contact. We recently polled
100 women regarding dick pics are a first impression. 83%
said men who have a dick pick as their profile pic feel low
IQ is the culprit. So we encourage women and couple use our
10 signs of males with low IQ in their ...
2 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.00 Score |
dic pics 4/11/2019
Women want see the guy's face first, and some are offended
by dick pics of a stranger who has never bothered have his
face pic available on first contact. We recently polled
100 women regarding dick pics are a first impression. 83%
said men who have a dick pick as their profile pic feel low
IQ is the culprit. So we encourage women and couple use our
10 signs of males with low IQ in their ...
2 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
8 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Why did you go Gold with your membership? 4/11/2019
I am thinking about biting the bullet and going with a Gold
membership I would love to hear from those members were once standard,
used up all of their opportunities for points, and then
went Gold. What made you decide to go Gold? And are you happy
you did?
2 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
4 Votes
meeting 3/11/2019
always be ready and have everything prepared before meeting
and see what she like drink and start fucking
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
5 Votes
,0.86 Score |
My hood 3/11/2019
Man n my hood We had Big Brian, Lil Brian, and College Brian.
College Brian was quite and kept a mean mug especially if
he didn't know u or fuck witcha. He stayed Fresh with
whatever was the latest gear until he discovered POLO and
aint change since. He made it cool go off college because
whenever he came home it was a celebration. Probably made
my decision 2 go away college more easier. ...
2 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
6 Votes
,0.80 Score |
Tight pussy 3/11/2019
I'm just curious I heard one time that women who never
bear children had tighter pussies <br><br>
Has anybody had other opinions on this
2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.39 Score |
Has anyone ever been caught cheating? 2/11/2019
I was just wondering if anyone has ever been caught in the
act by their spouse and then later found out that their spouse
was more turned on by it then mad.
5 Commentaires, 43 Consultations,
12 Votes
,2.09 Score |
LEGAL OR NOT 31/10/2019
5 Commentaires, 32 Consultations,
12 Votes
,1.21 Score |
What would be the best advice for someone on this site you ask 30/10/2019
This is something I ask and there are many different factors
I believe. and the most important thing is location
2 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.23 Score |
Need more points lol. 30/10/2019
I don't know why they did all of this but it's a pain
to get points on here now.
1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.79 Score |
Points 29/10/2019
What can i do with my points?
6 Commentaires, 47 Consultations,
19 Votes
,3.39 Score |
Points 29/10/2019
Sorry only posting for points
2 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.00 Score |
Yoinger 29/10/2019
What attracts younger women older men?
2 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
11 Votes
,2.79 Score |
Don't Give Up Yet 28/10/2019
Yes I am posting this for points, but I am also posting this
because I have made some really good connections this time
and am hoping for one of them to pan out and lead to a meeting
and some incredible pleasure. Don't give up until
there are no more opportunities for points.
3 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.39 Score |
Make sure you 27/10/2019
Grab all the points you can
2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
9 Votes
,1.29 Score |
repetition... 26/10/2019
if you do something enough times, over and over, you are
bound do soemthing well. <br><br>
at least once
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.04 Score |
Points 26/10/2019
Any good advice to get points
2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
9 Votes
,1.07 Score |
Points 26/10/2019
Any good advice to get points
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.09 Score |
Points 26/10/2019
Any good advice to get points
1 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
6 Votes
,0.80 Score |
This site 25/10/2019
Is anyone else convinced that a lot of the Female profiles
on here are ??
1 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
10 Votes
,0.80 Score |
Wash your ass 24/10/2019
Recently met an awesome woman. We clicked immediately.
We were discussing a meeting and she said that she’s a
very clean person, which is always appreciated. I said
that I am too (which is a must, guys). She said good. I said
I’m going to take a shower before we meet. She then said
good, and make sure you wash yourself down there. I said
oh? Do you mean I need to wash ass? She laughed and ...
4 Commentaires, 44 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.57 Score |
Good first date questions? 24/10/2019
What are good first date questions? <br><br>
Who Is The Most Fascinating Person You’ve Met? <br><br>
What Are You Kind Of Obsessed With These Days? <br><br>
What Hobbies Would You Like To Get Into If You Had The Time
And Money? <br><br>
What’s Your Favorite App ...
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
7 Votes
,1.51 Score |
don't be a dick 23/10/2019
When greeting women online: <br><br>
Say hello/hi, be polite Don't go straight in the gutter, try to find some kind
2 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
12 Votes
,3.51 Score |
Articling articles 23/10/2019
You cant article without a knowledge of articling which
I will be gin to explain to everyone now:
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
10 Votes
,0.60 Score |
Just whorin 22/10/2019
myself for points
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.19 Score |
Des celibataires pleins de ressources 22/10/2019
I think this site has degraded over the years. If there is
anyone "real" in Las vegas, join this experiment.
Message me and lets tal
1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.86 Score |
Des celibataires pleins de ressources 22/10/2019
I think this site has degraded over the years. If there is
anyone "real" in Las vegas, join this experiment.
Message me and lets tal
3 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
10 Votes
,1.59 Score |
This site 22/10/2019
Work I think even say after all these bugs that it has all
the issues would you
0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
12 Votes
,1.39 Score |
MFM Scenarios 22/10/2019
So what MFM scenarios do you like? For example, we have been
in a few and enjoy most all aspects, just wanting to know
or see what others think- (1) the basic where we are sitting around talking and then
she and I start messing around and he joins. (2) She has hopped in his car in secluded location for a quick
bj and then back in our car. (3) She went to the bathroom and I had him meet her at ...
0 Commentaires, 35 Consultations,
17 Votes
,2.84 Score |
ED 21/10/2019
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
7 Votes
,1.26 Score |
So many Fake profiles.... you can weed them out because Des celibataires pleins de ressources wont. 21/10/2019
Guys. There are so many fake account made by foreigners
trying to get you to go off site and steal your shit.... any
female with a string of numbers after her just ignore
it dont respond. block and report. if the person has less
than 3 photos at all just move on ignore them.
0 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.99 Score |
Points 18/10/2019
Well they took 3 free chats away, and now to chat it is 11
points what the fuck!
4 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
14 Votes
,3.46 Score |
Honesty is the best policy 17/10/2019
I’ve been on here for several years. My best advice is
to absolutely never ever lie about your situation. Honesty
turns on a woman, and makes sexual chemistry much stronger.
Own your situation.
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
9 Votes
,0.65 Score |
Best way to meet up abroad 17/10/2019
Favorite ways to meet people while abroad
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.53 Score |
What Time Is It? 16/10/2019
Time for a change? Time to do more? Time for a paying Des celibataires pleins de ressources membership? Maybe...
2 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
11 Votes
,2.05 Score |
Mature Interest 16/10/2019
While I am online, I tend to get more views and messages from
much older women/couples above 50. I don't mind it,
I will admit that it has even grown on me as a fetish if you
would call it that. I am a standard member so they are the
ones that usually come to me. I want to ask why do you think
mature women are more likely to send the first message as
opposed to younger women?
1 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
7 Votes
,1.51 Score |
Making the most of this site 16/10/2019
So I've been a member on/off of the site for a little
while now and would like to get others thoughts on what works
best. to me the IM is a no-brainer but it seems less and less
folk are using it, perhaps site traffic is just dropping
too? <br><br>
So what do you find works, messages - , IM, flirts, etc
- what works for you? <br><br>
1 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
11 Votes
,2.23 Score |
Meeting couples 16/10/2019
How do you manage the dynamics of meeting a couple? Especially
where one party seems way more into the idea of a threesome
than the other...
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
12 Votes
,2.98 Score |
Make sure you're 16/10/2019
stocked up on points.. They are not easy to come by
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Make sure you're 16/10/2019
stocked up on points.. They are not easy to come by
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |