Na internet 11/3/2019
Na internet eh traição
0 Comentários, 0 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Porque? 10/3/2018
porque é tão complicado estender uma relação depois
de se conhecer aqui!
1 Comentários, 13 Visualizações,
7 Votos
,1.51 Pontuação |
amizades verdadeira 16/2/2018
podemos contruir amizades aqui
0 Comentários, 1 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Sexo na net 4/12/2017
è confiavel ter encontros com pessoas que se dizem ser
uma e na hora do vamos ver não e nada do que é
1 Comentários, 5 Visualizações,
3 Votos
,4.41 Pontuação |
na internet 28/11/2017
Podemos confiar em pessoas que conhecemos na internet
com ressalva???
1 Comentários, 2 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,3.70 Pontuação |
amizade na net 25/10/2017
podemos firmar amizades boas no site
0 Comentários, 4 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,5.00 Pontuação |
Buscando um relacionamento saudavel 10/10/2017
As veses a busca de um relacionamento saudavel é muito
complicada. estou em um relacionamento muito complexo e delicado a
anos. porem a sensação de tesao e do sexo ainda são muito boas.
acho q é isso que me faz continuar...
2 Comentários, 31 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,2.78 Pontuação |
vamos que vamos 25/8/2017
quero contribuir com minha experiencia em sites de relacionamento
0 Comentários, 3 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,5.00 Pontuação |
apaixonar sem pensar!!! 12/7/2017
bom era um dia de inverno pleno dia de dezembro recebo um
convite de um amigo que gostava de sair com uma rapariga
que por sua vez era nossa amiga e ele começara a gostar dela
como ele não tinha carta nem carro la tive de ir eu segurar
a vela como se diz chegamos ao café fizemos o pedido e fomos
conversando eu ate me estava a sentir mal por estar ali no
meio foi assim que decidi ir dar um ...
0 Comentários, 9 Visualizações,
3 Votos
,1.47 Pontuação |
sexo virtual tamo junto 30/12/2016
Vamos compartilhar suas experiencias virtuais
0 Comentários, 4 Visualizações,
4 Votos
,1.30 Pontuação |
Dar é dar. Fazer amor é lindo, é sublime, é encantador, é esplêndido.
Mas dar é bom pra cacete. Dar é aquela coisa que alguém te puxa os cabelos da nuca...
Te chama de nomes que eu não escreveria... Não te vira com delicadeza... Não sente vergonha de ritmos animais. Dar é bom. Melhor do que dar, só dar por dar. Dar sem querer casar.... Sem querer apresentar pra mãe... Sem querer ...
2 Comentários, 12 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,2.16 Pontuação |
Locais ideais para construir um bom relacionamento. 18/9/2016
Existe hoje inúmeras pessoas com dificuldades para construir
um relacionamento, mas antes mesmo vamos começar a falar
pelos princípios, atitude comunicação. Você e aquela pessoa fechada que apenas acredita nos seus
conceitos ou nos conceitos de sua criação? "sim
ou não"? se sim vamos pensar junto comigo, quais
são os motivos ? pensou ? agora vamos pensar o seguinte
já que chegou até ...
0 Comentários, 7 Visualizações,
4 Votos
,2.86 Pontuação |
Quero você minha doce e bela menina. 16/3/2015
Que sendo mulher tem alma de menina faminta, que sendo faminta venha e me faz o menino mais feliz da vida.
Que sendo menino vamos brincar de adulto e sermos médico
como antigamente. Sendo medico vou tratar de você como ninguém nunca fez.
Esta afim, Venha!! Quero tanto lhe fazer feliz.
1 Comentários, 14 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,3.25 Pontuação |
Descubra o que as mulheres acham sexy em um homem 2/9/2014
Não basta ser bonito, alto, forte e charmoso. As mulheres
consideram sexy nos homens algumas outras características
que eles nem imaginam.
Algumas delas, muitas vezes, não são tão valorizadas
pelos homens porque as considerarem algo que o público
feminino não repara. Mas se você é homem e pensa assim,
está na hora de rever seus conceitos.
De acordo ...
2 Comentários, 32 Visualizações,
9 Votos
,2.78 Pontuação |
A Dois 7/3/2014
Não adianta pois a começar uma vida dois sua vida nunca
mais será a mesma, amigos vão falar mal de ti por te-los
abandonado mas sua vida e para ganhar algumas coisas tem
que perder outra.
0 Comentários, 10 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,1.19 Pontuação |
relacionamento virtual 17/2/2013
ate quando pode durar um relacionamento virtual? sera que isso cansa a ponto de durar somente alguns meses?
18 Comentários, 83 Visualizações,
22 Votos
,4.69 Pontuação |
200 pontos 22/6/2012
A cada 200 pontos o usuario pode mandar email para uma pessoa
que lhe interessa, o que pode promover uma aproximação
melhor entre usuarios, mas, para que isso venha a ocorrer
só se a pessoa tiver o habito de olhar na caixa de menssagem...
Já consegui um contato com uma usuaria, mas so ficou nos
bapo do msn, e isto ocorreu a alguns messes, agora ja enviei
algumas menssagens, o que ...
1 Comentários, 20 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,2.32 Pontuação |
200 pontos 22/6/2012
A cada 200 pontos o usuario pode mandar email para uma pessoa
que lhe interessa, o que pode promover uma aproximação
melhor entre usuarios, mas, para que isso venha a ocorrer
só se a pessoa tiver o habito de olhar na caixa de menssagem...
Já consegui um contato com uma usuaria, mas so ficou nos
bapo do msn, e isto ocorreu a alguns messes, agora ja enviei
algumas menssagens, o que ...
0 Comentários, 19 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,1.19 Pontuação |
Sair ou não sair... 19/6/2012
Conheci muitas mulheres pela net, com algumas já tive
encontros reais e na maioria dos encontros um algo a mais
e dificilmente sair uma só vez com a mesma mulher.
Mas o que acontece é que das que não sai já chegou té a
rolar de marca encontros, o que não aconteceu. Acrddito
que talves sejapela mulher não ter se sentido segura,
não seria necessáriamente medo de algo acontecer ...
1 Comentários, 23 Visualizações,
6 Votos
,4.50 Pontuação |
Misterio ou misticismo? o desconhecido atrai buscamos
uma companheira(o)num momento da vida depois, julgamos
nao haver compatibilidade nossos olhos nos traiem vemos
esta(e)queremose sempre buscando...(o infinito) do
prazer sempre presente para saciar a VAIDADE.
1 Comentários, 12 Visualizações,
3 Votos
,2.45 Pontuação |
Sexo sem compromisso. 16/11/2011
Muitas pessoas passam por isso, algumas entendem como
um relacionamento normal já outras criticam, achando
que este tipo de relacionamento são para pessoas sem "repeito
prórpio". Este assunto "Sexo sem compromisso"
diverge opiniões pelo mundo, acredito que atualmente,
os jovens de hoje em dia, já estão se adaptando com sexo
sem ter um compromisso serio com seu ou sua pareceiro(a).
Por ...
2 Comentários, 38 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,2.09 Pontuação |
Como saber se alguém está a fim de você. 4/7/2011
Bem, de verdade mesmo, quando o intuito é saber o que uma
pessoa está sentindo, o modo mais seguro e simples seria
o óbvio ululante: perguntando para ela! Entretanto,
considerando que nem todos conseguem ser tão diretos
e sinceros – seja para perguntar ou para responder –
especialmente quando o assunto é sentimento ou desejo,
esta pode não ser a forma mais eficiente. Sim, é difícil ...
6 Comentários, 118 Visualizações,
24 Votos
,4.27 Pontuação |
Relacionamentos... 7/6/2011
(Arnaldo jabour)
Se um homem quer você, nada pode mantê-lo longe.Se ele
não te quer, nada pode fazê-lo ficar.
Pare de dar desculpas, de arranjar justificativas para
um homem e seu comportamento.
Permita que sua intuição (ou espírito) te proteja das
mágoas.Para de tentar se modificar para uma ...
6 Comentários, 62 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,5.33 Pontuação |
o que custa ser verdadeiro 4/1/2010
ai eu mim pergunto
pq as pessoas vem aqui na net mentir pq eu sou eu mesmo nao gosto de mentir ou finjir ser o que nao
sou pq eu sou verdadeiro eu nao mim dor aos pedacos eu so mim dor por inteiro. adoro
ver uma mulher feliz sexualmente e er ai que ta o lado de cada um ou se dar de verdade ou er melhor
nao se dar.
0 Comentários, 24 Visualizações,
2 Votos
,1.73 Pontuação |
0 Comentários, 22 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,3.14 Pontuação |
o insacialvel 12/10/2009
quero uma mulher muito
gostosa que goste de muitosexo asim como eu gosto mais tem
que ser meiga .carnhosa e muito legal
0 Comentários, 16 Visualizações,
0 Votos
relacão dificil 17/8/2009
hoje em dia é dificil manter uma relação duradora , o desgaste
com o passar do tempo é o pricipal vilão ... e como fazer pra
que isso não acontessa ... resposta : seja liberal pois segundo muitas pessoas ... envolvendo -se com outras
e deixando seu parceiro tb se envolver é o segredo de um bom
0 Comentários, 5 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,2.40 Pontuação |
AQUILO.... 11/7/2009
Que sentimento é esse que faz uma mulher abandonar
marido, e uma casa luxuosa para viver num porão sujo
e coberto de mofo, com uma pessoa insana, consumida pelo
ciúme a paixão lasciva? Eram duas horas da tarde. Havia cheiro de sexo pelo cômodo,
uma panela de caldo de galinha no fogão e duas maçãs na fruteira
sobre a mesa. -Ana...Você está arrependida não é? -Não. -Quer me ...
2 Comentários, 81 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,5.38 Pontuação |
Nem dama...nem vulgar! 26/3/2009
Já me decidi... Não me importa o que vestes Nem o que ostentas. Só quero vê teu decote Teu fricote Teu deboche A me provocar.
Na sombra do teu corpo Vê tua transparência Tua aparência De seduzir. Meu carinho por ti É imenso É imerso É intenso è tudo que posso sentir.
Sonho com a fenda do teu vestido Um rasgo de ...
1 Comentários, 17 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,5.10 Pontuação |
Jogo da conquista 13/2/2009
Geralmente sentimos uma grande necessidade de sermos
reconhecidos como uma pessoa interessante, atraente,
charmosa e gostosa. Fazemos tudo para termos aquele corpo o qual a atual sociedade
define como padrão de beleza. Frequentamos lugares onde a visibilidade e exposição
são os pontos fortes. Procuramos sempre mostrar o nosso
melhor lado. Tudo isso para que? Para conquistarmos...atrairmos..e ...
1 Comentários, 19 Visualizações,
2 Votos
,4.50 Pontuação |
O valor de uma amizade 13/1/2009
Tudo na vida passa e as lembranças ficam, sejam elas boas
ou más! A Amizade nasce, de uma pequena sementinha, plantada no
solo de nossos corações! Sempre regada com carinho, sinceridade,
honestidade e afinidade! Tratada com respeito, humildade
e amor! Ela floresce e se torna tão forte, que nem mesmo as
interperies da vida podem abala-la! Cuidemos bem dessa plantinha, para que a nossas ...
0 Comentários, 14 Visualizações,
4 Votos
,4.02 Pontuação |
Estaremos nos iludindo com um relacionamento a distancia?
Sera que é possivel amar realmente, alguem que esta tão
distante fisicamente e ao mesmo tempo tão proximo de nós?
Pessoas que estão do outro lado deste monitor frio...mas
que com palavras de carinho e de apoio, dão um novo brilho
em nossas vidas! Bom, cada pessoa tem um modo de encarar
essa situação, não é? Felicidade a todos!
1 Comentários, 27 Visualizações,
4 Votos
,4.02 Pontuação |
Ja sai com pessoas que conheci no site! Isso aconteceu a muito tempo atras...mais de 4 anos! Estava navegando e um perfil me chamou muito a atenção,
resolvi escrever uma mensagem para esta pessoa e nem esperava
o retorno! Mas para minha surpresa ela me respondeu...começamos
a trocar mensagens e atraves do tempo a curiosidade, afinidade
e interesses foram crescendo! Marcamos um encontro para ...
1 Comentários, 40 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,4.17 Pontuação |
Será que existe realmente uma alma gémea? 19/2/2008
Eu no fundo ainda tenho a ilusão que sim lol, mas no dia a dia
apercebemo-nos que não existe nimguêm realmente igual
a nós mas sim pessoas compativeis e que com uma certa comprienção,
amor e carinho começamos por aceitar todos os defeitos
e feitio da outra pessoa que começamos a acreditar que essa
pessoa é a nossa alma gémea. Mas depois apercebemo-nos
que essa pessoa não pensa como ...
5 Comentários, 59 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,3.30 Pontuação |
É muito dificil dar opiniões 1/2/2008
Construir um relacionamento saudável
é muito complicado, porque é construído por 2 pessoas diferentes
que se tentam de alguma forma entender e complementar.
Se construir um relacionamento é assim tão complicado
como é que hoje em dia vemos n pessoas interessadas em opinarem
sobre os relacionamentos alheios? Pois sempre é mais fácil
opinar sobre os outros do que gerir o ...
0 Comentários, 11 Visualizações,
4 Votos
,3.25 Pontuação |
AMANDO NA WEB 25/6/2007
5 Comentários, 151 Visualizações,
20 Votos
,4.40 Pontuação |
O que realmente vale? 14/12/2006
Perguntas até comuns:
"O que faço aqui?"
"Qual meu real objetivo?"
É até engraçado. Sempre me questiono:
"Até onde sou um ser racional e até onde sou emocional?"
"Até onde meu instinto comanda e até onde minha razão
É comum encontrar pessoas totalmente ligadas no sentimento.
Querem viver o momento, sentir o prazer e amanhã é outro
dia. Simplesmente ...
1 Comentários, 25 Visualizações,
2 Votos
,3.81 Pontuação |
desejos 29/5/2006
Este mulher que a mim encanta
que me acha tão sedutor
em meus cabelos agora prateados...
mas são lindos para te amar...
Te acorrento às minhas carícias profanas
pois de ti me farei o mais ardente amante
provocarei em ti os sonhos mais delirantes...
Embora te comportes como uma vestal
sei que tens por mim um desejo animal
Crio asas, vôo longe para mais te atiçar ...
0 Comentários, 29 Visualizações,
3 Votos
,2.94 Pontuação |
Amizade Colorida em Londrina 26/7/2005
Ainda não tive a felicidade de encontrar uma mulher, em
Londrina, para termos uma amizade colorida. Uma mulher
para um bate-papo e carícias mais quentes e um sexo eventual.
Quem entre vocês já têm ou teve um(a) amigo(a) colorido(a)?
Como é ou foi?
4 Comentários, 642 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,0.70 Pontuação |
será que já não se dá importancia á sedução 12/5/2005
Hoje em dia é mais comum a maioria das pessoas estarem mais
preocupadas na concretização final dos desejos sem se
preocuparem em passar por todas as fases do processo. Será
que a fase mais interessante de um relacionamento não será
a sedução, a conquista?
Pois eu acho que sim. apesar de constatar que muito poucas
pessoas perdem tempo com essa fase será que a pergunta habitual ...
5 Comentários, 1217 Visualizações,
134 Votos
,6.68 Pontuação |
Quando um casal se propõem a viver uma vida em comum, como
marido e mulher, seu relacionamento é forte, intenso,
sereno e harmonioso. Baseado fundamentalmente no amor,
na compreensão, norespeito e ajuda mutua, entram num processo
evolutivo, onde um ajuda o outro, estimulando, compreendendo,
com paciência, tolerância, boa vontade e altosenso de
colaboração. São casais equilibrados, ...
0 Comentários, 433 Visualizações,
57 Votos
,4.96 Pontuação |
Passemos dos Pensamentos...á Concretização 18/12/2004
Lemos muitas vezes ...todos aqueles pensamentos lindos,
que nos fazem quase babar...mas usá-los, abusar deles,
utilizá-los ...é mentira...!!!
Será por vergonha...??? Como é posível alguem ter receio,
medo, vergonha...de ser sincero, dizer o que grita e explode
dentro de nós...!!!
Depois...choramos e dizemos que não nos entendem...!
Nunca ...
5 Comentários, 475 Visualizações,
40 Votos
,4.43 Pontuação |
How can I do it? 25/10/2004
hello. I Need some help. Last year, I fell hoplessly in love
(I know it sounds corny but is true) with a work coleague.
She seemed to have the same feeling towards me and after
several goings out, I left my family home (and my family
as well). Well, to cut things short, things did not pan well
between me and my friend. Over a period of 6 months after
that, I met several women with whom I ...
0 Comentários, 19 Visualizações,
4 Votos
,2.86 Pontuação |
Love for us all 17/8/2023
In a world of diverse relationship dynamics, the concept
of monogamy stands as a timeless testament to the depth
and richness of human connection. While societal norms
and personal choices have evolved, the value of choosing
to be with just one person remains a beacon of enduring love
and commitment. This article explores the beauty of monogamy
from a male perspective, highlighting the ...
0 Comentários, 2 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship 1/6/2023
Whether you're looking to keep a new romantic relationship
strong or repair a relationship that's on the rocks,
these tips can help you feel loved and connected to your
0 Comentários, 0 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Love is genuine 3/4/2023
If you love them, let them know!When you have deep feelings
for someone, you should really let them know.Don’t
keep love hidden;it’s such a beautiful feeling worth
sharing with the world and the person you love!. You are 100% sure the person you care about
knows exactly how you feel.But even in this case, it’s
still so adorable to send love notes.Everybody likes to ...
0 Comentários, 0 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Hello 2/4/2022
I am looking for threesome & couple & . anyone
interested can pm me inbox tq
0 Comentários, 8 Visualizações,
0 Votos
How to know if a woman is interested 27/1/2022
Men in general need to have a better understanding of what
to expect from women. They need to know when the ladies are
saying something that means something else entirely.
They need to be able to read between the lines and decipher
subtle hints. When it comes to romance, a lot of men face
rejection simply because they misread signals and receive
mixed messages from the objects of their affection. ...
1 Comentários, 20 Visualizações,
0 Votos
How to know if a woman is interested2 27/1/2022
She is Everywhere If a finds you interesting, she will have a tendency
to attract your attention by all means necessary. She will
try to make you notice her and will give you several openings
to make the first move. She will research about your daily
routines and will create situations where your paths will
conveniently cross. She will show in the most unexpected
places or bump into you on a ...
1 Comentários, 5 Visualizações,
0 Votos
How to know if a woman is interested 3 27/1/2022
If you need someone to go with you to the mall or to attend
Sunday mass, she will be available. If you need somebody
to talk to in the middle of the night, she will spend hours
chatting with you over the phone. When you make yourself
available in chat, she will be the first to
you a message. An interested woman is never too busy
for you. She will always make herself available and will
be quick ...
1 Comentários, 7 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Simple Ways to Make a Woman Want You 25/1/2022
Have a plan. Women don't want to be micro-managed, but sometimes
it's nice not to have to make decisions. You know what
she likes, or you should if you've been paying attention.
Make a reservation at a restaurant or choose which movie
to see and where. <br><br>
Stay calm pressure. Life doesn't always go as planned. When you a bump
in the road, just handle it. ...
1 Comentários, 12 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Find Someone Who Loves Your “Imperfections” 24/1/2022
The excitement of dating, in its early stages, often casts
a kind of glamour over the other person. Although it mostly
exists in your mind, this "glow" will smooth
over all of the quirks that your love interest may possess,
highlighting his or her strong and beautiful qualities.
This trick of projection is a major reason why many people
"fall in love" too fast and why they ...
2 Comentários, 5 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,5.00 Pontuação |
Signs of a toxic friendship 24/1/2022
They Lie attention to the things your supposed friend says.
Not just to you, but to everyone that matters to them. Everyone
is guilty of the occasional white lie, but someone who tells
more whoppers than Burger King is decidedly shady. Guaranteed,
if she's lying to her mom, brother and boss constantly,
she's doing the same when she talks to you. <br><br>
They Date Your Exes ...
1 Comentários, 5 Visualizações,
0 Votos
The Mysterious Woman 24/1/2022
Your man used to be intrigued by you, and he used to crave
being in your presence. However, lately he'd rather
hang with his friends than you. While this may be a normal,
natural state of your relationship, you did not want the
mystery in your relationship to disappear. If your man
is not as excited as he used to be around you, perhaps things
have gotten too comfortable. During the courting ...
2 Comentários, 7 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Happy from the Inside 24/1/2022
If your man constantly talks about how you were in the beginning
of your relationship, you should reflect on your old self.
Did you used to laugh at his jokes? Were you happier with
your job? You should reflect on how your aura has changed
and improve yourself by finding a happy medium between
your past and present. If your boyfriend fell in love with
another version of you, then this may be a ...
1 Comentários, 2 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Independent Interests 24/1/2022
When you first started dating your boyfriend, you had your
own interests. You had your own friends. You didn't
wait for him to make your own plans. Months later, you started
to become clingy, losing your own opinions and interests.
It's okay if you don't like the same baseball team
as your boyfriend does. As a matter of fact, it's okay
if you hate sports. If he did not like you ...
1 Comentários, 3 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Supporting a friend in grief 24/1/2022
of the best things you can do is listen. People who are
grieving often need to talk it through – perhaps again
and again – in order to process what's happened as
well as their feelings about it. You don't have to have
the answer to their distress, or to be able to see the silver
lining or even cheer them in any way. Just keeping an open
ear can make a big difference. Active listening ...
1 Comentários, 5 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Keep it in bed 19/11/2021
Is it more fun to be in your bed or others
0 Comentários, 3 Visualizações,
0 Votos
find fwb 14/9/2021
0 Comentários, 3 Visualizações,
0 Votos
WHO'S OUT THERE 9/9/2021
0 Comentários, 2 Visualizações,
0 Votos
The Real People 29/3/2021
Don't you just get tired of pretending relationships
between people mean anything? They are not formed purely
of kindness, or generosity. Relationships are sought
and formed because they provide something beneficial
to the participants, whether it be someone to speak too,
someone to engage in physical intimacy with, or someone
to provide support when an individual feels isolated or
attack ...
0 Comentários, 14 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,2.40 Pontuação |
You are very beautiful*, more beautiful, you have stunning
wonderful beauty. Really I am very interested in you, -
I am very romantic gentleman i like find good woman have
romantic feeling, good kind heart with smart mind for live
together forever in new happy life happy family. I look
forward to true love and happy marriage, for build new happy
family+ you can write send direct to me We can ...
3 Comentários, 43 Visualizações,
1 Votos
finding 11/11/2020
does one build a relationship with a Lady in charge?
7 Comentários, 36 Visualizações,
7 Votos
,2.02 Pontuação |
The case of sex robots............. 4/9/2020
According to various articles on the subject, the popularity
of sex robot dolls has soared during the COVID-19 pandemic,
which forced millions to scrap casual dating or be away
from their partners. <br><br>
Sex robots will eventually have the ability to communicate
and may even have visual recognition capabilities because
of advances in artificial intelligence. <br><br> ...
1 Comentários, 27 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,3.14 Pontuação |
When is the right moment? 8/7/2020
How does one know when take it slow or not? or when is the
correct moment really go for it?
3 Comentários, 33 Visualizações,
7 Votos
,4.31 Pontuação |
Sex as age 10/6/2020
Sex can be a powerful emotional experience and a great tool
for protecting or improving health, and it’s certainly
not only for the young. The need for intimacy is ageless.
And studies now confirm that no matter what your gender,
you can enjoy sex for as long as you wish. Naturally, sex
at 70 or 80 may not be like it is at 20 or 30—but in some ways
it can be better. <br><br>
As an ...
3 Comentários, 45 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,3.47 Pontuação |
I am sexy woman 27/5/2020
I wish sex I need a big dick man I have big pussy and big boobs
1 Comentários, 9 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,2.40 Pontuação |
She's looking for women to share her feelings 24/4/2020
... and she thinks she's possibly gay. How can I beat
the suspicion that she has carried with her since her teenage
days? Men treated her rude, they abused her in a threatening way
and took away her dignity, faith, joy and all. Nowadays, she's so beautiful. But unhappy. I tried
to talk to her, and that's how I know about what has happened,
and how she feels, but all of a sudden her ...
4 Comentários, 47 Visualizações,
9 Votos
,2.57 Pontuação |
relationship W/ GOD 19/3/2020
A priest sat at the bus stop one fine day when a young man,
on a bicycle, going too fast, lost control and slammed into
a telephone pole. Being only slightly injured and having
torn his shirt, he loudly exclaimed; SON OF A BITCH!, the
priest quickly responded; say "GOD HELP ME"
son when in situations like this. <br><br>
It was another day at the bus stop when the same young ...
1 Comentários, 33 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,1.62 Pontuação |
BIG 20/2/2020
"Holy fuck!" Amanda gasped, unable to contain
herself. The photos had, if anything, not done him justice.
His cock curved away from his body, already semi hard, but
dragged down by its own weight, and gravity's undeniable
pull. Amanda could feel her mouth water, and her woefully
unused cunt clench as she took in the sight of him. He was
totally shaved, the shaft intimidatingly ...
3 Comentários, 69 Visualizações,
16 Votos
,2.98 Pontuação |
Do i go with my gut feeling? 3/2/2020
My gf has now stayed the night 3 different times at friends
house, says she needs a break. I am home with her 6 kids and
have only gone out once for 3hours.
7 Comentários, 66 Visualizações,
16 Votos
,1.51 Pontuação |
how to best serve a daddy/dom 2/2/2020
what is your advice for how to best serve a dom/? <br><br>
i.e. whatto say, how to please, how to serve. <br><br>
personal stories are also welcome.
1 Comentários, 8 Visualizações,
3 Votos
,1.47 Pontuação |
Meeting her at her House 2/2/2020
Realizing he was wearing his military uniform, he felt
self-conscious as he rang the bell at the address Tammy
had given him. He hadn't stood there long when the door
opened and Tammy stood before him stark naked. Her beautiful
face and perfectly perky breasts with their erect nipples
drew his immediate stare. "Like what you see?" she asked. "Not much not too like, " he ...
2 Comentários, 70 Visualizações,
19 Votos
,3.52 Pontuação |
trollin for points 2/2/2020
thats all
0 Comentários, 0 Visualizações,
0 Votos
❌⭕️❌⭕️🌹🌹🌹🙏🏾 30/1/2020
Let the good times roll.
0 Comentários, 6 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,0.86 Pontuação |
Infatuated 29/1/2020
I am totally infatuated with a woman...she is hard working,
funny, tells it like it is....but so far away and I dont know
what she looks like <br><br>
What would you do in my situation?
2 Comentários, 52 Visualizações,
20 Votos
,3.12 Pontuação |
The Goat Comes Calling 29/1/2020
The hot babe, Tammy, who gave the Goat her business card,
left the restaurant as the military officer she left behind
finished his drink. No sooner had he downed the remaining
sip of his drink, his roommate from his plebe year at West
Point walked in as they immediately spotted each other.
That roommate had become the typical Washington phenom
of having been raised in a politically connected DC ...
0 Comentários, 31 Visualizações,
15 Votos
,3.44 Pontuação |
No reciprocation Needed 27/1/2020
Almost every on this site looking for a is either
a bottom, equipment doesn't work or simply a slut.
This normally means that they want a load, but don't
want to give a load. Sounds fun doesn't it. NNNNNOOOOOO......
6 Comentários, 70 Visualizações,
15 Votos
,2.06 Pontuação |
Looking for points 26/1/2020
Just posting this so I can get so
1 Comentários, 16 Visualizações,
12 Votos
,2.27 Pontuação |
Speed 25/1/2020
Men like to move a relationship quickly while ladies like
to go slow. Do men base their relationship more on sex? Then
they look at other things while woman want to drag things
out. Many older woman seem ok to go without sex. Many not
all. Some of the exceptions are on this site. Maybe one will
be willing to chat to me and develop a relationship.
2 Comentários, 38 Visualizações,
22 Votos
,3.01 Pontuação |
I geuss 21/1/2020
It is wat it is 🌹🌹🌹
3 Comentários, 29 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,0.91 Pontuação |
If I’m yours 21/1/2020
Wat if we really work out
2 Comentários, 25 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,0.44 Pontuação |
IMing 17/1/2020
Does anyone know why they stopped allowing IMing on here.
This system does not work at all. I used to like the
3 IMs a day, now you get none. They are ruining this site by
not letting you an IM.
8 Comentários, 66 Visualizações,
36 Votos
,2.89 Pontuação |
Meet for fling 16/1/2020
Gona meet a older woman for hopefully a fling she got partner
but he not doing job now its my turn
6 Comentários, 75 Visualizações,
42 Votos
,1.70 Pontuação |
Has anyone built a relationship while on this site? 16/1/2020
While I’m not looking for a relationship at this ,
has anyone built one?
1 Comentários, 12 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,3.01 Pontuação |
Hookups 16/1/2020
Does anyone come here to hookup anymore? I think people
just come to ghost other people and get picky.
3 Comentários, 50 Visualizações,
28 Votos
,1.39 Pontuação |
building a swinging wife 14/1/2020
would love some advice and knowledge on how to get my wife
to start swinging with me, we fantasize a lot about it, but
she is apprehensive....
3 Comentários, 58 Visualizações,
31 Votos
,1.51 Pontuação |
Building a Relationship 13/1/2020
Need points for that
0 Comentários, 7 Visualizações,
7 Votos
,1.77 Pontuação |
Build 12/1/2020
Build the
1 Comentários, 33 Visualizações,
26 Votos
,1.30 Pontuação |
Curvy Shy Women, Zaftig Beauties 10/1/2020
From my blog. <br><br>
Not really certain what category this should be in. <br><br>
I have spoken with a few BBW women that I have known in my life
that are stunning and sexy as sin... yet very hesitant to
cam, be photographed or even seen with the lights on.
A lot of this is due to how they see themselves not as beautiful
being...it is a shame really. ...
1 Comentários, 44 Visualizações,
35 Votos
,2.27 Pontuação |
A Therapist’s Guide to Navigating Your Partner’s Bisexual 10/1/2020
Bisexual people often occupy a challenging space between
gay, lesbian, and heterosexual communities. Despite
research that shows monosexual identities — or the attraction
to only one sex or gender identity — are becoming less
common, bisexuality is frequently written off as “just
a phase, ” or a stop on the way to coming out as gay or lesbian.
And it’s not just straight people who are ...
2 Comentários, 49 Visualizações,
31 Votos
,1.71 Pontuação |
Difficult? 9/1/2020
Is it just me or is it difficult building relationships
with people on here? It seems so many lack focus on building
a relationship and are just seeking strange.
2 Comentários, 33 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,1.49 Pontuação |
Communifuckingcation 8/1/2020
I received a message from a guy a little bit ago asking if
I'm ok blowing a married guy. I said sure, no problem,
but will the wife be joining? He said she doesn't know
he's on here. We chatted for a bit and it turns out, he
is her solely to obtain blowjobs because wife just stopped
giving them. <br><br>
I asked if she explained why. <br><br>
No, he didn't ...
2 Comentários, 48 Visualizações,
36 Votos
,3.58 Pontuação |
Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship 8/1/2020
All romantic relationships go through ups and downs and
they all take work, commitment, and a willingness to adapt
and change with your partner. But whether your relationship
is just starting out or you’ve been together for years,
there are steps you can take to build a healthy relationship.
Even if you’ve experienced a lot of failed relationships
in the past or struggled before to rekindle ...
1 Comentários, 26 Visualizações,
13 Votos
,3.31 Pontuação |
Take it easy, baby 7/1/2020
The fiery liquid burned his dry throat, and Kenny began
choke. Enjoying his obvious discomfort, Lynn reached
over pat him on the bac <br><br>
"Take it easy, baby, " Lynn cooed, "We
don't want you hurt yourself." <br><br>
As Lynn leaned forward, her low-cut, loose-fitting top
gaped open. Kenny was ogling the most luscious pair of tits
he had ever ...
1 Comentários, 26 Visualizações,
20 Votos
,3.00 Pontuação |
How to talk to older women 7/1/2020
Im a pretty young guy but im interested in mature women around
their 40's. What is the best way to approach a women
much more older than you.
1 Comentários, 29 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,2.56 Pontuação |
Hot steamy sex 6/1/2020
I search and search on here find mostly everyone is married.and
cheating or it’s guy posing as couple looking to hook
up with guys n side.wtf stop being fake just be upfront..
this what people off so stop being fake.its like saying
u have 8 inch dick then having 3inches that’s just dum
be you.
1 Comentários, 31 Visualizações,
24 Votos
,1.88 Pontuação |
What do you do when your partner who youre having sex with hasnt responded in a while. 5/1/2020
Do you wait for her/him, or do you look for another partner
right away?
1 Comentários, 33 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,2.14 Pontuação |
points 5/1/2020
4 the points
1 Comentários, 22 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,2.14 Pontuação |
i still want a relationship 3/1/2020
yes relationship is so sweet when you are with the right
7 Comentários, 61 Visualizações,
32 Votos
,3.43 Pontuação |
More 3/1/2020
Gotta get the more
0 Comentários, 20 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,1.57 Pontuação |
I just need points 1/1/2020
I'm writing this for points so don't bother
2 Comentários, 24 Visualizações,
16 Votos
,1.51 Pontuação |
bloccks 31/12/2019
its defiantly not like building a house...
1 Comentários, 8 Visualizações,
7 Votos
,0.49 Pontuação |
Sure 30/12/2019
Do you break up before the new year or edit ? Such a tricky
question ? Is it right or wrong ? Not sure if there is a good
answer . So let's see what everyone thinks
1 Comentários, 31 Visualizações,
20 Votos
,1.47 Pontuação |
poly 30/12/2019
how should i explain to the wife that poly is the best option
for us
2 Comentários, 35 Visualizações,
26 Votos
,1.52 Pontuação |
Just for points 29/12/2019
Just adding this article for points, sorry
1 Comentários, 26 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,2.66 Pontuação |
how to ask 28/12/2019
when is taboo sex open to talk <br><br>
a. on first date b.during sex c.after sex d.when you break up
10 Comentários, 74 Visualizações,
39 Votos
,3.73 Pontuação |
What do you look for when building a relationship? 26/12/2019
I am wondering if I have too high of standards when it comes
to dating
0 Comentários, 42 Visualizações,
38 Votos
,1.41 Pontuação |
Fat cock here. No homoss please 24/12/2019
B. Ccfxxxxxxxxcgniggers Vb..xxfkcfru9reitehl743w8bm
1 Comentários, 28 Visualizações,
25 Votos
,1.36 Pontuação |
Why is it so hard to find a nice mature couple on here? 24/12/2019
We are a rst friends couple who are looking for best friends.
We have been on here for some time both as gold members and
now as standard members. It is kind of amazing how difficult
it is to find that one right couple, someone like us who is
new to this and wanting to start off slow. Any suggestions? Please be respectful.
0 Comentários, 40 Visualizações,
32 Votos
,2.11 Pontuação |
Building Points 23/12/2019
Is what I need
0 Comentários, 12 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,1.67 Pontuação |
What am I doing here? 21/12/2019
I need meet people
2 Comentários, 46 Visualizações,
38 Votos
,1.25 Pontuação |
Looking for the most of luck 20/12/2019
Anyone who is interested in guys
1 Comentários, 38 Visualizações,
33 Votos
,1.31 Pontuação |
Looking for the most of luck 20/12/2019
Anyone who is interested in guys
0 Comentários, 29 Visualizações,
28 Votos
,0.37 Pontuação |
Building 20/12/2019
If u build it they will come
0 Comentários, 30 Visualizações,
27 Votos
,0.30 Pontuação |
Looking to build points 18/12/2019
On a point hunt
0 Comentários, 9 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,1.39 Pontuação |
When building a relationship on Des celibataires pleins de ressources, how much energy into LTR vs NSA 17/12/2019
Really, most people are on Des celibataires pleins de ressources for NSA or FWB, so how much
energy should be put into building a LTR. Keep the conversation
short and meaningless and getting down to sensual pleasure?
Have a first meeting to get to know the person or get naked
and make sure there is a physical connection?
0 Comentários, 43 Visualizações,
36 Votos
,2.03 Pontuação |
trust 17/12/2019
how do we trust enough to build a foundation for us to work
from. do you harm or do I harm you. do we harm others. is
this good enough for two or good enough for three. is it time
for us to share or time for us to hide. will we be strong and
will we get along.
1 Comentários, 43 Visualizações,
35 Votos
,1.92 Pontuação |
Sexbuilding 17/12/2019
Honestly I am curious on the perspective of building connection
via intimacy. Most of my experiences revolve around passion
with my partners that they legitimately dont find with
others yet end up with someone else either because of existing
children or the false idea of security as if that negates
sex and connectivity that isnt very fulfilling beyond
the security and comfort aspect which is ONE ...
2 Comentários, 42 Visualizações,
32 Votos
,1.93 Pontuação |
The First Meet 17/12/2019
I often wonder why women don’t take even the least amount
of precaution when meeting an on-line acquaintance. Meeting
in a public place should be the primary requirement when
meeting for the first time. Not doing so only invites what
they call a “meet and beat” where the woman gets beat
up by a sadist, that is not consensual! Another rule is that
the first meeting is just that, a meeting ...
1 Comentários, 26 Visualizações,
21 Votos
,2.26 Pontuação |
Relationship 17/12/2019
What are the things that you need to start off a relationship?
0 Comentários, 21 Visualizações,
19 Votos
,1.01 Pontuação |
ahhhh 14/12/2019
0 Comentários, 27 Visualizações,
26 Votos
,1.30 Pontuação |
Sex=relationship? 12/12/2019
I want a regular fwb but not a relationship because I don't
like sex with strangers. First time is always akward and
strange sex isn't fun for me. What is the consensus.
Personally, I don't think sex = relationship but I
suspect some people do.
11 Comentários, 93 Visualizações,
51 Votos
,3.95 Pontuação |
Close 11/12/2019
building a relationship and being completely honest is
a sstruggle
0 Comentários, 21 Visualizações,
20 Votos
,1.59 Pontuação |
Commitment 10/12/2019
How far into a relationshit should you demand commitment?
I think its important that both partners are on the same
0 Comentários, 18 Visualizações,
16 Votos
,1.95 Pontuação |
hopeful 10/12/2019
i hope build a long lasting relationship has anyone had
that happen?
2 Comentários, 15 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,2.42 Pontuação |
Building a Relationship 9/12/2019
I sure wish that it would be easier for a man meet another
man and build that relationship. It always seems everything
is always sex first. I would love see if there could be
more it than just sex. I would love give it a try with
a guy who would want build that relationship.
1 Comentários, 33 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,1.73 Pontuação |
Relationship 9/12/2019
How many on here are looking for a relationship?
2 Comentários, 42 Visualizações,
15 Votos
,1.91 Pontuação |
We are always evolving 8/12/2019
So almost 2yrs ago I meet me bf. While I didn't want
date and he was on the same page. Well you know what that means......
Yeap we were just fucking without kissing. It was amazing
just sent a and we did what people do. Then 5 months we
were kissing and the occasion of a sleep over. Then he called
it hanging out with . Sex beer and pizza. Well we are dating
now and trying add a 3rd. So you ...
1 Comentários, 31 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,3.48 Pontuação |
Building a Relationship 8/12/2019
is tough.. Especially without points
0 Comentários, 6 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,2.82 Pontuação |
polar opposite 7/12/2019
i have a girlfreind and she is like me in everyway as far as
the way i think, she and her are on the same page with everything,
but she is like my polar opposite with every positive there
is a nagative and its thru everything, is this something
anyone knows of being a healthy way to develop in the end???
0 Comentários, 24 Visualizações,
19 Votos
,2.46 Pontuação |
Relationship in every manner 7/12/2019
Building a relationship in every manner with every one
is a great task as some of person are very good and very open
talk everyone some of us are very reserved and they
need time build a relationship some time people can
or say what they want and it's too late to say as that
person goaway from your life so use your your time use your
mind and according to situation
0 Comentários, 15 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,2.34 Pontuação |
Build it 7/12/2019
Gotta build on those points
0 Comentários, 12 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,2.42 Pontuação |
Men vs Women 6/12/2019
About 10 years ago I had an encounter with another guy out
of town in a hotel room. It changed my life and I find sexual
satisfaction with men as well as woman. <br><br>
Tell me why you enjoy men vs women.
1 Comentários, 25 Visualizações,
21 Votos
,2.14 Pontuação |
love is wounderful 5/12/2019
i'm bi and i have a g'f, i love her, and i was not looking
for a g'f at that moment. in my experience of being a
goth and a metal head our kind usual'y find love with
the people (goths/metal heads) but that changed.
i met her at collage, and she ran up to me one my first day and
said hey wanna hang ? now i was dressed in chains, combats
with buckles and was wearing a hood'y ...
0 Comentários, 19 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,2.70 Pontuação |
What are the key points of building a relationship? 4/12/2019
1. Trust? 2. Loyalty? 3. Honesty? <br><br>
What are the keys building a relationship?
0 Comentários, 17 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,1.30 Pontuação |
Building a Relationship on here 3/12/2019
Any tips??
2 Comentários, 38 Visualizações,
18 Votos
,2.31 Pontuação |
Pet peeves 2/12/2019
I think we all have deal breaker pet peeves. I know I have
things I try to filter question out for compatibility so
I don't waste anyone's time early on. But nothing
is more disappointing than to get about a week into knowing
someone only to have one of you step on a pet peeve landmine
that makes the other person so unattractive to you that
you completely lose interest in talking to ...
1 Comentários, 29 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,2.78 Pontuação |
If u build it they will come 1/12/2019
Gotta build to get points
0 Comentários, 25 Visualizações,
24 Votos
,2.79 Pontuação |
Points 1/12/2019
This one is also for points, feel free to comment for some!
4 Comentários, 47 Visualizações,
27 Votos
,2.19 Pontuação |
Started with sex ended with... 29/11/2019
Anyone here start with just fucking and then end up with
a relationship? Just wondering how common/uncommon this is.
2 Comentários, 33 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,2.78 Pontuação |
Looking 25/11/2019
Just looking for some fun
2 Comentários, 39 Visualizações,
33 Votos
,2.14 Pontuação |
Building a swinging relationship. 25/11/2019
Hi, we are new swingers and looking for advice. We are looking
for a male to be able to play with. Even when the husband is
not home. What do you think is the best way to approach this?
2 Comentários, 47 Visualizações,
32 Votos
,2.77 Pontuação |
se puede si uno de los dos no lo da todo? 22/11/2019
bueno bajo mi punto de vista no se puede ya que uno con el tiempo
se aburre de darlo todo y solo recibir migajas y de vez en
cuando cuando estan aburridos (as) se ponen las pilas
0 Comentários, 15 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,1.38 Pontuação |
Anyone out there 21/11/2019
Looking for a fwb
1 Comentários, 42 Visualizações,
33 Votos
,2.23 Pontuação |
I havent hooked up in a long time. The next girl in bed with me is gonna be alucky one 21/11/2019
im a 25 year old with a nice cock and an athletic build.
I have natural golden skin and natural green eyes that change
color. i am 90% - South East Asian / and % French. ive been
told i should use the term exotic anyways im horny and
lonely. would love too have your company.
2 Comentários, 23 Visualizações,
16 Votos
,1.36 Pontuação |
Meeting and Demand 19/11/2019
I was wondering about this question that I have in my mind
for a while now. When you meet someone for the first time
online and after a couple of messages, you and the person
wanted start a slow relationship. Once you do that, it
started off fine and well. Then, within a few days, the person
started make demand get them something. I do know that
you do give them something like gifts and stuff ...
4 Comentários, 73 Visualizações,
48 Votos
,2.40 Pontuação |
Just looking to 18/11/2019
build my point up
1 Comentários, 41 Visualizações,
33 Votos
,1.04 Pontuação |
meeting someone new 16/11/2019
I was on this site one Sunday morning when i got a instant
message that said you might think this is weird but will
you me a pack of Newports.. anyways i got a then
a and went to meet this girl.. I met her and her house
parked in the street and she came out and omg she was 22 and
absolutely stunning... to be continued
4 Comentários, 73 Visualizações,
53 Votos
,1.82 Pontuação |
Such change 15/11/2019
Heres such change to starting a relationship now with online
1 Comentários, 57 Visualizações,
41 Votos
,1.43 Pontuação |
Best hotel room? 15/11/2019
What is the best hotel room you've had for sex? For me
it was the Village Hotel in Leeds where the rooms have lovely
full height windows. You can spread her over the large
window and have sex there and then, and right in front of
you is a building full of unknowing office workers lol.
You know they cant see in because of the tinted glass but
it is still really sexy.
2 Comentários, 46 Visualizações,
35 Votos
,2.01 Pontuação |
Can you relally try 11/11/2019
I am trying to get p0ints, but at the same time, just trying
to get that
3 Comentários, 74 Visualizações,
61 Votos
,1.86 Pontuação |
Treat it like a business 10/11/2019
You want to have a successful business
1 Comentários, 74 Visualizações,
56 Votos
,0.91 Pontuação |
Relationship 10/11/2019
3 things critical building a relationship...and GO!
2 Comentários, 51 Visualizações,
39 Votos
,1.20 Pontuação |
Relationship btw gf and bf 10/11/2019
So I am opening a poll here that relationship between gf
and bf can go forward for life time bonding or can stop after
some time So basically of its lust it will stop and if it is stop due
to some misunderstanding then that relation is only for
some time If misunderstanding will resolve by mutual understanding
and some one fell down in their argue to not break the relation
That is called actual ...
0 Comentários, 30 Visualizações,
27 Votos
fun in melbourne 9/11/2019
having luck in melb?
2 Comentários, 49 Visualizações,
46 Votos
,0.08 Pontuação |
Meeting up 8/11/2019
Y is it so hard find someone to meet up
5 Comentários, 68 Visualizações,
50 Votos
,0.75 Pontuação |
Building healthy relationship 7/11/2019
The first and the foremost importance of a healthy relationship
is that it leads mental peace and also a positive ambience
at the workplace. tends enjoy his/her work if he/she
has people around whom he can trust. Trust ; work would
become a mere source of burden if you are asked work in
isolation. We are human beings and not machines work
constantly can for hours. We need people around
0 Comentários, 1 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,2.40 Pontuação |
Points 5/11/2019
For the points
2 Comentários, 71 Visualizações,
59 Votos
,1.93 Pontuação |
Building a relationship 5/11/2019
based on obtaining points
0 Comentários, 1 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,2.40 Pontuação |
Building a relationship 4/11/2019
Building a relationship is not easy do. It's never
perfect and always will have certain situations that comes
with it. Building is the key success.
2 Comentários, 38 Visualizações,
33 Votos
,0.12 Pontuação |
Real ladies in charleston 4/11/2019
Are there real ladies or most scams on here?
2 Comentários, 38 Visualizações,
28 Votos
,0.57 Pontuação |
I am seeking a real man and real relations for life. 4/11/2019
I decided to make a profile on this site, because I am seeking
a real man and real relations for life. I am sure that my man
should give me all his attention, but I understand and I
am ready to give all my love and care from my heart. I do not
ask a lot. I just want you to be who you are. I really need a
spark between us. It will mean that you are special for me.
Just be honest, kind and with ...
1 Comentários, 8 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,1.84 Pontuação |
Hook up 4/11/2019
We've met a few couples on here that actually met through
Des celibataires pleins de ressources. One couple even got married. would have thought.
5 Comentários, 72 Visualizações,
51 Votos
,2.04 Pontuação |
breeding 3/11/2019
is keen
1 Comentários, 47 Visualizações,
37 Votos
,2.31 Pontuação |
do you struggle with commitment? 2/11/2019
I feel as though the hardest part for with any relationship
3 Comentários, 41 Visualizações,
30 Votos
,1.77 Pontuação |
long distance 1/11/2019
Love at first flight (Izabella from Montreal) <br><br>
My husband and I met on a plane. I was traveling from Athens,
Greece to Yerevan, Armenia to visit my extended family.
My now husband was travelling from Switzerland to Armenia
via Athens. He wasn't supposed to be on my flight, but
was set to fly three days earlier but since he lost his passport,
he had to take the next flight, ...
5 Comentários, 61 Visualizações,
41 Votos
,2.22 Pontuação |
Relationship in every manner 31/10/2019
Budding a relationship in every manner is very important
weather you are in family Weather you are in relationship with gf with wife or with
anyone weather it is NSA but relationship is very important.
Respect the feeling of person to whom you are talking about.
So live happy . With relationship s and take care about the
0 Comentários, 21 Visualizações,
16 Votos
,0.92 Pontuação |
A solid relationship 31/10/2019
Is built on points!
0 Comentários, 1 Visualizações,
1 Votos
Points 28/10/2019
Comment if you need points
12 Comentários, 59 Visualizações,
32 Votos
,1.55 Pontuação |
A solid relationship 27/10/2019
Is built on points..
2 Comentários, 21 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,1.99 Pontuação |
Relationship 26/10/2019
Does anyone really come here for a relationship. This is
a sex site!
5 Comentários, 40 Visualizações,
24 Votos
,1.08 Pontuação |
Here 25/10/2019
Is this a good site try and build a relationship from or
should it just be a sex based idea
3 Comentários, 37 Visualizações,
28 Votos
,1.29 Pontuação |
Why 24/10/2019
Do relationship lastt
2 Comentários, 30 Visualizações,
21 Votos
,1.27 Pontuação |
Impossible 24/10/2019
I was married four years to my first girlfriend...fucked
her on the first day I met her. Late bloomer lol...so she
told me she was pregnant three weeks after we had sex...I
was 21 at that time. Forgot to tell u guys something she was
the girlfriend of one of my buddies. So I guess I'm kind
of a dick...so back we're I was she told my dad she was
pregnant and I had to leave to the east ...
3 Comentários, 26 Visualizações,
15 Votos
,2.52 Pontuação |
building 24/10/2019
always start fresh....
1 Comentários, 40 Visualizações,
35 Votos
,3.68 Pontuação |
Best approach? 23/10/2019
What does everyone think is the best approach to meeting
women on here? If a guy is looking for simple nsa fun, even
if its an ongoing thing, how soon should they wait to say
that? Would people rather just talk about random things
for a while before getting down to why we are actually here?
3 Comentários, 46 Visualizações,
35 Votos
,2.36 Pontuação |
Has anyone 23/10/2019
Has anyone started a relationship here! Like a one on one
just u n him or her??
1 Comentários, 31 Visualizações,
26 Votos
,0.87 Pontuação |
couple wanting to meet other couple or women. 21/10/2019
So me and my partner Simon have been on the site for quite
a few months. We’ve been a little quite for the last month
due to illness but back and ready to meet. <br><br>
So getting to the point. We’ve chatted to loads of people
on and off here but how long do you think you have to build
a relationship via messages chatting before meeting.
A lot just seem to want to carry on ...
4 Comentários, 50 Visualizações,
38 Votos
,2.49 Pontuação |
meeting 20/10/2019
why are there so many flakes here. how hard is it to either
want to fuck or not.hahaha
2 Comentários, 30 Visualizações,
26 Votos
,0.98 Pontuação |
time 20/10/2019
It takes times so just be patient with relationships. Thanks
for the points.
0 Comentários, 27 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,0.33 Pontuação |
Lasting relationship 12/10/2019
How many of you have had a lasting relationship with another
person from this site. Do you use it for dating or just try
for occasional hookups.
3 Comentários, 57 Visualizações,
40 Votos
,1.32 Pontuação |
Lost on what to do 12/10/2019
Started off she was keen and as soon as I showed that I could
be keen she backs off and is now very distant. Confused this
0 Comentários, 11 Visualizações,
9 Votos
,1.29 Pontuação |
can u create 1 here 11/10/2019
wondering y we believe here will get or find a date
3 Comentários, 40 Visualizações,
28 Votos
,1.39 Pontuação |
can u create 1 here 11/10/2019
wondering y we believe here will get or find a date
0 Comentários, 20 Visualizações,
19 Votos
,0.36 Pontuação |
can u create 1 here 11/10/2019
wondering y we believe here will get or find a date
0 Comentários, 23 Visualizações,
18 Votos
,0.67 Pontuação |
can u create 1 here 11/10/2019
wondering y we believe here will get or find a date
1 Comentários, 26 Visualizações,
16 Votos
,0.63 Pontuação |
can u create 1 here 11/10/2019
wondering y we believe here will get or find a date
0 Comentários, 15 Visualizações,
15 Votos
,0.22 Pontuação |
can u create 1 here 11/10/2019
wondering y we believe here will get or find a date
2 Comentários, 18 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,0.74 Pontuação |
can u create 1 here 11/10/2019
wondering y we believe here will get or find a date
1 Comentários, 12 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,1.30 Pontuação |
can u create 1 here 11/10/2019
wondering y we believe here will get or find a date
0 Comentários, 5 Visualizações,
5 Votos
,0.86 Pontuação |
Points galore 11/10/2019
Points galore
1 Comentários, 19 Visualizações,
15 Votos
,3.44 Pontuação |
New girl 11/10/2019
They say you should never have a workplace romance, and
that's advice worth following. But damn. It's
easier to follow that advice when you're working with
a bunch of dudes, or if the women you work with are just not
your type. Or they could be your type but they're all
attached and it's just always going to be all business.
But what happens when someone ...
0 Comentários, 20 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,2.50 Pontuação |
I’m bored with the people in my town so here I am lol 11/10/2019
0 Comentários, 0 Visualizações,
0 Votos
I’m bored with the people in my town so here I am lol 11/10/2019
0 Comentários, 0 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Dom or Sub 10/10/2019
How much is too much? Can you be too much of either type?
0 Comentários, 4 Visualizações,
4 Votos
,0.92 Pontuação |
Bodies 9/10/2019
Should people stay sexy for their respective other.?
0 Comentários, 6 Visualizações,
6 Votos
,3.93 Pontuação |
How to best do it 5/10/2019
If anybody has any suggestions...!
2 Comentários, 25 Visualizações,
21 Votos
,1.15 Pontuação |
This Date Night Box Might Save Your Relationship 4/10/2019
Following instructions, I strapped the lime green, dragon-eyed
sleep mask on my girlfriend’s head, spun her around five
times until she was dizzy, and verbally directed the trajectory
of the makeshift paper airplane in her hand (also dragon-themed)
in order to help her connect with a series of targets placed
around my bedroom. Once she succeeded in knocking them
down, and her vestibular system ...
0 Comentários, 15 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,2.61 Pontuação |
Taking it to another level! 30/9/2019
Could your partners need/desire to add another dimension
to your relationship, sexually, have a negative impact
on your dynamic? #4TPTS
2 Comentários, 53 Visualizações,
42 Votos
,1.85 Pontuação |
Relationship Building 30/9/2019
What does it take
2 Comentários, 45 Visualizações,
38 Votos
,0.50 Pontuação |
c=chat and say what you feel 29/9/2019
why dont people with you and tell you they are not interested
or are interested
2 Comentários, 36 Visualizações,
28 Votos
,0.98 Pontuação |
Des celibataires pleins de ressources 25/9/2019
Do you think Des celibataires pleins de ressources works as ahook up site or is it just to master
ate to
4 Comentários, 48 Visualizações,
39 Votos
,1.04 Pontuação |
Lets hook up 25/9/2019
Life is too short for games and drama
10 Comentários, 85 Visualizações,
53 Votos
,3.16 Pontuação |
Letting go of the other one. 25/9/2019
Letting go is not always easy. But maybe the best thing for
you. Holding on to the memories may not be so kind either.
Just try to remember that at least you got to experience
that time in your history and search to make more. It is what
you make it. So get out there and enjoy life.
1 Comentários, 41 Visualizações,
34 Votos
,1.44 Pontuação |
A real relationship 23/9/2019
Is it possible to build a real relationship on this site?
Whether this or any of the phone apps, i dont see them being
a solid way for building something. I'm not looking
for that personally, but some people are
2 Comentários, 22 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,2.61 Pontuação |
Try to have fun 23/9/2019
Keep your woman happy n always eat her pussy before you fuck
2 Comentários, 33 Visualizações,
28 Votos
,1.29 Pontuação |
points 17/9/2019
0 Comentários, 1 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,1.10 Pontuação |
We associate good relationships with sexuality, assuming
quite naturally happy couples have sex more often
than their miserable counterparts. But have you ever considered
just what it is about sex makes it so beneficial to a
couple’s relationship? A new and well-conducted investigation
Anik Debrot and colleagues (20) points to the surprising
role not of the sex itself, but of the affection ...
12 Comentários, 71 Visualizações,
40 Votos
,3.88 Pontuação |
Points 15/9/2019
Sorry take up space but needing points!
3 Comentários, 52 Visualizações,
43 Votos
,1.95 Pontuação |
Good sex 11/9/2019
Warmth comfortable safe strong loving big penis
2 Comentários, 56 Visualizações,
39 Votos
,1.77 Pontuação |
Hard 10/9/2019
Sometimes it's hard for people to take you serious,
when everyone thinks everyone else is fake. Lol
3 Comentários, 42 Visualizações,
30 Votos
,1.97 Pontuação |
hello there how are you doing today ? By the way i am Christine and i am here for long term relation 8/9/2019
Hello there I'm Christine, kinda new this dating
website. I'm looking for a relationship that might
lead marriage. I'm a fun type and I would love have
fun with my partner in so many ways. Lets get know each
other and see if things will work between us. You can
possibly me on my by bettysparks33 at
mail com. Hope hear from you soon(smile)
0 Comentários, 4 Visualizações,
4 Votos
,2.08 Pontuação |
Every a good thing. 4/9/2019
IS IT ever a good thing to have a relationship with a married
0 Comentários, 28 Visualizações,
22 Votos
,1.08 Pontuação |
It is what it is!! 1/9/2019
Fucking each other all the time is the best way say together!
5 Comentários, 66 Visualizações,
45 Votos
,1.55 Pontuação |
Lets meet and build a happy relationship with lots of love 26/8/2019
Life is too short and must be lived and enjoyed to the fullest
with special someone. Who is here for me ???
2 Comentários, 35 Visualizações,
27 Votos
,5.56 Pontuação |
The dos and donts of building a relationship 25/8/2019
So to begin, the rules of relationships are easy enough.
Be honest. Be honest. Be honest. <br><br>
Honestly goes a long way. Wether its a closed relationship
or open. With out honesty the trust isnt there. Without
trust bitterness begins to haunt you. Betrayal can be a
devilish thing. <br><br>
So be honest with your partner and withyour self. You will
be on the road to a ...
2 Comentários, 68 Visualizações,
60 Votos
,2.52 Pontuação |
The dos and donts of building a relationship 25/8/2019
So to begin, the rules of relationships are easy enough.
Be honest. Be honest. Be honest. <br><br>
Honestly goes a long way. Wether its a closed relationship
or open. With out honesty the trust isnt there. Without
trust bitterness begins to haunt you. Betrayal can be a
devilish thing. <br><br>
So be honest with your partner and withyour self. You will
be on the road to a ...
3 Comentários, 69 Visualizações,
45 Votos
,3.16 Pontuação |
How do I get my wife to get outside her sexual comfort zone? 24/8/2019
I want venture a bit more in our sexuality. How do I get
wife jump on board? Anybody have any advice?
2 Comentários, 87 Visualizações,
63 Votos
,2.11 Pontuação |
Sex Building 24/8/2019
Building a relationship based on sex can be satisfying
as well as pleasureable. Most women prefer just have
the guy give them things, take them dinner, or things
for them. I have found the most intimate moments happen
on the spur of the moment. So you all lets build our relationships
on sex.
2 Comentários, 58 Visualizações,
39 Votos
,2.42 Pontuação |
the policeman 24/8/2019
day while driving, I was pulled over by the local police.
I stopped the car and waited for the officer to approach,
and when he did, he signaled to that I should roll down
the window. I did as he asked and then began waving hands
about head, like I was swatting at fly's. What's
the matter with you? the officer asked. I told him that it
was those Titsey flies. Titsey flies he ...
0 Comentários, 55 Visualizações,
39 Votos
,3.40 Pontuação |
What I'm looking for? I can't say that I have some special criteria for my search 24/8/2019
Life is too short and must be lived and enjoyed to the fullest
with that special someone
1 Comentários, 24 Visualizações,
18 Votos
,4.49 Pontuação |
Lets love each other 24/8/2019
Treat each other with respect
10 Comentários, 82 Visualizações,
49 Votos
,5.00 Pontuação |
Relationships 23/8/2019
When you start a relationship and sex is introduced do you
find it makes your relationship stronger. Or is sex just
expected and does not affect you.
1 Comentários, 43 Visualizações,
26 Votos
,2.38 Pontuação |
11 years and it keeps getting better 21/8/2019
we have been married years and not until about a year ago
was my wife able to tell she likes her ass licked. I asked
her why and her response was she thought I would think it
was gross and it would embarrass her. we had a long discussion
about when you get married you just kind of get into a routine
and you stop putting in the effort to go above and beyond.
so we made a list of places we want ...
4 Comentários, 52 Visualizações,
34 Votos
,3.60 Pontuação |
why oh why must I 21/8/2019
Roses are red, violets are blue, we should get naked and
wrestle pronto boo
1 Comentários, 23 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,2.28 Pontuação |
what do you feel? 21/8/2019
what does everyone feel is the key maintaining a strong
relationship? whether thats just sex or something on a
deeper level?
0 Comentários, 0 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Love is beautiful 21/8/2019
life is too short
6 Comentários, 37 Visualizações,
25 Votos
,4.68 Pontuação |
Life is too short 20/8/2019
Love is the greatest gift of life
6 Comentários, 42 Visualizações,
21 Votos
,4.61 Pontuação |
Life is too short 20/8/2019
Love is the greatest gift of life
1 Comentários, 17 Visualizações,
15 Votos
,3.59 Pontuação |
Life is too short 20/8/2019
Love is the greatest gift of life
0 Comentários, 7 Visualizações,
6 Votos
,3.65 Pontuação |
How do i go about contacting someone? 19/8/2019
how do i go about contacting someone on here? in a respectful
manner that will actually get someones attention to respond?
2 Comentários, 20 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,2.79 Pontuação |
Where at 18/8/2019
Fuck her right in the pussy
0 Comentários, 12 Visualizações,
11 Votos
,2.42 Pontuação |
Life is too short 15/8/2019
Love life and live it well
1 Comentários, 12 Visualizações,
9 Votos
,3.21 Pontuação |
You Gotta' 15/8/2019
what I mean is ya just...
1 Comentários, 14 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,2.09 Pontuação |
Life is too short 14/8/2019
Love Life
0 Comentários, 13 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,2.09 Pontuação |
When to include a 3rd 12/8/2019
How often should a regular 3rd person be included during
adult fun and how often is too much?
9 Comentários, 80 Visualizações,
35 Votos
,4.38 Pontuação |
Why not take a chance? 8/8/2019
Just texting and breezing over a profile may not allow the
characteristics of someone behind the profile to come
out. You really don't know until meeting up in real
life if there could be a great connection. It could even
lead to more. What does everyone think about how difficult
it is to get past txt. call, and actually meet?
7 Comentários, 58 Visualizações,
27 Votos
,4.40 Pontuação |
Quality 7/8/2019
Am I too young to build a quality relationship with these
older women?
5 Comentários, 45 Visualizações,
25 Votos
,3.46 Pontuação |
This site is frustrating 6/8/2019
Gotta do things just to get points
6 Comentários, 49 Visualizações,
28 Votos
,2.73 Pontuação |
trust in a realationship 6/8/2019
How long can a relationship last if 2 people have met up on
AAF. An exclusive relationship....Could you trust your
3 Comentários, 13 Visualizações,
3 Votos
,4.41 Pontuação |
Can we? 4/8/2019
Cant we all just get along on here?
1 Comentários, 20 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,3.13 Pontuação |
Peak 3/8/2019
Building up a relationship is fun, but who finds you
a peak where the fun slows and dies off ? <br><br>
I find it happens to often
3 Comentários, 44 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,3.36 Pontuação |
Love is the greatest gift of life 3/8/2019
Life is too short and must be lived and enjoyed to the fullest
with that special someone.. Are you that special someone?
Lets give this a try and see
7 Comentários, 68 Visualizações,
47 Votos
,4.78 Pontuação |
Love is the greatest gift of life 3/8/2019
Life is too short and must be lived and enjoyed to the fullest
with that special someone.. Are you that special someone?
Lets give this a try and see
1 Comentários, 31 Visualizações,
20 Votos
,4.91 Pontuação |
Whats up 3/8/2019
Points r really cool I love them...
1 Comentários, 22 Visualizações,
16 Votos
,2.83 Pontuação |
Talking 2/8/2019
Doesn't anyone enjoy the fine art of talking anymore?
Having real meaningful conversations?
2 Comentários, 27 Visualizações,
18 Votos
,2.44 Pontuação |
Time 1/8/2019
Take a lot of time and getting to know someone
0 Comentários, 13 Visualizações,
10 Votos
,2.19 Pontuação |
Life is too short 31/7/2019
Love is the greatest gift
4 Comentários, 43 Visualizações,
26 Votos
,5.40 Pontuação |
Life is too short 30/7/2019
Have you ever been in love ?
3 Comentários, 27 Visualizações,
22 Votos
,3.97 Pontuação |
Love is the greatest gift of life 30/7/2019
Life is amazing when you find someone who accepts, understand
and love you for who and what you are
2 Comentários, 25 Visualizações,
21 Votos
,4.36 Pontuação |
You know why 29/7/2019
uou know why i am here. For the points. I did it al for the points,
the points, so you can take that and stick it in your ,
stick it in your ...my limp bizkit nookie rendition
0 Comentários, 11 Visualizações,
10 Votos
,2.19 Pontuação |
Love is the greatest gift of life 28/7/2019
Lets give each other the chance and see what the future holds
4 Comentários, 35 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,3.83 Pontuação |
Love is the greatest gift of life 27/7/2019
Each and everyone of us forward to meeting someone
to love , accept and understand
1 Comentários, 17 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,4.74 Pontuação |
Life is too short 27/7/2019
Love is the greatest gift
2 Comentários, 23 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,4.42 Pontuação |
Long Distance Relationships 25/7/2019
I feel like I hear all the time Long distance relationships
can work if both people are willing to make it work, but I
have never met anyone including 2 relationships my self
who has actually been in one that has worked . Is it just
doomed from the start?
3 Comentários, 19 Visualizações,
10 Votos
,2.79 Pontuação |
Building rapport 25/7/2019
Just a short article on building rapport with new people
you wish to meet. <br><br>
1. Always be respectful. 2. Even if you have a big cock, it won't make a difference
if you act like one. So don't do that. 3. Show some class. 4. Relax and have fun with it.
0 Comentários, 7 Visualizações,
6 Votos
,2.80 Pontuação |
Women ...the greatest 23/7/2019
And i quote- One thing I enjoy the most is a nice long Blow
Job, I enjoy tasting a yummy hard cock, going in and out just
makes me feel so sexy and wet for what comes next.
1 Comentários, 24 Visualizações,
17 Votos
,1.43 Pontuação |
Best way to build relationship on hook up sites 21/7/2019
Seems like I am a bit aggressive when it comes chatting
on here....any advice help in the future. I assumed this
was a hook up site not a get know ya site lol
5 Comentários, 44 Visualizações,
19 Votos
,3.92 Pontuação |
Hey Daddy Wanna Play 15/7/2019
So how many people thank it is normal to have a daddy daughter
role play relationship.
0 Comentários, 0 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Let your partner have some space 14/7/2019
Remember to let eachother have som fun time alone. If your
partner knows his body well and she the same, the sex will
get sooo much better <3 check on eachothers kinks
once in a while. In a longterm relationship change and
so does our kinks and fantasies. How about filming and sending
it to your partner? A little teasevideo of you touching
your lovely pussy. Mutual masterbation is a winner ...
1 Comentários, 34 Visualizações,
29 Votos
,4.14 Pontuação |
There is more to a relationship than sex 13/7/2019
Wait...what? What was that heresy??? This is a kink site
Janet!!! Kink and sex go hand in hand. I mean...you just
can't have kink without the sex...its impossible
and for you to DARE to suggest that a relationship...ESPECIALLY
one involving kink is..is...why its ludicrous!! <br><br>
Ummm. No. No it's not. Sure, sex is awesome, sex is great...sex
is why I dont ...
1 Comentários, 20 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,2.66 Pontuação |
How to Build Good Relationships 7/7/2019
Let’s start with kindness. How kind should you be? As
kind as you possibly can. Who should you be kind to? To everyone
you come in contact with. From taxi drivers, to hotel clerks,
to servers, to store clerks, to people on the street, in
your office and home. Be kind to everyone. <br><br>
A kind word goes a long way. Perhaps somebody is having a
bad day and you don’t know it. He ...
1 Comentários, 47 Visualizações,
34 Votos
,3.15 Pontuação |
Insecuritys 2/7/2019
Hi everyone. <br><br>
I've been with this girl about 3 weeks now. We really
like each other! <br><br>
But when we get in bed, I just cant get over the hump. I think I'm afraid to have sex with her. <br><br>
I've had sex with multiple woman. But with her idk what's
going on <br><br>
I get super hard but I just keep telling her ...
7 Comentários, 77 Visualizações,
40 Votos
,3.16 Pontuação |
Fun after dark 30/6/2019
I always wonder if she thinks about me as she lays there looking
so peacefully content as I ponder if I am enough for her
1 Comentários, 30 Visualizações,
23 Votos
,2.31 Pontuação |
Old Fashioned ? 26/6/2019
What ever happened to actually getting to know the other
person before slipping under the sheets.. Using protection
is certainly needed and then really dampens the experience.
Has this world gotten so fast that getting laid as often
and as many times as possible is the norm ?
1 Comentários, 10 Visualizações,
8 Votos
,1.86 Pontuação |
If you have kids old enough to voice their opinion make sure they support your decision. 26/6/2019
So I reconnected with my childhood sweetheart after not
having seen her in over 25 years. We grew up together, our
parents were best friends, our families got together several
times a year even when they moved away to Bedford. I knew
I loved her since October of 1986, but did not know how she
felt about me. In college we wrote letters back and forth
to each other and so after my divorce I had ...
1 Comentários, 38 Visualizações,
24 Votos
,1.99 Pontuação |
Best Sex you've ever had? 24/6/2019
Refer to the title!
1 Comentários, 27 Visualizações,
18 Votos
,3.53 Pontuação |
Suggestions on what to do to keep the fire going 17/6/2019
Ladies, I've been married to a wonderful well respected
woman for over 20 years. Want to keep the sexy life alive.
She's pre menopausal. Any suggestions on what I need
to do to be supportive of her during this time? <br><br>
7 Comentários, 71 Visualizações,
45 Votos
,2.94 Pontuação |
asfhksdhfkjshfsdkjfhsdkjhfksdjhk 17/6/2019
sdfsdfs, djfnksjhdfkj skdfj jsd fkjsdkj
3 Comentários, 35 Visualizações,
29 Votos
,2.94 Pontuação |
New to this 16/6/2019
I just want to say hi to all in here. I'm new to this and
i love it o far
0 Comentários, 3 Visualizações,
1 Votos
,5.00 Pontuação |
Lies 12/6/2019
How csn you expect people to trust you when you get cauggt
in a lie
4 Comentários, 53 Visualizações,
35 Votos
,3.59 Pontuação |
Help 10/6/2019
Whats best way to get more points kn here
2 Comentários, 38 Visualizações,
25 Votos
,2.58 Pontuação |
points 9/6/2019
need more points.
3 Comentários, 22 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,3.78 Pontuação |
Jess. 9/6/2019
The beauty of night that was lost. That missing light. Has returned. It was lost but returned. Beautiful and brighter then ever before. That darkness that engulfed me. Is no more. For my moon and sun returned. The night twinkled with new stars. That present each new hope. I see a brighter future.
1 Comentários, 4 Visualizações,
2 Votos
,3.81 Pontuação |
need the points 4/6/2019
7 Comentários, 71 Visualizações,
51 Votos
,2.63 Pontuação |
Should a relationship start with sex 3/6/2019
Just a question
5 Comentários, 55 Visualizações,
33 Votos
,2.32 Pontuação |
Free 3/6/2019
Free free free free free free
5 Comentários, 40 Visualizações,
28 Votos
,2.73 Pontuação |
What would get you to reply to a guys message? 1/6/2019
What are ladies and couples looking for in the first online
interaction with someone they seek? Is it a “hello”?
Or is it more?
9 Comentários, 72 Visualizações,
44 Votos
,2.49 Pontuação |
Trust 30/5/2019
I'm sure people I want to trust but it's difficult
so just be patient
7 Comentários, 49 Visualizações,
33 Votos
,3.15 Pontuação |
In D/s, Relationship BOTH people's desires matter—but they matter in different ways. 29/5/2019
I know Doms who think that their plans for their submissive
are all that matter. Subs get to say yes or no—consent
is always important—but they're only either agreeing
or disagreeing to what their Dom offers to do. I know submissives
who think this way too: they don't want to say what they
want, because a part of their enjoyment comes from their
Dom asserting their desires. ...
2 Comentários, 58 Visualizações,
34 Votos
,3.33 Pontuação |
Welcome to my Page. 23/5/2019
Hey! You should be MY Top Fan. Add me as YOUR Top Fan ASAP!!
3 Comentários, 51 Visualizações,
35 Votos
,2.18 Pontuação |
My Wife's lover - letter from Istanbul 23/5/2019
While working away from you for four months in Turkey, you
were on my mind most of the work day and all the time in the
long hotel nights. I built a fantasy around you, speculating
that you were not alone back in Ottawa. Maybe it was a slight
guilt about leaving you while I was on my Middle East working
adventure. More likely it was my fantasy around what you
had told me about previous affairs ...
4 Comentários, 61 Visualizações,
29 Votos
,2.54 Pontuação |
For the points! 22/5/2019
Hey all! Who here loves points?
0 Comentários, 0 Visualizações,
0 Votos
Finding that someone 21/5/2019
This site doesn’t strike me as the place to find someone
you love. Anyone ever met their partner here? I just don’t
see it. If you’re on this site, then you know what the intentions
1 Comentários, 9 Visualizações,
3 Votos
,1.96 Pontuação |
Felicitation for Stronger Relationship! Today is the Birth Day of NioNBi wife!! 20/5/2019
I as the husband of NioNBi take this opportunity
to announce that today is my loving wife's birth day.
In fact beside she being my wife, she is my
assistant who has provided unparalleled exciting time
for many a people with her magical hands to make them happy
and healthy through our professional sensual scrub massages
or through our ...
5 Comentários, 61 Visualizações,
29 Votos
,2.24 Pontuação |
I'm a 734 925 5590 25 year old freak dominant Man and love being submissive as well 17/5/2019
I need an older milf
0 Comentários, 24 Visualizações,
18 Votos
,1.49 Pontuação |
What's in a name 13/5/2019
Relationships are good. As long as both parties understand
the parameters. Need points
1 Comentários, 34 Visualizações,
27 Votos
,2.71 Pontuação |
What's in a name 13/5/2019
Relationships are good. As long as both parties understand
the parameters. Need points
0 Comentários, 21 Visualizações,
21 Votos
,1.39 Pontuação |
What's in a name 13/5/2019
Relationships are good. As long as both parties understand
the parameters. Need points
0 Comentários, 17 Visualizações,
13 Votos
,1.13 Pontuação |
Caregiver? 10/5/2019
3 Comentários, 53 Visualizações,
44 Votos
,2.64 Pontuação |
Just for the points 8/5/2019
To build a relationship you need some points!
4 Comentários, 56 Visualizações,
43 Votos
,3.91 Pontuação |
Relationship or fun? 7/5/2019
What are a majority of you here for? A relationship or some
fun? I’ve been running into more and more looking for
a relationship. Not saying it’s all bad as I’ve heard
many do meet partners here but what’s ur take on it?
0 Comentários, 24 Visualizações,
14 Votos
,1.86 Pontuação |
Its hard to build a relationship 4/5/2019
When no one can trust one another it sucks
5 Comentários, 64 Visualizações,
35 Votos
,2.18 Pontuação |