Liebe ist! 4.8.2016
Liebe bereichert das Leben, Liebe ist geben und nehmen.Die
Zeit gemeinsam und spannend gestalten und trotzdem seine
Persönlichkeit bei zu behalten, denn wenn man sich stresst
dann bringt es nur Falten.Frau alleine gibt mir die Inspiration
für meinen tief her gegriffenen Ton und für all diese
Mühe meine kleine Prinzessin- auf dem goldenen Tron,
ist deine Aufmerksamkeit für mich der Lohn. Ich ...
1 Kommentare, 7 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Easy 25.7.2011
Es gibt sie trotzdem noch.
2 Kommentare, 26 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
LOVE KILLS SEX 18.7.2011
0 Kommentare, 74 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
ka 23.1.2011
wirklich niemand schriebt mir wenn ich ihn anschrieeeb
zurück (ich schribe an frauen) was kann ich tuhen ?
0 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Gegen Liebe 29.10.2010
vllt habe ich das problem dass ich eine gute und ewig andauernde
beziehung möchte und die meisten atraktiven frauen einfach nicht in der
lage dazu sind oder ich treffe immer die falschen
nach meiner letzten beziehung würde ich sagen scheiß
auf liebe, ick will lieber vögeln
0 Kommentare, 14 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Liebe oder Einsamkeit 7.10.2010
Vor einigen Jahren, als meine damalige
Liebe mich betrogen hat und unsere Beziehung dadurch kaputt
ging, dachte ich noch ...Liebe, ? was ist das, oder Liebe
kotzt die Hölle und statt Feuer bleibt kalter Rauch! Eine lange Zeit dachte ich alle Frauen betrügen nur und
nehmen nix mehr ernst. Aber als ich es am wenigsten erwartete,
tat sich für mich noch einmal die Liebe auf. ...
1 Kommentare, 92 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,1.67 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Freie Liebe??? 11.8.2009
Hippi zeiten sind gescheitert oder aus dem trend!?
Wie denkt ihr 黚er freie liebe
und die eifersucht?
gesunden charakter 黚er thema sex?
sicherheit bei der Partnerwahl?
wunsch nach ner offenen beziehung, warum?
reicht euch eine(r)? (wie lange)?
die m鰃lichkeit aus einer offenen sache eine feste geschichte
werden zu lassen, ...
1 Kommentare, 44 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.94 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Das ist Liebe 15.7.2009
Die Liebe!
Was ist Liebe? Das Wort Liebe wird für vieles benutzt, aber was ist die
Liebe wirklich die jeder zu suchen versucht und die die
das leben erst Lebenswert macht, ohne die es nur Streit,
Krieg und Tot gäbe. Ich liebe mein Auto, ich liebe diesen Berg, ich liebe dieses
Gefühl, Ich liebe diese Frau, gehe hin und töte aus Liebe
zu deinem Vaterland, gib die Sexualität aus Liebe ...
0 Kommentare, 27 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Auszeichnung für den besten Liebesroman 18.5.2009
Celle [ Fett gedruckt ] - Britt Reissmanns Buch "Der Traum vom Tod" ist
als bester deutschsprachiger Liebesroman des vergangenen
Jahres ausgezeichnet worden. Die Jury lobte das Werk bei
der Verleihung des Delia 2009 in Celle als " psychologisch grossartig erzählten Krimi "
mit einer überraschenden Romanze, wie der Verein zur Förderung
Deutschsprachiger Liebesromanliteratur mitteilte.
Der Roman ...
0 Kommentare, 18 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
Ist Sex wirklich das Nonplusultra für jeden? 15.3.2009
Sex ist bekanntlich eine mächtige Angelegenheit die jedem
gefällt, doch stelle ich fest das Sex durchaus zu Frust
führen kann. Ist Sex das wichtigste im Leben eines Menschen oder wird
der Sex eher überbewertet?
0 Kommentare, 31 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.12 Gesamtpunktzahl |
pk? 3.1.2009
dddddfgsg sdfs etsebl v owieotwirtn wertwert
0 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Das Leben ist so verwirrend 19.10.2008
Liebe kommt und geht auch wieder. Doch pl鰐zlich, an einem
bestimmten Punkt in deinem Leben, macht es Klick und DER
oder DIE richtige steht vor dir. Du wei遲 genau, mit IHM
oder IHR willst du dein Leben verbringen. Aber irgendwas
hindert dich daran es zuzugeben. Irgendwas h鋖t dich davon
ab, zu sagen: "ich liebe Dich". Was soll das? Spielen deine Gef黨le verr點kt, fahren sie
mit dir ...
0 Kommentare, 122 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,4.99 Gesamtpunktzahl |
For more the few nice women, but, in the reason also for every [ ! ] woman ... 23.7.2008
... what I have found and I know she better here.
- / -
When I look on your pictures. I notice not only alone here
one extremely sensual body.
I dream more other things. I have now the great wish to kiss
you. Absolutely tender.
It can be, later I wish to have sexual activity with you !?
Naturally also a little bit so a thinking for to come in you, - ...
0 Kommentare, 12 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Bezauberndes Lächeln 29.3.2008
Bezauberndes L鋍heln :
K鰊ntest Du Dich doch mit meinen Augen sehn... ach wie f鋘dest Du Dich wundersch鰊. Dieses strahlende L鋍heln... das bis in die Augen reicht... schenkt mir die Sonne... Gef黨le der Z鋜tlichkeit. Du verzauberst die Herzen... die Dir begegnen... in meinen Augen bist Du... ein himlisches Wesen. F黵 alle hast Du ... ein liebes Wort... f黵 verzweifelte, ...
0 Kommentare, 152 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,5.97 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Geliebter Stern 29.3.2008
Geliebter Stern!
Sorglos träumend ohne zu fallen, lieg ich in Deinem Arm.
Du wirst mich behüten, hälst mich mit Deiner Liebe warm.
Bin liebevoll beschützt, durch Deine Nähe und Zärtlichkeit.
Wirst für immer an meiner Seite sein, bis in alle Ewigkeit.
Liebe zu Dir, läßt mein Herz heftigst schlagen, tief in
mir. All meine Gefühle und Gedanken, die widme ich nur ...
0 Kommentare, 64 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,5.19 Gesamtpunktzahl |
ich Liebe 26.3.2008
Ich Liebe die Liebe die Liebe
Liebt mich doch die Ich Liebe die Liebt mich nicht.[/SIZE]...
0 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
love 9.1.2008
liebe ist so was schönes
0 Kommentare, 22 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
ich liebe die frauen--ch loves the women 11.8.2007
ch asks all members of the circle of friends to inform itself.
and writing into our blogs, with photos, please. I wish
everyone ice beautiful wuchenende.danke.
0 Kommentare, 25 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
Who is Who? 8.5.2007
Who is Who?
0 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,0.34 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Wunsch Girls! 21.11.2006
Hallo liebe Freunde bei Des celibataires pleins de ressources grade habe
ich mir Profile bei den Girls angeschaut bin wirklich überrascht
welche heiße Feger es hir gibt da braucht man garicht mehr
in den Urlaub gehen(IBIZA)
Leider sind viele Frauen für mich unerreichbar)
2 Kommentare, 46 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Eine von vielen Fragen wie finden Frauen String-Tangas bei Männer!? 20.11.2006
Hallo Girls wie findet ihr String-Tangas(Dessous) bei
uns Männer!?
2 Kommentare, 52 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Eine von vielen Fragen was mag die Frau von heute als Vorspiel;-)) 16.11.2006
Hallo liebe Girls bei Des celibataires pleins de ressources.com was ich mich
frage wie will die Frau von heute verfürt werden!?
Ich verwöhne sie gerne mit einer Öl Massage, und ein schönes
Bad mit viel zärtliche Küsse)
0 Kommentare, 59 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.08 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Einer von vielen Gründen das man das Parfum P6 haben sollte!? 16.11.2006
Hallo liebe Freunde bei FriendFinder.com
Mit P6 können die größte Träume war werden, beim ersten
Date oder in einer Partnerschaft dass Parfüm ist echt top.
Für die Frau gibt Hot Pheromon Woman mit der gleichen Anziehungskraft)3
0 Kommentare, 45 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Eine Innerliche Unruhe........ 5.11.2006
4 Jahre schlummert das nun auf mein Rechner, der Welt verborgen.
Einmal am 14.02 in einer Zeitung veröffentlich, mit fatalen
folgen! Anscheinend gibt es wohl Menschen, die mit so falschen
Gefühlen Manipulier, obwohl man sich eigentlich Jahrzehnte
kennt: Schade drum
Tragt dieses soweit wie möglich im Web herum, damit sich
ein jedes wieder einholt.
0 Kommentare, 157 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.08 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Wie sich neu verlieben? 16.10.2006
Nach einer sehr langen Beziehung scheint es mir ein Ding
der Unmöglichkeit mich wieder unvoreingenommen zu verlieben.
Hoffe das wird sich mit der Zeit ändern. Eure Erfahrungen?
1 Kommentare, 70 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,3.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Liebe 16.10.2006
Ist immer ein heikles Thema. Insbesondere nach einer langen
Beziehung ist es meist für eine Seite schwierig: ob beim
Weiterführen der Beziehung oder um es zu beenden. Was meint
1 Kommentare, 46 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
what's love but a second hand emotion... 6.9.2006
Ich stelle diese These zur Diskussion.
1 Kommentare, 28 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,2.49 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Liebesbrief an eine Unbekannte 19.8.2006
ich hoffe nun stark daß diese Zeilen von der Frau gelesen
werden, deren
Stimmung ähnlich der meinen ist. Ich habe Dich in meinem
bisherigen Leben
nicht getroffen, vielleicht doch, aber wir sind vielleicht
vorbeigelaufen, ohne es zu wissen.
Wie anders als mit solchen Zeilen soll ich denn auf mich
aufmerksam machen?
Ja, ich weiss dass das Internet nicht gerade ...
1 Kommentare, 176 Angesehen,
21 Stimmen
,3.37 Gesamtpunktzahl |
what´s love? 15.7.2006
das ist das medium das ausserhalb dieser Seiten auf ganz
normale gereifte Zeitaufwänden zustande kommt.
0 Kommentare, 27 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
definition 4.3.2006
..ist den partner zu respektieren, auf gleicher augenhöhe
miteinander zu stehen u. in gar keinem falle etwas zu tun
das den Partner ernsthaft verletzen würde.
0 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Liebe ist nicht nur ein Wort 18.12.2005
Sie kann sehr schön sein mit einer Frau.
Es gibt hier viele nette und liebe Frauen.
1 Kommentare, 132 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,3.25 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Wo Ran liebe ist 6.12.2005
Woran Liegt es das Frauen immer Wieder Auf seelische Grausamkeiten
st鰏sen und die noch Bevor zugen? Wuss Man(n) heute zu tage
wirklich so krank sein sich zei oder drei Frauen zu halten
und bei bedarf auf anruf sex?
Was finden Frauen daran zu wissen erbetr黦t mich aber ich
will ihn behalten hers und verstand sagen nein, und trotz
dem so blad er sich melde springen die hormo im dreiecke ...
2 Kommentare, 98 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,3.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Was ist Liebe? 4.12.2005
Was ist liebe? Eine Krankheit? Das M鋘nliche Gehirn Verabschiedet
sich in die Hose. Das Weiblich In Voller zukunft Palung
Wie Nehme ich Die Ganz(GeldB鰎se) am Besten und leichtes
aus. Schwindel gef黨le, Flugzeuge im Bauch Nicht Mehr
Klar Denken Schweiss Ausbr點he Beim Mann. Ist Das Liebe
oder nur der versuch mich Sexsuell in stimmung zu Bringen
um seinen fortpflanzung trieb zu ...
1 Kommentare, 40 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,3.43 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Seitensprung 7.11.2005
ich bin auf eine interessante Geschichte gestossen.
Es gibt eine Befragung von Frauen zu dem Thema: Wie stehen
Sie zum Seitensprung?
1. Können Sie einen Seitensprung ihres Partners tolerieren?
2. Würden Sie selbst einen Seitensprung begehen?
Das Ergebnis war sehr interessant. Nur jede 9. Frau würde ...
1 Kommentare, 339 Angesehen,
16 Stimmen
,4.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Ich glaube... 24.10.2005
... nicht was du sagst
weil ich sehe was du tust...
1 Kommentare, 170 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,2.79 Gesamtpunktzahl |
melde dich 21.10.2005
ich suche nach eineer dame die mit mir ihre sexuele lust
teilen mochte. ich wuerde dich gerne kennenlehrnen und
mit dir veruckte sachen machen. melde dich
0 Kommentare, 261 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Erst Sex , dann Liebe - oder vielleicht doch andersrum??? 9.10.2005
Hallo Ihr Lieben,
ich weiß nicht ob dieser Artikel eher eine Frage, eher eine
Antwort, oder vielleicht auch nur ein Denkanstoss sein
Nach meinem ersten Monat in dieser Runde ist es mir noch
nicht so wirklich klar was mich hier in Zukunft erwartet,
außer das es mit dem schnellen Sex offensichtlich doch
garnicht so einfach ist wie man(n) erstmal meint.
1 Kommentare, 249 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,3.43 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Intelligenz... 17.9.2005
... ist nicht genug, wenn Weisheit fehlt.
Optimismus ist nicht genug, wenn Kraft fehlt.
Leben ist nicht genug, wenn Zauber fehlt.
Freundschaft ist nicht genug, wenn Vertrauen fehlt.
Liebe ist nicht genug, wenn Mut fehlt.
Ich bin nicht genug- wenn DU fehlst
4 Kommentare, 211 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,3.93 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Es ist... 17.9.2005
...leichter zu denken als zu fühlen-
leichter, Fehler zu machen als das Richtige zu tun.
Es ist leichter zu kritisieren als zu verstehen-
leichter Angst zu haben, als Mut.
Es ist leichter zu schlafen als zu Leben-
leichter zu feilschen als einfach zu geben.
Es ist leichter zu bleiben was man geworden ist, als zu werden
was man im Grunde ist...
1 Kommentare, 97 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,4.41 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Ich... 17.9.2005
.. will dich treffen und dann nicht hingehen.
Will mit dir reden und doch lieber schweigen.
Will dich haben- aber was dann?
Gib mir deine Hand, damit ich sie loslassen kann...
1 Kommentare, 132 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.12 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Die Welt ist groß... 17.9.2005
... und wunderbar.
Und voll von Sternen.
Die Welt ist reich und bunt und voll von Millarden von Menschen
in hunderten von Städten und in tausenden von Wohnungen
in einer Welt von Millionen anderer Welten im Universum.
Weil wir das wissen, fühlen wir uns manchmal unbedeutend.
Manchmal fühlen wir uns einsam und verloren, als ob nichts
was wir tun wirklich von Bedeutung wäre.
0 Kommentare, 73 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
es ist was es ist 17.9.2005
Es ist Unsinn, sagt die Vernunft.
Es ist was es ist sagt die Liebe...
Es ist Ungl點k sagt die Berechnung.
Es ist was es ist sagt die Liebe.
Es ist nichts als Schmerz sagt die Angst.
Es ist was es ist sagt die Liebe.
Es ist aussichtslos sagt die Einsicht.
Es ist was es ist sagt die Liebe.
Es ist l鋍herlich sagt der Stolz.
Es ...
2 Kommentare, 103 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Wenn... 17.9.2005
... du dich verliebst, erwarte vom anderen nicht mehr,
als du selbst geben kannst.
Liebe steigt nur im Gleichgewicht zwischen Geben und Empfangen.
Wer mehr nimmt als er gibt, zerstört die Balance und lässt
die Liebe abstürtzen
0 Kommentare, 54 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Ich brauche dich nicht... 17.9.2005
... du fehlst mir,
aber ich kann ohne dich leben.
Manchmal werde ich, mit einem traurigen Gefühl, an dich
Was dir auch immer weh getan hat, ich tat es nicht um dich
zu verletzen, sondern um Träume zu retten, die Nahrung
Ich brauche dich nicht-
ich muss es mir nur oft genug sagen, vielleicht glaube ich
es dann irgendwann
0 Kommentare, 99 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Das Herz... 17.9.2005
... lebt nicht von der Vergangenheit, Gewohnheit ist keine
Gemeinsamkeit, Angst vor dem Alleinsein ist nicht so schlimm
wie die Einsamkeit zu zweit
0 Kommentare, 99 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,4.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Manchmal... 17.9.2005
... hasst man den Menschen den man am meisten liebt, weil
er der einzige ist, der einem wirklich weh tun kann...
3 Kommentare, 120 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,6.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Tja, die Liebe 17.9.2005
Es ist nicht unsere Aufgabe einander n鋒erzukommen, so
wenig wie Sonne und Mond zueinander kommen oder Meer und
Unser Ziel ist es, einander zu erkennen um einer im anderen
das zu sehen und ehren und zu lernen was er ist: des anderen
Erg鋘zung und Gegenst點k...
0 Kommentare, 65 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
verliebt im Des celibataires pleins de ressources? 8.8.2005
Mich würde mal interessieren ob sich hier schon mal jemand
ernsthaft verliebt hat, oder ob sich hier schon Partner
fürs leben gefunden haben. ich selbst habe daran kein interesse,
aber ich bin halt neugierig
15 Kommentare, 892 Angesehen,
57 Stimmen
,3.58 Gesamtpunktzahl |
sollte man sich aufjedenfall durchlesen 2.8.2005
Vor langer, langer Zeit existierte eine Insel, auf der
alle Gefühle der Menschen lebten:
die gute Laune, die Traurigkeit, das Wissen … und so wie
alle anderen Gefühle, auch die Liebe.
Eines Tages wurde den Gefühlen mitgeteilt, daß die Insel
sinken würde. Also bereiteten alle ihre Schiffe vor und
verließen die Insel.
Nur die Liebe wollte bis zum letzten Augenblick warten. ...
3 Kommentare, 486 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Liebe in aller Sprachen 2.8.2005
1.Deutsch: "Ich liebe dich"
2.Englisch: "I love you"
3.Koreanisch: "Tangsinul sarang ha yo"
4.Serbisch: "Volim te"
5.Estnisch: "Mina armastan sind"
6.Polnisch: "Ja cie kocham"
7.Lateinisch: "Te amo"
8.Norwegisch: "Eg elskar deg"
9.Japanisch: "Kimi o ai shiteru"
10.Irisch: "Taim i’ ngra leat"
11.Hindu: "Mae tumko peyar kia"
12.Esperanto: "Mi amas vin"
13.Finnisch: ...
2 Kommentare, 79 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.94 Gesamtpunktzahl |
LIEBE 2.8.2005
Ein Mädchen fragte einen Jungen-magst du mich? Er sagte
Sie fragte-findest du mich hübsch? Er sagte nein.
Sie fragte-bin ich in deinem Herzen? Er sagte nein.
Als letztes fragte sie-Wenn ich weg gehen würde, würdest
du für mich weinen?
Wieder sagte er nein.
Sie ging traurig davon. Er packte sie am Arm und sagte, ich
mag dich nicht,
ich liebe dich.
Ich finde dich nicht ...
0 Kommentare, 91 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,5.10 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Was es ist? 12.5.2005
Hallo Ihr!
Einige werden jetzt sicher glauben: "So ein Trottel,
klaut einfach Erich Frieds Gedicht!" - keine Sorge,
mach ich nicht!
Aber jeder von uns hat sich sicher schon mal gefragt, was
Liebe ist oder vielmehr, wie Liebe ist. Nein, eine Antwort
kann auch ich nicht darauf geben (sonst hätte ich wohl den
Nobelpreis verdient!), aber ist es nicht so, dass Liebe
nicht beschrieben werden ...
0 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Echte Liebe und Seitensprung ??? 1.4.2005
Hallo liebe Mitleser/Innen!
Ich frage mich, wie viele hier eigentlich erotische Kontakte
haben oder wollen und "nebenher" eine Beziehung
führen. Nun- vielleicht bin da ja altmodisch, aber eine
feste Beziehung geht mir persönlich weit über die körperliche
Befriedigung hinaus, obwohl auch für mich Sex eine wichtige
Rolle spielt. Warum setzt man so etwas aufs Spiel oder ...
0 Kommentare, 96 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,2.57 Gesamtpunktzahl |
echte Beziehung 27.3.2005
ist hier bei Des celibataires pleins de ressources schon einmal eine echte Beziehung endstanden,
die auf dem Standesamt endete?
1 Kommentare, 88 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.08 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Liebe 15.2.2005
Ich liebe Dich mehr als das Wort „Liebe“ ausdrücken
Es ist unmöglich, meine Gefühle für Dich in Worte zu fassen.
Ich habe noch niemals so starke Gefühle empfunden,
aber wenn ich versuchen, mit Dir darüber zu sprechen oder
Dir darüber zu schreiben,
dann drücken meine Worte nicht einmal ...
1 Kommentare, 82 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,3.94 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Altersunterschied bei LIebe!!! 1.11.2004
Hy !
Ich wollt einfach mal eure Meinung drüber hören über Altersunterschied
bei LIebenden: Er 25 Sie 15 sie ist nicht eine typische 15
jährige sondern tiefsinnig und erwachsener eben kann
man nicht erklären.
was meint ihr dazu?
1 Kommentare, 107 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,5.97 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Warum hat die Natur Liebe erfunden? 20.9.2004
Tja wer hat sich das noch nicht gefragt? Wieso muss ich eigentlich
jemanden lieben, oder wieso will ich dass mich jemand liebt?
Tja dafür gibt es einige sehr gute Gründe:
1. Die Fruchtbarkeit: Die Frau ist nicht zu jedem Zeitpunkt
ihres Zykluses gleich fruchtbar, an manchen sehr an manchen
gar nicht und der Rest liegt irgendwo dazwischen. Trifft
nun eine Frau an einem weniger fruchtbaren ...
0 Kommentare, 37 Angesehen,
20 Stimmen
,6.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Wie spüre ich das es wirklich Liebe ist? 27.2.2004
Na ja, das ist schwer zu beschreiben! Nur jeden tag kurz
sagen :"Ich liebe Dich"! Ist f黵 mich kein Beweis
f黵 Liebe!Wie gut k鰊nen gewiese Menschen L黦en? Wie schnell
verliert ein viel gesagter Satz an Bedeutung? Wie kann
man sicher sein das es wirklich Liebe ist?
Ich hatte das Pech/Gl點k einen Monat ohne meine grosse
Liebe zu sein. Fern von ihm!
Voller sehnsucht ...
5 Kommentare, 366 Angesehen,
76 Stimmen
,7.96 Gesamtpunktzahl |
hairless guys are more fun 5.1.2004
sinceI have been shaving my pole my sex partners gain lots
more fun on blowjobs and cockriding. we even can fuck the
whole night throuh in any positions wohout that tickling
hairs around.
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
Me and. My wife 8.4.2021
We met almost 6 years ago in sterling Colorado by accident
wrong number text message and we started talking well we
hooked up ounce before I moved back to greeley then we just
kept talking in July of 2018 we got engaged and got married
on July 16 2020 here's to the next 50 years
0 Kommentare, 9 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Has it happened to you? 18.1.2021
Has anyone here fallen in love with a hook up?
1 Kommentare, 8 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Between your legs 30.11.2020
To please you This is my desire I cuddle you At this sensitive point That makes you moan at the slightest Touch of my lips It’s a rising heat You scream with pleasure and in me, that Arouses cravings A beautiful thing Between your legs, I savor a world I make you see the sky where the moon is round
1 Kommentare, 14 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,4.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 12.11.2020
Everyone finds love
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
I sincerely want to make friends with you and find a true love.Find the prince in my heart! 10.11.2020
I sincerely want to make friends with you and find a true
love.Find the prince in my heart! I am 27 years old, 170cm tall and 54kg in weight.I haven't
had a boyfriend yet.Since childhood, I have been single
for my career.Now I'm a senior financial executive.Now
I am engaged in financial investment business in Hong Kong,
and my monthly income is about 15000 US dollars.I have parents
in my ...
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,3.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Licking 2.7.2020
With your fingertip Touch your clitoris Shivers and chills, Thrills and jolts, I hit the chord ... I feel it harden, Strengthen While around A cascade of love juice Stream from your slit Ajar Impossible to resist, I must taste To your Providential honey To your Supreme and seraphic nectar My rabid tongue Search your privacy Gaping, wet, Performing frenzied back and forth. You arch, Get stiff, ...
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Soul Mate...Do you Believe it? 21.5.2020
Is it like Santa Clause? Or is it real? I think it's real.
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
looing for a live GF roomate. 30.4.2020
im inn boradview hts. small 2 bedroom condo looking for
a roomate /lover
1 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,3.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
MEN WITH .....E D 17.3.2020
HEY.... If you have ...E D... or your Cock won, t stay hard.....
don, t WORRY. <br><br>
. , E D .....so what ??? your still in the mood , !!!! you want
to do something right !!!!! <br><br>
. . This is what I did... My friend and I talked about it, ,, I can still CUM.... my
Cock gets a little hard and I still have feelings in my Cock .... OK OK OK . ...
0 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,3.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
How Do You Know If You're Falling in Love 28.2.2020
Are you suddenly doing new things? <br><br>
As people fall in love, they often branch out beyond their
normal range of activities and try those that their partners
favor. You might find yourself trying new foods, watching
new shows, or attempting new activities like running,
fishing, or gambling. People who fall in love tend to report
growth in the content and diversity of their own ...
2 Kommentare, 22 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,3.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
coquetona65 24.2.2020
I want put my piture in the magasine the publik pleas
1 Kommentare, 18 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,4.41 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love the... 11.2.2020
.... <br><br>
....... <br><br>
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 23.1.2020
My love for you is like the raging sea, So powerful and deep it will forever be. Through storm, wind, and heavy rain, It will withstand every pain. Our hearts are so pure and love so sweet. I love you more with every heartbeat!
3 Kommentare, 19 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,3.25 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 20.1.2020
If I know what love is, it is because of you.
0 Kommentare, 9 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,3.25 Gesamtpunktzahl |
love 19.1.2020
To love me is to accept me as I am. I do not want to be judged
for the things I do. I want you to trust me and let me do what
I feel is right. We women are always "right"
— it is a matter of love. When I feel alone, empty, a stranger,
I want your eyes to tell me I am the person you love and you
want me for what I am. Do not do or say things because you think
you are ...
4 Kommentare, 40 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,3.68 Gesamtpunktzahl |
without meeting 18.1.2020
is it possible love someone you never met
0 Kommentare, 25 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,3.01 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Real 18.1.2020
Is love real or just a word
2 Kommentare, 14 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,3.08 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Ships In The Night 14.1.2020
I had an experience that I would like share. I was walking
along Main Street in Downtown Salt Lake City, UT on a brisk
autumn day. As I passed by Murphys Pub I saw women approaching,
walking together and talking as the distance between us
grew shorter. Like a holy trinity of femininity and beauty,
I felt their light and warmth radiate all around and time
began to slow down as my stride came to ...
0 Kommentare, 6 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,2.16 Gesamtpunktzahl |
All you need is points 13.1.2020
bom, ba dah dah dah .. Points is all you need
0 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,3.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Id Love 10.1.2020
More points please!
0 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.94 Gesamtpunktzahl |
you can find love 10.1.2020
Yoyou can find love on sites like this one , I did and was
married to each other for 20 years , but sadly she died in
a car accident.
0 Kommentare, 13 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,2.23 Gesamtpunktzahl |
loving 7.1.2020
is this love im feeling?
0 Kommentare, 17 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,2.81 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Points 6.1.2020
Do points really mean prizes on here?
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Is it real 4.1.2020
Is love just a thought?
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Lovely 1.1.2020
Gotta love points
1 Kommentare, 26 Angesehen,
19 Stimmen
,3.65 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Feliz Aniversario 30.12.2019
Feliz Aniversario Rocio. Fue hace dos anos que tomaste
la decision que si, te gustaria que yo lleve tu tatoo y sea
expuesto al mundo como tuyo. regalaste tu nombre en mi
piel y has hecho Tu John uno de los hombres mas conocido de
Des celibataires pleins de ressources por todo lo que has hecho. llenas
de deseo y de amor y es un privilegio enorme llevar el nombre
de una de las mujeres mas admiradas y mas adoradas de ...
0 Kommentare, 6 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,3.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love? 28.12.2019
I love points
1 Kommentare, 15 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,3.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Points 26.12.2019
How many times do we have to post to get the point system changed?
2 Kommentare, 24 Angesehen,
19 Stimmen
,3.39 Gesamtpunktzahl |
what is love 26.12.2019
unconditional respect for your partner and needs. That
special spark with one other which is so unique.
0 Kommentare, 10 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,2.57 Gesamtpunktzahl |
What is it? 19.12.2019
LOVE is a long and slender thing
0 Kommentare, 23 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,3.81 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Lovely 18.12.2019
Love the points
0 Kommentare, 8 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,2.55 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Lovely 16.12.2019
I love the points
3 Kommentare, 23 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,2.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I Love! 15.12.2019
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
I knew 13.12.2019
I knew from love that god above created you for me to love
he picked you out from all the rest because he knew I'd
love you best he gave me a heart so warm and true but now it's
gone from me to you taks care of it as I have done for now you
have two and I have none now if your not here on judgement
day I'll know you have gone the other way I'll give
the angels back ...
2 Kommentare, 24 Angesehen,
19 Stimmen
,2.60 Gesamtpunktzahl |
The Power of Love 12.12.2019
The Power of Love Love is the best antidepressant—but many of our ideas
about it are wrong. The less love you have, the more depressed
you are likely to feel. By Ellen McGrath, published December 1, 2002 - last reviewed
on June 9, 2016 <br><br>
SHARE TWEET EMAIL Love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen. It's
not negotiable. The more connected you are, the healthier ...
4 Kommentare, 53 Angesehen,
21 Stimmen
,4.98 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Anal Tryst 10.12.2019
The animal within him emerging. <br><br>
These were flashing through her mind when he pulled her
head up and broke their seal. She tried to lower herself
back down but his strong hand held her hair tightly. She
grunted in her efforts to break loose so she could peg his
mouth with her tongue again. <br><br>
His other hand gripped her throat and she stopped moving. ...
1 Kommentare, 18 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,1.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
has it happened 10.12.2019
has anyone met their soul mate on here , ,, ,i am looking
for my best friend and lover
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,1.69 Gesamtpunktzahl |
LOVE 5.12.2019
Points is the way get it on .. w/o paying of course
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love hurts 5.12.2019
I've loved an lost and I don't want too loose anymore..
I just want some female company
3 Kommentare, 27 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,2.21 Gesamtpunktzahl |
straponing 4.12.2019
T’was the Season – Pudding Keeps Cumin’ <br><br>
Went down on D before strolling Kaanapali Beach. And she
liked it. <br><br>
As a matter of fact she loved it; cunnilingus was a main part
of our sex life. I probably had my face between her legs for
years; I really liked sucking her. And her swollen clit.
I would eat her before, while and especially after we fucked. ...
1 Kommentare, 17 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,2.57 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I love 3.12.2019
Getting points!!!
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Only love 2.12.2019
Love is a word for few person but actually it is not a word
it is a feeling and after that it converts sex and that
sex is actually feel the body otherwise it is a just a hunger
of sex which is need of body or lust and sex only So start loving and full of sex Need your openion
1 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Loved 1.12.2019
Gotta love the points
0 Kommentare, 19 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,2.79 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Lovely 28.11.2019
Gotta love points
2 Kommentare, 21 Angesehen,
16 Stimmen
,2.39 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I love 26.11.2019
getting points!!
1 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,1.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
love is a joke 19.11.2019
I know this pretty cheesy to said but it is true I have tried
to find love in my life but has not work at all
2 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
19 Stimmen
,2.07 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Luv sex lust 17.11.2019
Ahh what would u like to have luv in your life . Lust which
is you can get every week and sex ohhhh you can get everyday
So its up to you what you want but Yess if you luvsome one he
or she can give sex with feeling which is very good And first lust then love and then sex so choice is urs what
you want from your life and in your life
0 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,1.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Luv sex lust 17.11.2019
Ahh what would u like to have luv in your life . Lust which
is you can get every week and sex ohhhh you can get everyday
So its up to you what you want but Yess if you luvsome one he
or she can give sex with feeling which is very good And first lust then love and then sex so choice is urs what
you want from your life and in your life
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
69 16.11.2019
Do you ever tried this??
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Sex and love 15.11.2019
Is it possible to have good sex and be in love sometimes for
me the sex is great but the love is just not there
2 Kommentare, 13 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,1.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
age 9.11.2019
is there any proper age to fall in love
5 Kommentare, 38 Angesehen,
25 Stimmen
,1.69 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Wishing I was ... 9.11.2019
Yep - just wishing I was in love with the love of my life. <br><br>
That's about it. <br><br>
I'm sure I'm not the only one... <br><br>
4 Kommentare, 42 Angesehen,
23 Stimmen
,2.78 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Fallen to the lost 8.11.2019
Just a single breath. A moment. Ot perhaps a never ending
circle that keeps u bonded to that one. At first everything
is perfect and there is the floating and dreamy time. Getting
lost and making promises of endless love. Making cute nicknames
for eachother that stick more than ur actual name. Feeling
that gut clenching feeling and a natural high when u hear
their voice or name, and when u feel ...
7 Kommentare, 62 Angesehen,
29 Stimmen
,3.64 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Una mujer muy deseada y muy decidida y un hombre muy cambiado 7.11.2019
Siempre hablaba con Rocío Alta (La Gra) sobre la posibilidad
de llevar su tatuaje en mi cuerpo y hacer un perfil con fotos
de su tatuaje y siempre ella me decía que no debería hacerlo.
Finalmente decidiste que "si" seria buen idea.
Cuando Rocío decide a hacer algo lo haces al máximo. Iba
a poner solo "R" o "G" pero ella me
dijiste que significaría más y ...
1 Kommentare, 25 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,0.68 Gesamtpunktzahl |
My only love 7.11.2019
1 Kommentare, 11 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,3.19 Gesamtpunktzahl |
blowjob 6.11.2019
got my dick sucked yesterday. Nothing better than a blowjob.
4 Kommentare, 23 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,3.74 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I love Points 5.11.2019
not really but need them to do anything on here
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Im in love 2.11.2019
with points... Well not really...
1 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,2.98 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Point are love 1.11.2019
loves points as much as I do?
4 Kommentare, 34 Angesehen,
22 Stimmen
,3.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
What was the first 17.10.2019
When was the first time you felt love? How did you know it
was really love?
3 Kommentare, 26 Angesehen,
16 Stimmen
,2.25 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Falling in love after a fling 17.10.2019
I've recently found myself in a rather precarious
situation. I was enjoying the company of someone I understood
to be a friend 'with .' We're both
professionals with very busy lives with very little time
for relationships and a casual arrangement worked for
us both. We'd met through here and saw each other for
a good 2-3 months, and we really did enjoy each other's ...
4 Kommentare, 34 Angesehen,
21 Stimmen
,3.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I love you, you love me... 8.10.2019
We all a happy point whoring family..
2 Kommentare, 19 Angesehen,
16 Stimmen
,2.25 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I love 7.10.2019
getting as many points as I can get.. But running out of ways
to get them
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
the wrong places 5.10.2019
do you reallyyyy think you're gonna find love on here
when as the person you're chatting with is assuredly
chatting with a half dozen more people? Don't kid yourself,
it's not gonna happen here
6 Kommentare, 47 Angesehen,
28 Stimmen
,3.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
The power of love 5.10.2019
Love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen. It's
not negotiable. The more connected you are, the healthier
you will be both physically and emotionally. The less connected
you are, the more you are at risk. <br><br>
It is also true that the less love you have, the more depression
you are likely to experience in your life. Love is probably
the best antidepressant there is ...
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.81 Gesamtpunktzahl |
You know what... 30.9.2019
Love is? Getting a bunch of points...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
I Love 29.9.2019
Getting points... cant do much as a standard without..
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.12 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Horny 23.9.2019
Looking for love in all the wrong places... Or am I ??
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
You know wha us standard members love 22.9.2019
you guessed it.. POINTS! Yep just another selfish shout
out for POINTS!
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Hunger 16.9.2019
Is it ok to want when you have? Having a woman who is your luv.
But then having a hunger of what you don't get from your
woman. The desire to cheat but yet not luv who you cheat with.
The sex that you desire that your luv will not give. What
is wrong and what is right?????
3 Kommentare, 43 Angesehen,
30 Stimmen
,2.06 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Postal 16.9.2019
Would anyone go postal on Des celibataires pleins de ressources if they could?
3 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
24 Stimmen
,1.77 Gesamtpunktzahl |
finding 16.9.2019
It is never about finding love but it is for it to find you.
people go on an on, all you have to do is be open for someone
to do you.
3 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
22 Stimmen
,2.17 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Music 8.9.2019
I like listening music playing while making love. It
just makes it a lot more fun
4 Kommentare, 36 Angesehen,
27 Stimmen
,2.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Separate Average Sex from Great Sex 5.9.2019
Need your input guys and girls i am right or wrong. <br><br>
chemistry - most important aspect Trying not to feel self-conscious.-its awkerd if you feel
it is, partner cares about ur pleasure- mood killer foreplay- this is not happened everytime u had sex dicsovering new- new position new pleasure
1 Kommentare, 37 Angesehen,
30 Stimmen
,2.36 Gesamtpunktzahl |
How old were you when you first fell in love 2.9.2019
Share your story here about your first love =)
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
daddy 30.8.2019
With lots of cuddles and snuggles, and guidance/teaching,
punishment if needed.. and trying to please daddy and make
him happy Many say they are a Daddy or a Daddy Don but they
really do not understand the relationship and the needs
of a babygirl Daddy should be her protector and make her
feel safe Her teacher and her lover, and even if it may hurt
him for doing it her disciplinarian Though he ...
3 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
18 Stimmen
,2.99 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 25.8.2019
Love is a beautiful thing
4 Kommentare, 61 Angesehen,
24 Stimmen
,3.13 Gesamtpunktzahl |
slow 24.8.2019
this site used to be so good. whats happened to it?
20 Kommentare, 109 Angesehen,
59 Stimmen
,4.96 Gesamtpunktzahl |
well 21.8.2019
has anyone found love on here?
5 Kommentare, 28 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,1.77 Gesamtpunktzahl |
who but the who has the who 19.8.2019
do you like green eggs and ham?
1 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Want some fun fun fun with many people so if anyone else is up for it come on 18.8.2019
Something like fun with many people so if anyone else is
up for it
1 Kommentare, 21 Angesehen,
17 Stimmen
,2.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
A fulfilling love life. How can I have one? 17.8.2019
“A fulfilling love life. How can I have one? How can I get
themost out of sex?” people worldwide ask thesequestions.
Why? Because both pleasure and emotionalfulfillment
are important facets of sex.Sex is often on our minds. According
to two psychologists atthe universities of Vermont and
South Carolina, 95% of peoplethink about sex at least once
each day.{1} You might wonder, “You ...
3 Kommentare, 55 Angesehen,
30 Stimmen
,3.93 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Sister on the Sofa 16.8.2019
It was an early afternoon, and I was sitting on the couch
playing a few games on my Xbox. I had only recently got into
gaming, and was hooked. I was playing when I heard a knock
on our door. Our 2 bedroom apartment was quite small, and
the slightest sound made the whole house echo. My mother
went to answer the door, and my 18 year old sister, Vanessa,
emerged from the hallway. ...
3 Kommentare, 34 Angesehen,
20 Stimmen
,2.49 Gesamtpunktzahl |
en la cocina de la oficina V 14.8.2019
Ya lo hacíamos a cada rato, me manoseaba cuando estaba
en el teléfono, varias veces nos hechamos el jueguito
caliente mientras hablaba con mi novio, me iba al escritorio
del jefe y el me hacia lo que mi novio se imaginaba y me ordenaba
hacerme, nos veníamos como locos los tres, cuando estaba
capturando en la pc me metía mano por debajo del escritorio,
o mientras contestaba el teléfono, me ...
0 Kommentare, 24 Angesehen,
16 Stimmen
,3.27 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Threesomes 12.8.2019
Is there anybody there that wants to ?if so look
me up, cant read email so get with me in Im Bihappym;
1 Kommentare, 11 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,2.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
love you alway 9.8.2019
Back in 1970s I went to a trip to the USA... and there I met
a beauitful women.. a nice bar... we dances most of the
night.. and made another ….for the next ..we went
for supper and drinks... we went back to my hotel room
and we had a beautiful night … the next I drove her home...
and we saw each other again until Sunday and she told me that
on Monday she told me that she had to go back ...
0 Kommentare, 17 Angesehen,
14 Stimmen
,2.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Luv or Lust 8.8.2019
Can u really tell the difference. is the feeling the same
1 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I Love... 8.8.2019
To get points!
0 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Soulmates - points to ponder 4.8.2019
A soulmate is.... <br><br>
A person you accept without thinking. There is a deep and
unspoken respect between both of you. You have chemistry of the body. Your instincts have kicked
in feel as if this person is your mate. When you touch this
person, your body calms down into a deep peace. You have chemistry of mind. You complete each other’s
stories in life. You have chemistry of ...
2 Kommentare, 31 Angesehen,
19 Stimmen
,2.60 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Hello 3.8.2019
Looking FOR REAL
1 Kommentare, 15 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,2.59 Gesamtpunktzahl |
What is it 31.7.2019
what is love? do it even exist anymore?
0 Kommentare, 6 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
What love is like to me 24.7.2019
Love is patient, love is . It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, ...
0 Kommentare, 19 Angesehen,
17 Stimmen
,2.56 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Some things about love 22.7.2019
once in your life, I truly believe, you find someone
can completely turn your world around. You tell them
things that you’ve never shared with another soul and
they absorb everything you say and want hear
more. You share hopes for the future, dreams that will never
come true, goals that were never achieved and the many disappointments
life has thrown at you. When something wonderful ...
1 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
22 Stimmen
,3.61 Gesamtpunktzahl |
What is love? 20.7.2019
Does anyone know what love is? I'm asking, because
I need the points. Tha k you and have a nice day.
4 Kommentare, 22 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,3.59 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Existe el amor 16.7.2019
De verdad existe el amor o lo que queremos decir es sexo?
0 Kommentare, 13 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,3.51 Gesamtpunktzahl |
in love 9.7.2019
want need or in love one needed?
0 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,1.75 Gesamtpunktzahl |
La facilidad con la que podemos contactar a una persona
por medio de las redes sociales me sorprende, pero con la
misma facilidad con la que se entabla un contacto se puede
perder. Las personas en estos sitios buscan satisfacer la necesidad
de tener amigos, amantes, parejas estables, ojala todos
encontráramos lo que buscamos y siguiéramos nuestro
camino hacia la felicidad, pero no la felicidad ...
3 Kommentare, 30 Angesehen,
22 Stimmen
,2.77 Gesamtpunktzahl |
He de decirles que me encantan las mujeres, de cualquier
edad, con que sean muy femeninas y que cree, eso me encontré
muy recientemente. <br><br>
Guapa, con algo de carnes, bustona, nalgoncita, preciosa
ante mis ojos y me atreví a abordarla y me respondió, le
invite un café y después fuimos un lugar más íntimo,
me confeso que era una mujer muy cachonda y que le gustaba
tener ...
0 Kommentare, 11 Angesehen,
10 Stimmen
,2.79 Gesamtpunktzahl |
are u in WASHINGTON STATE 21.6.2019
hello. are u in aberdeen or in the grays harbor now or will
be soon and looking for a play mate?? bi so i would love
to meet up with anyone.. all u got to do is let me no wen and
were.. i love to suck, fuck, get fucked, eat ass/pussy
up for ANYTHING...
1 Kommentare, 32 Angesehen,
24 Stimmen
,1.99 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Have you ever fallen in love with a FWB? 20.6.2019
Recently, I met someone on here and we agreed to just be strictly
platonic friends and fuck buddies. After having sex with
her for months, I caught a bad case of feelings for her.
Oops. What approach do you take to keep yourself from falling
for someone if you've been having a sexual relationship
with them for an extended period of time?
2 Kommentare, 25 Angesehen,
20 Stimmen
,2.61 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Finding love 13.6.2019
One night stands re cool and all but it be nice to live someone
for change
0 Kommentare, 18 Angesehen,
14 Stimmen
,2.66 Gesamtpunktzahl |
34 and still looking 10.6.2019
Bit of a hopeless romantic here. Anyone in the their 30s
and still looking for the one?
0 Kommentare, 18 Angesehen,
17 Stimmen
,1.71 Gesamtpunktzahl |
25 years old looking to rock someone's world. 10.6.2019
Love is one of the most profound emotions known to human
beings. There are many kinds of love, but most people seek
its expression in a romantic relationship with a compatible
partner. For many, romantic relationships comprise the
most meaningful aspect of life, nding a partner with whom
to share a life is a wonderful—yet sometimes difficult—process.
The desire to do so may push people into ...
0 Kommentare, 17 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,1.60 Gesamtpunktzahl |
2/21/19. 9.6.2019
You being you applies a smile upon my face. You beam with a pleasant aura, That it effects everyone
around you. I want to radiate with passion and confidence as you do.
Love is always in a sunshine filled place and that is me at
your side. I feel as if I'm in heaven by you. It's as everyone these days define love. So soothing, Heart pounding, But yet so heart wrenching.
But in the end, It ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
True Colors. 9.6.2019
Everyone has those days.... You wake up in the morning. Skip your breakfast. Go to school... You feel unhappy, Your missing something. But as time wears on, Everyday you really notice.. Theirs this one person. That person...Just the thought of them brings a smile across
your face. You feel happy when your around this person. It's as if they are your joy, Your soul purpose to make
them smile ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Asher. 9.6.2019
I walk in the beauty of night. In search for the missing light. I find you. You drove me away from the darkness. For you are my light. Your light shows me many possibilities in life. Finding me happiness. It's like walking in a garden. Of endless beauty. I feel at peace and love with this light. But one day, I know this light will burn out. But once that day comes. When you are the one in the ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Never Grow Apart. 9.6.2019
Tell me that even if a never ending sorrow steals you away.
Our two hearts will never grow apart.. I run up to you from behind, Asking questions. The reason I never wavered, No matter what the future looked
like.. Was because I didn’t want to forget what I believed in
anymore. My habit of averting my eyes, My vague answers and my not-funny
lies. If your not by my side their very meaning blurs. ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Tragedy To Insanity. 9.6.2019
Humans always want that loving spark… Two souls bound together in happiness. But love is something that is not fit for all. For some leads to misfortune. Love can be taken away by death. But it can leave a unborn gift behind. But tragedy fall’s… The gift of love, Taken by fate. Many people can have that happiness. But decide they not want it. They give up… They had something she always ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Bounded Fate. 9.6.2019
'Look at me the way you did that day, Like i'm all
you care about...Please...' <br><br>
It happens to everyone. You meet the person of your dreams, With this first interaction, You decide this is your person.
The one person you cannot find any faults within. With-ought a doubt , A spark in their meaningful eyes. But as time tends to wear on... You see more and more of ...
0 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Commit to eat a pussy prior to fuck a woman! 2.6.2019
I think that not only my wife, most women and wives in he world
love to get lick and eat their pussy prior to get fuck. But
man has to do it in an exciting way where her to feels the licking
as absolutely comfortable and wanting more. <br><br>
[01] So start licking and sucking the pussy from her pussy's
wall in to pussy's inner wall slowly and softly
on a ...
10 Kommentare, 73 Angesehen,
39 Stimmen
,4.21 Gesamtpunktzahl |
love is fake 24.5.2019
I feel that Love is over rated now because it' so easy
to have to string attached and open sex these days,
1 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
20 Stimmen
,0.57 Gesamtpunktzahl |
HELLO EVERYONE. i want to ask u all somthing.. ok so my b day
is on may 28th, and i need help.. what i want to ask all of u
PTS?? I NEED THEM OOOHH SO BAD.. i lost my jab last week, my
rent is due on the 1st, running out of food cuz the state
took my foodies away after i ...
1 Kommentare, 22 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,1.29 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Is it to late to love 20.5.2019
Sometimes I think so then other times I don't but I can
tell you for sure from my heart if you love him or her don't
wait just do it
0 Kommentare, 15 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,0.68 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 18.5.2019
Has anybody found love here? Has it lasted?
2 Kommentare, 19 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,1.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Four Types Of Love In Bible 26.3.2019
Love as a word describes an emotion with vastly differing
degrees of intensity. We can say we love ice cream and chocolate,
and we can pledge our love to a husband or wife until our dying
breath. <br><br> Love is one of the most powerful emotions we can experience.
Humans crave love from the moment of existence. And the
Bible tells us that God is love. For Christian believers,
love is ...
1 Kommentare, 52 Angesehen,
42 Stimmen
,1.39 Gesamtpunktzahl |
A Study Shows That We Fall In Love with 3 People in Our Lifetime
and Each One Has A Specific Reason <br><br>
A study has shown that a person can fall in love at least three
times in their lifetime. However, each one of these relationships
can happen in a different light from the one before and each
one serves as a different purpose. ...
3 Kommentare, 52 Angesehen,
38 Stimmen
,1.25 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 26.3.2019
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while
loving someone deeply gives you courage.” “There
is always some madness in love. But there is also always
some reason in madness.” “The greatest happiness
of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves,
or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
1 Kommentare, 26 Angesehen,
24 Stimmen
,1.43 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Your heart 6.3.2019
Once you fall in love your hooked the positives is beautiful
sex daily
1 Kommentare, 9 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,1.39 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love yourself 27.2.2019
You gotta love you, self love is great start!
5 Kommentare, 40 Angesehen,
31 Stimmen
,1.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
what's love got to do with it? 21.2.2019
so are our lovers supposed to be monogamous? many choose
to be, hold their partner to such terms, but start to go out
with others in secrecy, behind their lover's back.
that is lies. my baby daddy's mother always used to
say, "what tangled weds we weave when we practice
to deceive" and i think she was on to something. no
she definitely was. lovers who lie will have to serve ...
3 Kommentare, 57 Angesehen,
42 Stimmen
,2.77 Gesamtpunktzahl |
How do you know 11.2.2019
Well you never really do make passionate love fuck n suck.
But it seams some else is either a slim ball causing troble.
Or jealous
4 Kommentare, 55 Angesehen,
42 Stimmen
,0.85 Gesamtpunktzahl |
My First Bondage 5.2.2019
I started in bondage games while I was still
at school. I'd just turned sixteen as I recall. Sweet
sixteen. I was with Karen, my girlfriend and lover for the
previous few weeks. We were in her bedroom one Saturday,
alone in the house and she suggested I might enjoy “something
different”. Always open to new experiences, I naturally agreed and
soon found myself stripped ...
17 Kommentare, 124 Angesehen,
75 Stimmen
,3.60 Gesamtpunktzahl |
The Power of Love 31.1.2019
Love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen. It's
not negotiable. The more connected you are, the healthier
you will be both physically and emotionally. The less connected
you are, the more you are at risk. <br><br>
You agree?
1 Kommentare, 31 Angesehen,
28 Stimmen
,1.91 Gesamtpunktzahl |
The concept of love 26.1.2019
Love... you can’t live with it and can’t live without
it. It’s the best and worst feeling you will ever experience
in life. If you’re lucky enough because as the old saying
goes. It’s better to have loved and lost than to have never
loved at all.
5 Kommentare, 51 Angesehen,
39 Stimmen
,1.69 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 25.1.2019
How about a poem? ...anyone? <br><br>
= )
2 Kommentare, 22 Angesehen,
18 Stimmen
,0.81 Gesamtpunktzahl |
if ure attached 19.1.2019
if youre attached, you find someone good here(good in bed)
and u start having a physical relationship...its dangerous
if you or the stranger cross that line and start getting
attached. But if you still crave the sex with her...what
would you do? continue enjoying the good sex and try to get
not attached(and same for the lady) or just stop it considering
it could have consequences.. Would be nice ...
8 Kommentare, 58 Angesehen,
36 Stimmen
,3.24 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Dust Lost in the Middle of the Ocean 21.12.2018
I haven't posted on here in a long time. I tried for a
while in my group and a few people looked, but no one commented.
It helped to solidify my view that I must be dust lost in the
middle of the ocean. I am not just weird, I am the weirdo.
How do we find ourselves on this site. Sure its full of beautiful
women to give me, the lowly standard member a tiny glimpse of the figure similar ...
1 Kommentare, 49 Angesehen,
25 Stimmen
,2.58 Gesamtpunktzahl |
bed fun 17.12.2018
Sex is everywhere — if we're not watching actual
sex scenes on TV or in the movies, we're watching celebrities
parade down red carpets practically naked. It's not
just porn that sets unrealistic expectations for what's
sexy anymore, and it can be hard to feel like you measure
up when it comes time to get naked IRL. <br><br>
But if you want to keep sex fresh in a ...
1 Kommentare, 42 Angesehen,
31 Stimmen
,1.23 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Please help me 14.12.2018
Do you ever just want to cry based on the fact that nothing
you could do or say was good enough done right or wrong.!?
Is the constant in your relationship fighting calling
each other names vulgarity abuse mental physical verbal
manipulation control and best of all rejection.!? Have
you become a game for your partner to be poked prodded laughed
at talked about cursed cheetah down and best of all ...
0 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,1.93 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love Pussy 26.11.2018
It was wrong. So wrong. <br><br> Nicole lay on her bed, hating herself even as she touched
herself. Her heart pounded. What was she doing? Danny was
her stepson. He was barely more than a kid for God’s sake.
But, hell, he looked good. Too good. Young and toned and
tan. Dark eyes and hair. That sweet, kissable mouth. An
image of him using that mouth on her pussy made her groan,
and ...
1 Kommentare, 48 Angesehen,
36 Stimmen
,2.37 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 19.11.2018
Love is as critical for your mind and body as oxygen. It's
not negotiable. The more connected you are, the healthier
you will be both physically and emotionally. The less connected
you are, the more you are at risk. <br><br>
It is also true that the less love you have, the more depression
you are likely to experience in your life. Love is probably
the best antidepressant there is ...
2 Kommentare, 37 Angesehen,
27 Stimmen
,1.98 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Hello Ladies!! 3.10.2018
1 Kommentare, 39 Angesehen,
32 Stimmen
,1.74 Gesamtpunktzahl |
love on Des celibataires pleins de ressources 22.9.2018
just wondering has anyone or do you know anyone who met on
Des celibataires pleins de ressources fell in love and got married or hard a long successful
partnership ?
4 Kommentare, 53 Angesehen,
33 Stimmen
,2.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Roar 17.9.2018
where is my love.
1 Kommentare, 30 Angesehen,
26 Stimmen
,4.43 Gesamtpunktzahl |
What is love? 13.9.2018
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.04 Gesamtpunktzahl |
finding love 22.8.2018
its hard to find real love these days so when u do u hold on
to it < not saying its not fun to just have a random fuck
r fuck buddy but when u do find love u cherish it AGREED ???
2 Kommentare, 49 Angesehen,
43 Stimmen
,3.39 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Hi 20.8.2018
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
My true love 10.8.2018
Until I met you my heart stood still Like the moon and the sun Their love is true That's how I feel when I look at you Passion burning like a wildfire You are my weakness, my heart's desire Take my walls down And leave me bare With you I have no care Breathe me in slowly Take me in Press your lips against mine An innocent sin done dreaming of a better man Waiting for him to take me by ...
2 Kommentare, 43 Angesehen,
29 Stimmen
,2.44 Gesamtpunktzahl |
BIG 21.7.2018
1 Kommentare, 25 Angesehen,
20 Stimmen
,1.72 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Y'all against the world 18.7.2018
If u really love each other n u can't see yourself without
each other then block out all outside interference n trust
each other n it could be something magical
0 Kommentare, 41 Angesehen,
34 Stimmen
,2.43 Gesamtpunktzahl |
to Stroke or not to stroke 14.7.2018
i love to stroke my cock it makes me happy and feel's great does anyone else have this problem?
2 Kommentare, 12 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,4.06 Gesamtpunktzahl |
LOVE? 11.6.2018
what is love is love ever real or ever done?
10 Kommentare, 98 Angesehen,
48 Stimmen
,3.30 Gesamtpunktzahl |
You ruined me 8.6.2018
Most women ruin me, it's a curse
2 Kommentare, 48 Angesehen,
30 Stimmen
,1.87 Gesamtpunktzahl |
sad 5.6.2018
love has a shelf life these days
3 Kommentare, 39 Angesehen,
27 Stimmen
,3.03 Gesamtpunktzahl |
possible 31.5.2018
is it possible to be in love with women at same time
7 Kommentare, 55 Angesehen,
20 Stimmen
,1.85 Gesamtpunktzahl |
we are looking for cpls 29.5.2018
would love have a cpls party in md eastern shore any body
close by
1 Kommentare, 12 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,2.09 Gesamtpunktzahl |
unique words. 26.5.2018
Those that stir the soul and color the paler cheeks. Those
that lift the mood, cause smiles and brighten the days.
The spontaneous words that come from nothing and that are
worth everything. Those that cost so much to say and say
a lot with very little. Those that come from those you love
most and from whom you least expect. The ones written between
emojis and abbreviations, those that are lost ...
1 Kommentare, 15 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,3.25 Gesamtpunktzahl |
?love 23.5.2018
what is love
0 Kommentare, 11 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,3.01 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Life is tough 9.5.2018
I fell in love with a cam girl, the only problem is that she
does not know. I keep sending her points and gifts but nothing.
Oh well she just might be out for the cash!!!
4 Kommentare, 54 Angesehen,
21 Stimmen
,3.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Is it Love or Lust 8.5.2018
Is it Love or Lust <br><br>
What are the opinions out there. <br><br>
I feel in love once but went after the lust
2 Kommentare, 21 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,3.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Tecavüz 7.5.2018
MutLuLuga Tecavüz Etsek CogaLirmı...
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I am 52 years bengali from kolkata looking for a real friend can cl me 7.5.2018
I am 52 years bengali from kolkata looking for a real friend
can cl meam 52 years bengali from kolkata looking for a real
friend can cl me am 52 years bengali from kolkata looking
for a real friend can cl me3I am 52 years bengali from kolkata
looking for a real friend can cl me 973I am 52 years bengali
from kolkata looking for a real friend can cl m4852353I
am 52 years bengali from kolkata ...
0 Kommentare, 6 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,1.09 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I am 52 years bengali from kolkata looking for a real friend can cl me 7.5.2018
I am 52 years bengali from kolkata looking for a real friend
can cl meam 52 years bengali from kolkata looking for a real
friend can cl me am 52 years bengali from kolkata looking
for a real friend can cl me3I am 52 years bengali from kolkata
looking for a real friend can cl me 973I am 52 years bengali
from kolkata looking for a real friend can cl m4852353I
am 52 years bengali from kolkata ...
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,1.69 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Hola 28.4.2018
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.94 Gesamtpunktzahl |
LOVE ME 13.4.2018
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,1.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
cam girls 10.4.2018
I fell in love with a cam girl, the only problem is that she
does not know. I keep sending her points and gifts but nothing.
Oh well she just might be out for the cash!!!
2 Kommentare, 9 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,1.66 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Wish I Was In Love... 26.3.2018
Oh how I wish I was in Love. Yes, I am in search of that special
someone. I'm even trying here on Des celibataires pleins de ressources. Thinking I have about a
1% chance. Just don't want to regret not even trying. <br><br>
Good luck to everyone in search of someone to love. <br><br>
Now I can't get that song out of my head. <br><br>
"Don't you want somebody to love" ...
4 Kommentare, 44 Angesehen,
25 Stimmen
,3.68 Gesamtpunktzahl |
is it possible 23.3.2018
is it really possible on this site?
1 Kommentare, 28 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,1.09 Gesamtpunktzahl |
sexe 16.3.2018
j'aime voir une femme avec un penis
1 Kommentare, 28 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,1.16 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Characteristics of Real Love 15.3.2018
1. Love means saying goodbye to expectations. Sure, we
all want people to behave the way we want them to. We want them to be more affectionate. Or more outgoing.
Or smarter. Or more ambitious. All of these things are expectations.
Expectations are just your requirements for “acceptability”
of loving some. But true love has no expectations. It simply loves “as is.” <br><br> 2. ...
0 Kommentare, 19 Angesehen,
14 Stimmen
,2.66 Gesamtpunktzahl |
How is it for you? 5.3.2018
How is it, for you personally, that you know you're
in love?
0 Kommentare, 7 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,3.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
shall i start sucking cocks ?? 12.2.2018
shall i start sucking cocks ?? shall i start sucking cocks ?? shall i start sucking cocks ?? shall i start sucking cocks ??
2 Kommentare, 22 Angesehen,
15 Stimmen
,3.13 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love makes it better? 24.1.2018
Just a thought that when you are in love, you can enjoy sex
even more at next level...
9 Kommentare, 68 Angesehen,
27 Stimmen
,4.61 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Like anything else, love takes effort 17.1.2018
One would imagine that something which has made the world
go round and round since the beginning of time would happen
naturally, organically, without any sort of deep, soul-shifting
conflict. Ironically, it is romantic relationships that
take the most effort, and are the most taxing, but they are
often almost always worth every single bit of it
2 Kommentare, 26 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,3.68 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love is not lust 17.1.2018
Lust can drive you insane (it is often what leads middle-age
men to leave their wives and kids, or which has girls running
away with unstable boys) but love, true love, usually never
will. About sex and love. There is absolutely no connection
whatsoever. If we love someone, sex can be a wonderful expression
of that love, but it can most certainly not MAKE someone
fall in love with you, nor is it ...
3 Kommentare, 35 Angesehen,
16 Stimmen
,3.27 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love can reach places that other emotions cannot. 17.1.2018
Love is everyone’s favorite emotion, especially mine,
because it can escalate us to the greatest heights, but
can also sink us to the deepest lows.
1 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,3.73 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love is commitment 17.1.2018
There are all sorts of love– blind love, teenage love,
love at first sight, married love, whatever. They have
one thing in common– a commitment to the other person.
I have never seen someone truly in love without the commitment
of heart, mind and body that goes along with it. True love
means a commitment, and that is the uncomfortable truth.
1 Kommentare, 18 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,2.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 3.1.2018
As he went out aunty hurried and closed the door. As soon
as she closed the door I came out for the bathroom and grabbed
her by the back. My one hand was on her tummy and other on her
boobs. I whispered slowly in her ears ” hey aunty I know
you so sexy will enjoy today” and started to kiss her neck
from the back. She also whispered as uncle was still in hall
” Plz Rohit leave me don’t do ...
1 Kommentare, 30 Angesehen,
19 Stimmen
,4.05 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 3.1.2018
She looked at me and I said I was asking because I too was alone
and wanted to know how she managed. She mentioned that she
turned to God. I called her bluff and asked her to be specific
and if she only remembered god when she orgasmed. She looked
offended and I told her not to and that I knew everything.
I also told her that she left the door open and I got a good
look and ...
1 Kommentare, 17 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,3.68 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 3.1.2018
A 42-year-old lady, very fair, long hair. Size must be 38-32-36.
I hugged her as I closed the door, she too hugged me and I slowly
kissed her lips, she was responding good, my fingers went
through all of her assets.I had an instant boner and she
could feel it and in no time, she caught it. And started stroking
above my jeans.My hands were cruising her boobs and sucking
her tongue.I lifted her in ...
1 Kommentare, 13 Angesehen,
11 Stimmen
,3.17 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 3.1.2018
She said can we move into the bedroom when I had lifted with
my hands and taken into bedroom and made her fallen on the
bed and jumped over her kissing over her neck and coming
to navel and opened her jacket hooks and played with boobs
over the bra only and removed her saree and now she is in with
black bra and panty and I slowly removed and kissed every
part of the boobs and played with nipples ...
0 Kommentare, 13 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,2.57 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 3.1.2018
As I was used to this from before it never used to matter but
ever since I wanted to fuck her I used.to get erect even before
she touched it and she would even then wash it. My wish however
wasn’t fulfilled for the next two years. Her husband
had gone out of town and so she asked me to sleep with her.
I was overjoyed since it gave me an opportunity to fulfill
my wish. At night she changed into ...
0 Kommentare, 7 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,2.82 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 3.1.2018
I was staring at her the whole time and I knew that she knew
that I was looking at her. She probably knew it a long time
ago, I and she always shared a friendly relationship. Anyway,
she asked me if I had a girlfriend, and I said no. She was like
“A guy as good looking as you must have had a 2-3 girlfriend”,
it was the nicest compliment anyone has ever give. <br><br>
Then she ...
0 Kommentare, 9 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,1.96 Gesamtpunktzahl |
sex 1.1.2018
can you be in love but fuck other females???
7 Kommentare, 35 Angesehen,
13 Stimmen
,3.14 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Happy New Year 31.12.2017
Hope you all have a safe and great new year and glad i no you
all going into 2018 see you all next year lol!
0 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,4.41 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Mucho sexo 29.12.2017
Me encantan las viejas
0 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.08 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 28.12.2017
I told her and I would have proposed to you and made your my
girlfriend. To this, she simply turned around (with the
hook still not on and the bra just covering her boobs and
said aur main jaise tumhari girfriend ban jaati! I could
not take my eyes off her gleaming boobs, but still with lots
of efforts, I looked in her eyes deeply and said tumhi ne
to kaha thodi der pehle, ki koi bhi pat jaayegi ...
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 28.12.2017
I told her and I would have proposed to you and made your my
girlfriend. To this, she simply turned around (with the
hook still not on and the bra just covering her boobs and
said aur main jaise tumhari girfriend ban jaati! I could
not take my eyes off her gleaming boobs, but still with lots
of efforts, I looked in her eyes deeply and said tumhi ne
to kaha thodi der pehle, ki koi bhi pat jaayegi ...
0 Kommentare, 6 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.86 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 28.12.2017
Next day, she messaged me FB, we were using fb to chat to maintain
secrecy. She felt very happy to be with me and having good
fun. She is starving for sex as her husband staying away
from her and her sexual desires are high. <br><br>
One week passed and we were chatting in fb with erotic chat,
role play and with sex pics, one week later she invited me
to her house for lunch. I agreed ...
0 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.94 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 28.12.2017
We reached goa in afternoon as our bus got delayed and we
were struck in traffic in hot sun. We were pretty tired from
our journey so we decided to rest for few hours and visit
Baga beach in evening just to get the feel of it. In morning
we would go early and enjoy till late night. The flat was
1bhk apartment with all amenities built in so that we dint
have to go out for anything. Shruthi got ...
2 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 28.12.2017
I waited for the clock to ring ‘5pm’. I dressed up myself
in a dark blue chiffon saree. I revealed some of the hip area
and used cup bra. He like blue very much. A few minutes later,
he arrived. As I opened the door, he saw me and stunned. And
said, “good evening dear.” I smiled at him and I told
him that I will bring him tea. He told me ‘wait.’ and
took something from the bag. That ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 28.12.2017
We then had our food and went to the washroom. Where I hugged
her from behind and my dick was pressed against her ass crack.
I could sense her taking a huge breath. I tore off her clothes
and lifted her to the table and I made her sit on it. And I started
kissing her while fingering her pussy. She started moaning.
I slowly started to suck her tits. Oh, mine I could hold it
in one hand. I started ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 28.12.2017
I told her and I would have proposed to you and made your my
girlfriend. To this, she simply turned around (with the
hook still not on and the bra just covering her boobs and
said aur main jaise tumhari girfriend ban jaati! I could
not take my eyes off her gleaming boobs, but still with lots
of efforts, I looked in her eyes deeply and said tumhi ne
to kaha thodi der pehle, ki koi bhi pat jaayegi ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
Love 28.12.2017
Next day, she messaged me FB, we were using fb to chat to maintain
secrecy. She felt very happy to be with me and having good
fun. She is starving for sex as her husband staying away
from her and her sexual desires are high. <br><br>
One week passed and we were chatting in fb with erotic chat,
role play and with sex pics, one week later she invited me
to her house for lunch. I agreed ...
1 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 28.12.2017
I waited for the clock to ring ‘5pm’. I dressed up myself
in a dark blue chiffon saree. I revealed some of the hip area
and used cup bra. He like blue very much. A few minutes later,
he arrived. As I opened the door, he saw me and stunned. And
said, “good evening dear.” I smiled at him and I told
him that I will bring him tea. He told me ‘wait.’ and
took something from the bag. That ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 28.12.2017
We then had our food and went to the washroom. Where I hugged
her from behind and my dick was pressed against her ass crack.
I could sense her taking a huge breath. I tore off her clothes
and lifted her to the table and I made her sit on it. And I started
kissing her while fingering her pussy. She started moaning.
I slowly started to suck her tits. Oh, mine I could hold it
in one hand. I started ...
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.81 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 28.12.2017
We reached goa in afternoon as our bus got delayed and we
were struck in traffic in hot sun. We were pretty tired from
our journey so we decided to rest for few hours and visit
Baga beach in evening just to get the feel of it. In morning
we would go early and enjoy till late night. The flat was
1bhk apartment with all amenities built in so that we dint
have to go out for anything. Shruthi got ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 28.12.2017
I waited for the clock to ring ‘5pm’. I dressed up myself
in a dark blue chiffon saree. I revealed some of the hip area
and used cup bra. He like blue very much. A few minutes later,
he arrived. As I opened the door, he saw me and stunned. And
said, “good evening dear.” I smiled at him and I told
him that I will bring him tea. He told me ‘wait.’ and
took something from the bag. That ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 28.12.2017
We then had our food and went to the washroom. Where I hugged
her from behind and my dick was pressed against her ass crack.
I could sense her taking a huge breath. I tore off her clothes
and lifted her to the table and I made her sit on it. And I started
kissing her while fingering her pussy. She started moaning.
I slowly started to suck her tits. Oh, mine I could hold it
in one hand. I started ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 28.12.2017
Next day, she messaged me FB, we were using fb to chat to maintain
secrecy. She felt very happy to be with me and having good
fun. She is starving for sex as her husband staying away
from her and her sexual desires are high. <br><br>
One week passed and we were chatting in fb with erotic chat,
role play and with sex pics, one week later she invited me
to her house for lunch. I agreed ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 27.12.2017
All the aunties swaying their asses and their boobs bouncing
what a treat to watch and always make an opportunity to talk
to them or gaze at their assets. So I saw this new hot and sexy
busty woman name Radhika, she was around 40 years old. She
was amazingly beautiful, she was fair and charming to look.
Her assets were 34d-32-38. What a treat to watch her ass
sway, literally felt like that’s ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 27.12.2017
After that first meeting, we met on and off near the lift
or near the common market which was near the locality. One
day, as I was about to leave my house for work she called me
near her door and said she had some problem with her net and
her husband, wasn’t there so if I could look at it. Though
I am no IT expert I knew little nuances of how things work.
I saw that she had switched off her net ...
0 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 27.12.2017
So after our first encounter, we kept on having sex every
other day. She would either come to my place or I used to go
to hers and used to have wild sex. By the end of the semester,
we both couldn’t keep our hands off each other and were
having sex whenever we could, trying various new positions
etc. We both wanted to do it in public space once but never
got a chance or the need for it. Then ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 27.12.2017
She saw towards my shorts and it was an really messy situation,
my dick was standing firm tall creating a ugly bulge in my
shorts, I pulled a pillow and covered it, she crawled on
the bed and sat there in front of me, she forcefully pulled
the pillow and sat on my lap with her ass pressing my dick
and her boobs right in front of my face. I was speechless
by her actions , she sat there kept the ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 27.12.2017
She saw towards my shorts and it was an really messy situation,
my dick was standing firm tall creating a ugly bulge in my
shorts, I pulled a pillow and covered it, she crawled on
the bed and sat there in front of me, she forcefully pulled
the pillow and sat on my lap with her ass pressing my dick
and her boobs right in front of my face. I was speechless
by her actions , she sat there kept the ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 27.12.2017
We booked a cab, during the whole journey we were kissing
each other like there is no tomorrow. Many times, I even
saw cab driver touching his manhood. As soon we reached
my apartment, we went inside my flat. And the moment we entered,
we started kissing each other again. I was also manhandling
one of her boobs and was kneading it forcibly from above
her top. With another hand, I was slapping her ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 27.12.2017
I met Seema there, she was a South Indian girl, very young
beautiful with dusky colour. I was in love with her when
I saw her first time. It was 5 in the morning and I wanted to
click some pictures of the sunrise and by when I reached
there, I saw a short heightened dusky girl was there and
clicked some really good pictures (I saw them later as those
were scored the first position). That morning, ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 27.12.2017
She laughed and took me to the bedroom. She slowly removed
her dress one by one. Now she was in her bra and panty. Seeing
that, I removed my shirt and pant. Then I went near her and
started kissing her and pressing her boobs. She began to
moan. “Ah ahhh ahhh hmm ummm” I removed her bra. Her
big boobs came out. I started licking her boobs right and
left and she started moaning loudly.I was ...
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 27.12.2017
I met Seema there, she was a South Indian girl, very young
beautiful with dusky colour. I was in love with her when
I saw her first time. It was 5 in the morning and I wanted to
click some pictures of the sunrise and by when I reached
there, I saw a short heightened dusky girl was there and
clicked some really good pictures (I saw them later as those
were scored the first position). That morning, ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 27.12.2017
She saw towards my shorts and it was an really messy situation,
my dick was standing firm tall creating a ugly bulge in my
shorts, I pulled a pillow and covered it, she crawled on
the bed and sat there in front of me, she forcefully pulled
the pillow and sat on my lap with her ass pressing my dick
and her boobs right in front of my face. I was speechless
by her actions , she sat there kept the ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,1.10 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 27.12.2017
She saw towards my shorts and it was an really messy situation,
my dick was standing firm tall creating a ugly bulge in my
shorts, I pulled a pillow and covered it, she crawled on
the bed and sat there in front of me, she forcefully pulled
the pillow and sat on my lap with her ass pressing my dick
and her boobs right in front of my face. I was speechless
by her actions , she sat there kept the ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 27.12.2017
She laughed and took me to the bedroom. She slowly removed
her dress one by one. Now she was in her bra and panty. Seeing
that, I removed my shirt and pant. Then I went near her and
started kissing her and pressing her boobs. She began to
moan. “Ah ahhh ahhh hmm ummm” <br><br>
I removed her bra. Her big boobs came out. I started licking
her boobs right and left and she started ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 27.12.2017
I started kissing her back from neck till butt, she was getting
so excited and started moaning. I removed her bra, her boobs
are fully white with pink areola, huge boobs. They are like
Heavy Milk Tankers. I put one boob in my mouth and started
pressing the other. She was super excited and started moving
on the bed. I asked her to suck my dick, she refused and instead
kissed it a couple of times, ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 27.12.2017
So I called in OT and it was Shilpa who was at work that day
and she answered the call. I told her that emergency surgery
was needed to be done. She directed her juniors to get the
preparations done. I went to the OT and there she was sitting.
I saw her sitting there in her new scrubs which was a little
tight for her. But to my luck, her lovely round soft boobs
were protruding as if asking to ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 26.12.2017
ci want to lick and suck ur pussy and then i wil start spoiling
dairy milk choclate on ur pussy and then i wil start licking
and suck hard and at the same time i wil also be pressing ur
both the boobs with my both the hands and i wil put choclate
on ur body and lick as im licking a choclate on ur body just
Imagine where wil u be "At the top of the World Kya"
I beg just once please reply ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love 26.12.2017
like to lick and suck a lot - want to spread ice cream on ur
body and lick it before it melts and want to keep it on ur nipples
and lick it just with my tongue before it melts and want to
massage ur body with oil and play with ur pussy for a long
time and want to take dairy milk eclairs hard chocolate
and insert it in ur pussy from my mouth and search it with
my tongue in ur pussy and pull it out ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Love pussy 25.12.2017
i want to lick and suck ur pussy and then i wil start spoiling
dairy milk choclate on ur pussy and then i wil start licking
and suck hard and at the same time i wil also be pressing ur
both the boobs with my both the hands and i wil put choclate
on ur body and lick as im licking a choclate on ur body just
Imagine where wil u be "At the top of the World Kya"
I am ...
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,3.70 Gesamtpunktzahl |
falling 24.12.2017
is it possible to just never love anyone, ,, to just shut
that emotion off??
1 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,1.10 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Te quiero libre y salvaje 16.12.2017
No hay otra premisa, no hay otra forma de entenderlo. <br><br>
Te quiero libre y salvaje. <br><br>
Ni más delgada, ni más arreglada, ni más hermosa, ni
más nada. <br><br>
Te quiero libre, porque lo eres y no porque te lo diga yo o
te lo diga la sociedad, que parece que está de moda. <br><br>
Cuando digo libre digo a tu manera, es lo que te hace ...
0 Kommentare, 7 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,2.80 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Amistad parte 2 16.12.2017
No, más. <br><br>
¡A la mierda las probabilidades! <br><br>
Me has hecho ser la persona que soy hoy, ¿sabes? <br><br>
Que sí, que yo soy quien ha hecho todo, pero estoy convencido
de que sin tu existencia, sin tu presencia aquí o allá,
no lo hubiera conseguido. <br><br>
O lo hubiera logrado, pero sería diferente, muy diferente. ...
1 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,4.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Amistad 16.12.2017
Cuando los problemas me llegan hasta el cuello. <br><br>
Cuando no sé salir de una situación difícil por más
que lo intente. <br><br>
Cuando todo va en mi contra. <br><br>
Cuando me falta el aire en medio de todo este caos. <br><br>
Cuando todo falle y el mundo deje de existir, ten por seguro
una cosa. <br><br>
Te elegiría mil veces ...
0 Kommentare, 0 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
Tu fan numero 1parte 2 16.12.2017
Yo soy el tío más torpe de la historia, ¿y qué? <br><br>
Seamos transparentes. <br><br>
Seamos como ese amor que ve las cosas malas pero también
las buenas. <br><br>
Un amor que creerá en ti y en tu majestuosidad. <br><br>
Lo espero de verdad. <br><br>
Espero que un amor así llegue a ti. <br><br>
Un amor que te apoye ...
1 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,3.43 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Tu fan numero 1 16.12.2017
Espero que algún día encuentres a tu fan número uno.
No hace falta que sea hoy o mañana, respira tranquilo.
Llegará sin tener que buscar, te lo aseguro. <br><br>
Tal vez no llegue pero no es de lo que vengo a hablar. <br><br>
En cualquier caso, espero que algún día encuentres a
una persona que vaya a todos y cada uno de tus ...
0 Kommentare, 2 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,2.40 Gesamtpunktzahl |
in love with older woman alot 13.12.2017
i am attractive to older woman alot
0 Kommentare, 3 Angesehen,
1 Stimmen
,5.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
For a kiss ... 12.12.2017
For a hug from you I would give I would write you ten writings of true love, nine sun falls, eight bouquets of bright red flowers, seven adventures at the end of the world, six moments of company in front of the sea, five nights of passion, four incredible jewels, three photos of happiness, two caresses and an eternity....
7 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
14 Stimmen
,3.94 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I love your pussy rub swirl your pussy lipps all over my face as i suck your juices out 10.12.2017
I fell in love the first time i saw you stick your taco in my
0 Kommentare, 1 Angesehen,
0 Stimmen
When to end a relationship 7.12.2017
Sometimes you can thank your lucky stars that things came
to a head, and that you and your partner broke up because of your separate paths.
Be grateful you found out now that you were incompatible. Don’t second-guess
what could have happened. Face the sadness and use the experience as a real-life experience
of tantric principles: that the love you have never leaves you even though particular ...
2 Kommentare, 16 Angesehen,
12 Stimmen
,3.51 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Flowers that symbolizes love 27.11.2017
Check out the flower names and their meanings to find out
what each flower means.. <br><br>
Acacia Hidden love, Beauty in withdrawal <br><br>
Ambrosia Love requited <br><br>
Aster Symbolizing love, Delicacy <br><br>
Arum Intense feeling of love <br><br>
Bachelor Button Celibacy, The blessedness of being single
Balsam ...
1 Kommentare, 17 Angesehen,
9 Stimmen
,3.00 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love is a cycle 27.11.2017
When you love, you get hurt When you get hurt, you hate When you hate, you try to forget When you try to forget, you start missing And when you start missing.. you'll eventually fall in love again
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,2.47 Gesamtpunktzahl |
what is love 20.11.2017
I find it funny how on many sites including this one people
are looking for love. I laugh because on dating sites women
dress slutty but yet say they want a long term relationship
and love....when you flash your tits a guy of course he is
going to love you for that one night.....we all need to realize
though we are advanced we are still animals and if you watch
animal planet the men do a lot ...
0 Kommentare, 6 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,2.49 Gesamtpunktzahl |
small dicks 20.11.2017
hello everyone my name is jason hello everyone my name is
0 Kommentare, 6 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
What do you think after making love with a man/ woman ? 17.11.2017
What do you think after making love with a man/ woman ?
3 Kommentare, 12 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,3.01 Gesamtpunktzahl |
when lust turns to love 14.11.2017
I was on here a few years ago, quite naive and not worldly
wise and thought that most womens profiles were fake and
treated them with contempt. started corresponding with
a lady, not thinking anything would come of it. chatted
a while and eventually met. wondering what I was getting
into...........low and behold, she was lovely, sexy,
confident and i couldnt get enough of her. Just goes to show ...
0 Kommentare, 13 Angesehen,
8 Stimmen
,2.78 Gesamtpunktzahl |
luv or lust 6.11.2017
what you say guys luv or lust. luv or lust is a part of life. two aspect of one coin ?
1 Kommentare, 8 Angesehen,
4 Stimmen
,3.25 Gesamtpunktzahl |
that is love!!! 3.11.2017
Love is when you can't be apart from someone for too
long...you're always thinking of them, and when you're
with them you never want to say goodbye. Love is far from simple. It's quite complex. It's
a mix of about everything. It's sadness, joy, passion, hatred, excitement,
it's almost every feeling you can imagine and more.
You know love when you find it, it's that ...
2 Kommentare, 40 Angesehen,
14 Stimmen
,2.66 Gesamtpunktzahl |
each gesture means !!! 3.11.2017
Thinking of you means "I miss you" Holding your hand means "I like you" Squeezing it means "I want to kiss you" Putting my head on your shoulder means "Comfort me"
My hands on your waist means "Never let me go"
Biting my lip means "I'm jealous" Staring into your eyes means "Do you love me?"
Winking means "I adore ...
1 Kommentare, 29 Angesehen,
7 Stimmen
,4.06 Gesamtpunktzahl |
love means!!! 3.11.2017
Thinking of you means "I miss you" Holding your hand means "I like you" Squeezing it means "I want to kiss you" Putting my head on your shoulder means "Comfort me"
My hands on your waist means "Never let me go"
Biting my lip means "I'm jealous" Staring into your eyes means "Do you love me?"
Winking means "I adore ...
2 Kommentare, 14 Angesehen,
6 Stimmen
,3.37 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Love 3.11.2017
Has anyone found love on here?
1 Kommentare, 12 Angesehen,
5 Stimmen
,1.51 Gesamtpunktzahl |
tiny dicks 28.10.2017
hello everyone i have a really small dick okay
0 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,4.50 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Girls 5' and under 25.10.2017
Short girls, petite or thick hold a special place in my heart...Are
you one? Let's chat and see where things go
0 Kommentare, 4 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,2.42 Gesamtpunktzahl |
letting go doesn't mean giving up... 23.10.2017
Love is patient, love is and is not jealous; love does
not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly;
it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into
account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness,
but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes
all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love
never fails. <br><br>
I've learned ...
1 Kommentare, 11 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,3.92 Gesamtpunktzahl |
A simple love letter... 23.10.2017
I want to have someone in my life with whom I can laugh, cry,
share happy moments and sad ones, sit in silence with, enjoy
a good meal, talk about work challenges, a movie, a book,
a nice moment at the store with a stranger. <br><br>
Someone who knows they are the most important person to
me, knows my pluss&minus sides and accepts me for who
I am.. And who knows I love them like ...
1 Kommentare, 8 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,2.45 Gesamtpunktzahl |
When you say... 23.10.2017
When you say I'm beautiful I say "yeah right, "
but what im really saying is "do you really think so?"
When you say good job i say "thanks" but what Im really saying is "I love that you notice."
When you say we'll be together forever I say "I
hope so" but what im really saying is "I hope forever never
ends." When you say I love ...
1 Kommentare, 5 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.12 Gesamtpunktzahl |
I love the way 23.10.2017
Thank you for making me smile most of the time. I love the name that you have gave me. I love sound of it when you say or even shout it to everyone.
I love how you share your stories with me and the random talks
we have. I love the way you smile back at me when I'm just glancing
at you and the smile that you always do every time you see
me coming. I love it when you are looking for me when ...
2 Kommentare, 14 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,3.43 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Say your love in a phrase!!! 23.10.2017
"I love you." "I adore you." "I'm totally into you." "I love you from the bottom of my heart." "You mean so much to me." "I'm yours." "You complete me." "I'm in love with you." "There is no other." "You're my ideal woman." "You're my angel." "You're my ...
1 Kommentare, 7 Angesehen,
2 Stimmen
,3.12 Gesamtpunktzahl |
Bedtime 20.10.2017
Take control of your relationship and tell him how your
day went or if you felt vulnerable about something that
happened during the day. Not only does it reduce stress
but also makes you feel better connected. Well, do not forget to kiss your partner good night. It involves
physical as well as emotional intimacy and helps reignite
your relationship.
0 Kommentare, 6 Angesehen,
3 Stimmen
,0.98 Gesamtpunktzahl |