fakers 16-05-2018
Hi guys, in IM I often find obvious cheaters. A clear example: young girls with a tagline that includes
a tiny url. Some saying: You want to see my photo's? Then go to ....
Or some: You want to fuck me? Come to ..... Those are just trying to lead you to a different site, and
have bad intentions. I would suggest to have possibilities - in IM or elsewhere
- to block those or report them and ...
1 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
Virtuele sex 31-07-2016
Hoe kijken de bezoekers van deze site aan tegen virtuele
sex, persoonlijk vindt ik het zeer opwindend.
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
punten 29-07-2015
Na wat fotos en videos te plaatsen en op artikelen en publicaties
te reageren heb ik bijna genoeg punten voor een gold membership.
Ben benieuwd of het beter is. Hebben jullie daar ervaring
2 Reacties, 17 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,2.82 Score |
Hoe kan ik zonder creditcard opwaarderen 27-01-2014
ik heb geen creditcard en hoe kan ik het op een andere manier
2 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,0.98 Score |
hmm zoveel keus 03-03-2013
Er is zoveel keus, wie kan hier nog tussen kiezen? Maar vind
het jammaer dat je niet kan zien wanneer dat laatste keer
ingelogd was, zo zou je beter de inactieve profielen kunnen
0 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
8 Stemmen
,3.01 Score |
Nep? 05-01-2013
Mensen even serieus.
Ik ben nieuw op dit soort sites en ik vraag me af of dit gewoon
nep is of hebben mensen hier echt suc6 mee gehad...
Dat punten systeem werkt btw ook voor geen meter. Ik heb
me 1 dag geleden aangemeld en ben niet van plan te betalen
voor iets wat niet werkt
5 Reacties, 38 Bezichtigingen,
9 Stemmen
,3.43 Score |
wtf 24-03-2012
alles wat je wil
0 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen,
8 Stemmen
,1.39 Score |
Daten of niet daten ? 01-01-2012
Het is echter een feit ....Dat wie bang is een blauwtje te
lopen , ...Altijd een groentje zal blijven
0 Reacties, 22 Bezichtigingen,
14 Stemmen
,2.98 Score |
zo grappig??? 05-06-2011
Wat ik even kwijt wil is het volgende, regelmatig wordt er geflirt en vervolgens duiken de dames
undercover, door hun profiel uit te schakelen.Hier heb
ik toch mijn vraagtekens bij...???. Hetzelfde geval met profiel bekijken. Nou dames, wat is er aan de hand...
8 Reacties, 91 Bezichtigingen,
24 Stemmen
,3.24 Score |
Waarom moeten mannen bijna altijd het initiatief nemen 17-05-2011
Hallo iedereen hier een bericht van silas7342, ik vraag
mijzelf af waarom in deze tijd van emancipatie vrouwen
niet meer hun best doen om mannen te versieren?
4 Reacties, 79 Bezichtigingen,
23 Stemmen
,2.66 Score |
De Schoorsteenvegers (2) 22-04-2011
Als ik er niet bij ben als mijn katje zich laat pakken door
een andere man zet ik altijd een camera klaar om naderhand
nog eens samen met haar van te genieten, en zo dus ook die
avond want ik ging wat drinken met vrienden. Nadat ik klaar was met het installeren kwam mijn katje in
een supergeile outfit naar beneden, “zo ik ben klaar
om eens goed gepakt te worden” Nou dat moet zeker wel lukken ...
2 Reacties, 35 Bezichtigingen,
14 Stemmen
,2.98 Score |
Who is the sexy'st girl? 02-01-2011
I like Tila Tequila
1 Reacties, 102 Bezichtigingen,
14 Stemmen
,2.02 Score |
Wat is het verschil tussen standaard en zilver lid? 02-01-2011
Wat is het verschil eigenlijk?
2 Reacties, 56 Bezichtigingen,
10 Stemmen
,2.19 Score |
Wat kan je als standaar lid? 02-01-2011
Naam zegt het al .
5 Reacties, 80 Bezichtigingen,
17 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
op zoek naar een meisje voor one night stand :) 12-12-2010
hey meisjes ik en mijn vriendin hebben afgesproken om
1x per jaar met iemand anders sex te hebben en onze ervaringen
te delen. ik zoek dus iemand voor 1 nacht in de buurt van
0 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.45 Score |
Lekker ...? 07-11-2010
Je laat me je kamer binnen. Ik ga op je bed zitten en bekijk
je, van kop tot teen. Je ziet er heerlijk uit ... Ik vraag je naar me toe te komen. Aarzelend kom je naar me
toe. Ik bekijk je weer, je ziet er heerlijk uit in je jeans
en je topje. Ik leg mijn hand op je knie, en begin erover te strelen, te
voelen. Dan verder langs je onderbeen, je kuiten, je knieholte,
en dan langs je dijen weer naar ...
0 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.45 Score |
Turned off profiles-a comment 17-09-2010
Ive heard alot of talk about turned off profiles and bots.
ive looked into it a bit, even played along. many are real
but want to get you to another site. im chatting with one
i met here on another site, seeing where it goes. im expected
to be asked 4 money or something at anytime. she says shes
from Russia and of course very pretty, at least the photos
i get are.
2 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen,
8 Stemmen
,2.78 Score |
webcamliefde 07-07-2010
Ik dacht dat ze waren verdwenen
die eerste vlinders in m'n buik,
het trillen van mijn benen,
maar toen ik je op webcam zag,
begon ik vlug te merken,
dat al die eerste kriebels
opnieuw begonnen werken
0 Reacties, 40 Bezichtigingen,
8 Stemmen
,3.01 Score |
lost something???!! 04-07-2010
I've lost something???? Never had in mind I could possebly lose this over here!!
It's something very vulnarable that I keep cherished
with all my life!! You have any idea what it is?? My heart Nevertheless I have no worry because I know it's in
good hands!! It's with someone whose amazing strong spirit &
personallity overwhelmed me! A person I have all my respect 4 ! He is unique in his ...
0 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Buitensex locaties Nederland 30-06-2010
Ben je wel eens op een swingers buitensex locatie geweest?
Wil je hieronder de locatie geven met een beoordeling?
En wie er voornamelijk komen, stellen of alleen mannen?
1 Reacties, 193 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,2.80 Score |
Strip Club 16-06-2010
I ben 2 the strip club a few times. I kno a few of them close.
1 says she is straight but she goes on the stage wit another
girl ate her p*ssy & f*ckd her wit a vibrator & not
2 get side tracked but when a women says she don't need
a man just her girl & a toy it is true ? Anyway, also the
girl went down on her but she says she is not gay thats jus
4 money she likes d*ck only so is she a lesbian ...
1 Reacties, 40 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
vraag andere manieren van klaar komen 27-03-2010
Ik ben al lang vrijgezel en ik zoek ook een vriendin voor
een vaste of(sex)relatie maar toe die tijd moet moet ik
me zelf verwennen dus zoek ik naar ideeen of sugesities
om me zelf klaar te maken anders dan normaal af te trekken
wat dat betreft hebben vrouwen het wel makelijker die hebben
viborators alvast bedankt voor je reacties Bas
0 Reacties, 46 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
een vrouw benaderen 22-03-2010
Geachte lezers,
ik ben eigenlijk een beetje op zoek naar tips hoe je het beste
een vrouw kunt benaderen via deze website, ik heb verschillende
mails de deur uit gedaan maar nog steeds geen reactie terug.
4 Reacties, 91 Bezichtigingen,
9 Stemmen
,1.93 Score |
FAKERS 27-02-2010
Ik schrijf dit artikel om dat ik versteld sta van sommige
mensen op deze site. Laats heb ik wat contact gehad met een van de leden.Na enkele
e-mails op en neer een persoonlijk e-mail adres gekregen
en zo ons contact voortgezet.Ze stuurde iedere keer een
bijlage met fot's erbij, en ik dacht dat gezicht komt
mij bekend voor....wat bleek het waren foto's van
een bekende soap-ster uit een amerikaanse ...
3 Reacties, 119 Bezichtigingen,
11 Stemmen
,4.48 Score |
Erotise Massage 23-01-2010
Een andere soort spellen dan normaal voor een erotise massage
Wat te doen haal wat olie laat je partner op zijn rug liggen
en doe je ogen dicht en Ontspan en begin van de nek schouders
omlaag dan de armen borsten streelse kneetse zachtjes
tot de tepels lekker zijn hart glij dan verder omlaag naar
de genitale en masseer ze met de vingers de schaam lippen
en werk je zo langzaam naar binnen en maakt ...
0 Reacties, 60 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.12 Score |
Is deze site standard-lid vriendelijk? 15-12-2009
Hi All,
Heb me net ingeschreven op deze site, maar krijg al snel
de indruk dat, om er iets uit te halen, je meteen moet upgraden.
Klopt dit, of heb ik nog niet alles door.
1 Reacties, 29 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Letop sms oplichting 09-11-2009
ik kom hier veel scammers en fakers tegen dan krijg je een
berichtje dan wil ze contact via sms bijvoorbeeld sms me
dan naar 3010 ofzo mensen niet doen de berichten die zij
of hij stuurt betaal je ook 1, 50 per bericht het is pure
oplichting binnen 2 uurtjes is je beltegoed kaart van 20
euro al op foetsie
1 Reacties, 74 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,3.37 Score |
lul of kut plagen 16-08-2009
Ik ben vaak op zoek naar sex matriaal op internet(filmpjes
enzo) om nieuwe ideeen op te doen ik hou van bondage zonder
zweepjes en pijn maar het feit dat je niks kunt doen en je
lot in de handen van je vriendin/vriend is vind ik al op windent
en het kan je sex leven misschien weer nieuw leven inblazen
zo kwam ik laats op een web pagina met een flimpje cock teasing
een jongen lag op bed vast ...
0 Reacties, 72 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,2.49 Score |
keegan 26-02-2009
0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
Kan bijna niet geiler 17-02-2009
Dat zijn nog eens verhalen, zou het niet erg vinden als ik
in het volgende verhaal zou voorkomen.xxx max
0 Reacties, 43 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
My First Threesome Part 1 14-01-2009
My First 3 Some.
Part 1
I have had threesomes before, but, I have to say that my
first was my most memorable of all my encounters. It was
like losing your virginity only in a different way.
I was just graduated from high school (1974), and was taking
care of my cousin’s property in the lower valley of El Paso.
He had 4 Appaloosa’s, three mares and a ...
3 Reacties, 114 Bezichtigingen,
10 Stemmen
,2.59 Score |
waar gaat je Des celibataires pleins de ressources geld naartoe? IPO 26-12-2008
altijd afgevraagd wat er met je geld gebeurt? Je kan nu zelfs
aandeelhouder worden van Des celibataires pleins de ressources op zich lijkt dit me geen
foute belegging toch? krijg je als aandeelhouder gratis
een gouden membership? haha
-quote- " Precies een jaar geleden kocht Penthouse Media
Group de website Des celibataires pleins de ressources.com. En vandaag maakte
Penthouse bekend dat het de sex dating service ...
1 Reacties, 50 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.96 Score |
sucses verhalen 20-12-2008
zijn er wel eens stelletjes sucsesvol geweest met het vinden
van een andere meid op een site als deze?
1 Reacties, 35 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.12 Score |
Sekspartner 15-11-2008
Ik heb de indruk dat de meeste vrouwen die hier online zijn,
eigenlijk enkel op erotische verhaaltjes uit zijn. Ik
vraag me af hoeveel mensen er eigenlijk afspreken, en die
hete verhalen durven waar te maken.
2 Reacties, 99 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,4.80 Score |
tintelende glijmiddel 05-09-2008
Recent geprobeerd : het tintelende glijmiddel dat zogezegd
zou moeten plezierverhogend werken, .....wel dit was
het allerminst. De dame in kwestie vond het helemaak niet
leuk en wou zich zo mogelijk wassen. Zijn er betere tips ?
2 Reacties, 39 Bezichtigingen,
12 Stemmen
,3.15 Score |
My gun of love. 07-07-2008
I have a gun of love, And if I put it in you and shoot, Then you will scream, in your dream, every day, ...for more.
But only, if I put my gun of love in you...and shoot.
Written and performed by myself .
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
eindelijk......klantenservice 13-06-2008
Na veel heen en weer gemaild metklantendienst toch weer
zilveren lid , eens goed mijn gedacht gezegd en ontevredenheid
geuit over bepaalde onduidelijke zaken hier naar klanten
toe , ik sprak in naam van ieder die problemen ervaart hier, uiteindelijk
heb ik extra puntjes gekregen van klantendienst waardoor
ik ze kon omruilen vr mijn zilveren lidmaatschap.....zie
op je strepen staan , niet alles ...
4 Reacties, 88 Bezichtigingen,
10 Stemmen
,5.58 Score |
lidmaatschap 10-06-2008
Zijn er mensen die hier ook problemen hebben met opwaarderen
van lidmaatschap...ik krijg hier maar geen toegeng alhoewel
ik betaal wel per sms maar blijkbaar is dit veel duurder
enduurt het lang...kan iemand me hier omtrent advies geven?e13
0 Reacties, 19 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
lidmaatschap 10-06-2008
Zijn er mensen die hier ook problemen hebben met opwaarderen
van lidmaatschap...ik krijg hier maar geen toegeng alhoewel
ik betaal wel per sms maar blijkbaar is dit veel duurder
enduurt het lang...kan iemand me hier omtrent advies geven?
0 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
hoe werkt dit hier??? 08-06-2008
Problemen met opwaarderen, ik heb via sms me opgewaardeerd
maar ik blijf standaardlid, ik probeer punten te verzamelen
komen er dan niet bij , ik heb hier toch mijn vragen over
, iemand dezelfde ervaring hiermee...enne hoe werkt
het eindelijk blijkbaar heb je geen keus en ben je bbijna
verplicht het hoogste abonnement te nemen die je betaald
met visa????marketingtrucs alom?????
4 Reacties, 146 Bezichtigingen,
35 Stemmen
,3.77 Score |
opwaarderen 07-06-2008
kan iemand me helpen???ik heb me drie dagen geleden laten
opwaarderen via sms nu wordt er dagelijks 9 maal 1, 50 van
gehaald...wanneer en hoe word dit afgehandeld?iemand
ervaring mee
2 Reacties, 54 Bezichtigingen,
7 Stemmen
,3.55 Score |
Spannend voorstel 31-05-2008
Wij zijn een leuk spontaan stel op zoek naar leuke spannende
en pikante situaties. Uiteraard alleen als de klik voor
allen goed is ! Wie heeft er een origineel en leuk voorstel???
Leukste voorstellen worden beantwoord!! xxx
0 Reacties, 58 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,2.16 Score |
vrouwen en bi-mannen?? 19-05-2008
Veel vrouwen willen niets met een bi-man omdat ze het geen
echte mannen vinden, terwijl bi-mannen wel met een vrouw
willen. Zouden bi-vrouwen misschien eerder met een bi-man iets
doen omdat je dan alle twee bi bent?
Vinden vrouwen bi-mannen geil of niet? Wat vinden vrouwen geil om te doen met een bi-man?
Zijn er bi-mannen die ook dit probleem hebben??
2 Reacties, 103 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,2.16 Score |
Wat is de inhoud van deze site 23-04-2008
Soms vraag ik me af waar deze site naar toe leidt. Zijn het
de foto's van anderen waar naar gekeken wordt, of is
het tocht iets meer. De site geeft met "Adult"
voor de meeste het taboe loze sex onderwerp aan. Denk maar
aan adult movies. Desondanks heb ik niet het idee dat het
hier echt daarom gaat, maar dat het meer een soort van chat
site is, waarbij de chat's een andere richting aannemen.
Ik ...
2 Reacties, 39 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
wat is gekste wat je ooit gedaan heb op sex gebied 12-04-2008
wat is het gekste wat je ooit meegemaakt heb op sex gebied??d
ben je wel eens betrapt? en hoe voelde je je toen?
3 Reacties, 196 Bezichtigingen,
7 Stemmen
,3.80 Score |
Wie heeft het wel eens met meerdere gedaan 12-04-2008
Wie heeft het wel eens met meerdere mannen of vrouwen tegelijk
gedaan? Ik ben er eigenlijk heel benieuwd naar. Hoe kwam je erbij? En was er een concrete aanleiding? Meevaller of tegenvaller? Had je toen een vaste relatie?
En was dit al langer een fantasie? Wat zijn voor jou de do's
en de don'ts?
0 Reacties, 75 Bezichtigingen,
7 Stemmen
,3.04 Score |
Langste periode zonder seks? 12-04-2008
Hoelang was de langste periode dat je zonder sex zat? Vonden jullie dit vervelend?
1 Reacties, 66 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,5.39 Score |
Instant Messenger 08-04-2008
Hallo allemaal,
Wij zijn al een tijd standaardlid en konden altijd de webcam
van anderen gewoon meekijken. Sinds kort kunnen we dat
niet meer. We worden dan verwezen naar een scherm om te upgraden.
Komt dit jullie bekend voor? Graag reactie....!
1 Reacties, 68 Bezichtigingen,
7 Stemmen
,4.82 Score |
Mannen willen meer seks dan vrouwen 07-01-2008
Mannen willen meer seks dan vrouwen; mythe of feit? Slechte
seks lijdt altijd tot een break up: mythe of feit? ...
3 Reacties, 89 Bezichtigingen,
8 Stemmen
,4.41 Score |
La primer fantasia sexual que deseo es esta: 14-12-2007
La primer fantasia sexual que deseo es esta:
Estoy en mi casa haciendo el aseo, tengo puesto un baby-doll
y estoy sin calzones, de pronto llega un desconocido y me
asalta, me pone una pistola en la cabeza y me dice que le de
todo lo que yo tengo o me viola. Yo le digo que casi no tengo
nada y que mejor me viole, el tipo, guapo por cierto, me desnuda
y me tira ...
0 Reacties, 29 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,5.20 Score |
DIE TEXT MOET LANGER !!!!!!!! 04-09-2007
Vinden jullie dat nou ook. Dat als je iets wil zeggen tegen iemand die aan het cammen
is, dat je steeds een stuk regel te kort kom en text te veel
heb ?
En om het dan toch nog er in te krijgen wat je wil zeggen kan
ik me voorstellen dat de persoon aan de andere kant denk
van of die is stom dronken of kom wat scholing te kort.
Dus beste webmaster LANGER DIE ...
3 Reacties, 62 Bezichtigingen,
23 Stemmen
,3.13 Score |
pircings en tattoos 21-08-2006
Wat vind je van piercings of tatoeages? Is het sexy of knap
je erop af? Heb je er één, waar zit die dan? Waarom heb je hiervoor
gekozen? Heb je iets laten doen en nu spijt? Hoe reageren
anderen op jouw lichaamsversiering?
2 Reacties, 55 Bezichtigingen,
9 Stemmen
,5.14 Score |
borsten 21-08-2006
tot mijn verbazing vinden heeeel veel mannen 'grote'
borsten heel euh.. lelijk? waarom is dat? hebben veel mannen
een verkeerd beeld over grote borsten? denken ze dat grote
borsten hang zijn of dat het meteen betekend dat de vrouw
ook dik is? of dat ze borsten van die siliconen-borsten
ik erger me er best wel aan. want veel vrouwen schamen zich
om hun A-cupje, terwijl 80% ...
9 Reacties, 226 Bezichtigingen,
22 Stemmen
,4.69 Score |
Hebben alle vrouwen bi-schierige gevoelens? 09-07-2006
Smile... de meeste vrouwen zullen wel denken: Dat is weer
typische een mannenvraag!
Maar ik heb het gevoel dat het een verschijnsel is dat de
meeste vrouwen (er nu voor uitkomen) bi-schierige gevoelens
Zijn de de dames dat met mij eens?
0 Reacties, 36 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Een wandeling door het park 02-07-2006
Een wandeling door het park
Op een warme zondag morgen zit ik te vervelen in huis en ben
dat op een gegeven moment zat en ik zeg zo in het algemeen
ik een stuk wandelen wie gaat er mee, niemand geeft antwoord
ik trek me jas aan en loop naar buiten.
Een maal buiten aan gekomen denk ik waar moet ik naartoe
ik heb geen idee en loop maar wat na een kwartiertje doelloos
lopen heb ik ...
0 Reacties, 40 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,2.47 Score |
Vrienden en vriendinnen gezocht 30-06-2006
Even oproepje aan met name alle leuke
meiden op deze site om toe te treden tot mijn netwerk. Het
kost je niets en je kunt wat fotootjes van mij zien.
Maakt het er een stuk gezelliger op tijdens de chat of IMC.
Weet je al die namen tenminste te plaatsen.
Groetjes allemaal en alvast bedankt!...
0 Reacties, 34 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
Waarvoor staan "TS/TV/TG" ? 20-06-2006
Ik ken die afkortingen niet?
Heeft dat iets te maken met transseksualiteit?
0 Reacties, 93 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Opwaarderen 02-06-2006
Er zou nog een andere betaalmogelijkheid mogen komen om
u te kunnen opwaarderen of punten te kopen. vb. via uw gsm.
Ik heb geen namelijk visa of masterkaart en wil dat niet
aanschaffen. Grtn Bonitoyky
0 Reacties, 26 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,2.86 Score |
wie vind wat nu lekker 26-02-2006
Ik vraag me soms wel eens af wie wat nu eigelijk lekker vind.
En wat vinden we nu juist niet lekker. Had graag eens geweten
wat vrouwen nu lekker en opwindend vinden en wat niet en
hezelfde voor mannen. Ik weet wat ik lekker en opwindend
vind maar daarom iemand anders niet hé. Dus dames en heren
vertel het eens
1 Reacties, 201 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
ADULT VIDEOS 28-02-2024
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
More of a search at this point, looking for open, like minded and descriptive. 19-10-2023
I have played around a little with ultra descriptive erotic
short stories but have only ever shared in one-to-one or
one-to-couple in private messages and in fairly short
bursts. I am very open minded with a great and filthy imagination
and absolutely get turned on by the detail. I’d really
like to find someone that I could collaborate with that
is as my equal and share messages in turn that ...
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
FWB/NSA 19-01-2023
Any Villages ladies looking to get their pussy eaten?
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
The Throbbing Black Dick In My Mouth, Definitely In My Ass. A Black Male Perspective 22-12-2022
As a black male bottom here in St. Louis, MO. Their is nothing
more romantic than feeling a black man who a total top dick
throbs in my mouth but definitely in my ass. And, when he uses his black dick to play in my ass for a long
time and nut in me using condoms one or more time. Making
that passionately love. It has always been a sexual fantasy
of mines. While I lay relaxing on my stomach. He ...
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Favorite conversation starters 04-10-2022
What’s your go to conversation starter?
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
just four points 28-06-2022
just to get free points
1 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
Come on .... Really, who doesn't like cock ? Boxes Suck 13-05-2022
In some way, I can't imagine most people don't
enjoy cock. I mean if you're a guy, you enjoy your own
cock, right? Maybe you have even enjoyed watching another
guy's cock, like in a porn vid, maybe sliding in and
out of a hot wet pussy? Yeah I think we all, or at least many
of us have enjoyed that. Perhaps some of us have enjoyed
a personal fantasy involving cock ? Your own cock ...
0 Reacties, 15 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
Masterbation 12-08-2021
Masterbation is not bad it's healthy for the body it
releases cum out of your cock that builds and it's
a great stress reliever but along Comes with it porn most
people watch porn when they masterbate I know I do have since
I was 18 I am addicted to porn seeing woman naked I love a woman's
hairy pussy well it's just long with masterbation
comes sex toys to spending on them can ...
0 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Masterbation 12-08-2021
Masterbation is not bad it's healthy for the body it
releases cum out of your cock that builds and it's
a great stress reliever but along Comes with it porn most
people watch porn when they masterbate I know I do have since
I was 18 I am addicted to porn seeing woman naked I love a woman's
hairy pussy well it's just long with masterbation
comes sex toys to spending on them can ...
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Masterbation 12-08-2021
Masterbation is not bad it's healthy for the body it
releases cum out of your cock that builds and it's
a great stress reliever but along Comes with it porn most
people watch porn when they masterbate I know I do have since
I was 18 I am addicted to porn seeing woman naked I love a woman's
hairy pussy well it's just long with masterbation
comes sex toys to spending on them can ...
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Kink ( BDSM) or vanilla!! 25-07-2021
What’s your preference. BDSM OR VANILLA. Let’s chat
. Discuss.
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Good exposed naked... 30-05-2021
I am very exhibitionist, I like good exposed in public
with very people, look my pictures naked with public...
7 Reacties, 54 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
Women and TS who have made Lustfully Enchanting Magazine Covers 27-05-2021
Hello I Love Expressing my LUSTFUL and KINKY Desires to Women
who can cast her Enchanting Spell on me by Having Her sit
in Front of Me as I Look into her Eyes and Stroke my Cock as
she Watches me Fully Dressed or Nude and then giving Her
Nonstop Oral that will MAKE Her Cum OVER and Over and over
again one right after another for a Hour or more. I do have
a lot of Women from within and outside ...
1 Reacties, 32 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
Use my pictures,I like... 29-04-2021
Use my pictures I am very exhibitionist, I like exposed
in public and very people, very morbid...
16 Reacties, 83 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
Joya y collar de RocioAlta 26-04-2021
Despues de conocerte y leer tus publicaciones de tus experiencias
Rocio llego a adorarte cada dia mas con la necesidad de ser
bien identificado con el JohndeRocioAlta. Llevo tus tatoos
desde hace mucho y ya finalmente llevo tu joya y tu collar
- es tu regalo a mi - esta udentidad de tu JohndeRocioAlta.
Es el regalo mas pecioso del mundo y llevo tu nombre con mucho
placer y felicidad. Eres una ...
3 Reacties, 32 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
How can i message someone without upgrading to gold? 18-03-2021
I mean back then, there's a way to get a free gold membership
via Icebreaker. But now seems like they remove it. They
replace it 10 message per day when you activate your Icebreaker.
But how do i know if i already activated my Icebreaker? Coz
it seems like there's no way for me to confirm it though.
Any help would be gladly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
4 Reacties, 50 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,4.41 Score |
Spreading Happiness 07-03-2021
The world ain't what it used to be. There was a time where
we cared for one another and looked out for each other. But
sadly that time has passed and the chances of them circling
back around are very slim. Everyone is so focused on
themselves that they become blind to feeling love and feeling
happy. We have made it to where we all get so caught up trying
to make as much money as we can that ...
2 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
Eating ass 25-02-2021
Do any women really enjoy eating a guys ass?
0 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.12 Score |
man 08-02-2021
God must love the common man, he made so many of them.
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Wanting to host for some fun 28-01-2021
My roommates are gone on a short vacation till Sunday night
and I have the house to myself in the Augusta area wanting
to get a group together to have some fun anyone interested
I'm me ASAP
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Antes de la pandemia 22-01-2021
Amantes del sexo en Panamá, que nos pasó que antes de esta
pandemia dejamos de postear, creo que guardando los cuidados
y restricciones podemos hacer algo para consolarnos (los
solteros como yo), y no recurrir a la masturbacion. Empezar a conectarnos es posible, veamos como podemos
conectarnos y salgamos de esta monotonía pajera en la
que estamos.
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Anyone else 30-12-2020
Love this website, but it seems like lately it’s fakes
and bots. Wish more real and down people were local to me.
0 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Who has kinky Daddy issues? 28-12-2020
I have had many partners with kinky issues. Do you
have any, or had partners that have?
0 Reacties, 21 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,4.50 Score |
Fun 19-12-2020
Why’s it so hard to find real people? Been trying and all
I get is fakes or flakes. Gooodddd anyone else dealing with
3 Reacties, 32 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
I want you to cum in my mouth 13-12-2020
To please you This is my desire I cuddle you At this sensitive point That makes you moan at the slightest Touch of my lips It’s a rising heat You scream with pleasure and in me, that Arouses cravings A beautiful thing Between your legs, I savor a world I make you see the sky where the moon is round
0 Reacties, 31 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
HAPPY 2021! 07-12-2020
Happy 2021 world, kisses and force!, I am very morbid and exhibitionist look me my pictures, use my images I like look very people...
32 Reacties, 153 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
Sex against covid19 08-10-2020
I n these times of pandemic , you have to find a way to escape,
and sex is the best , for example I like to show myself , I leave
you many pictures, you can use them, I am very exhibitionist...
20 Reacties, 145 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,5.20 Score |
Love gone stale 29-09-2020
Hss your love gone stale? What happens when it does? You
need to add a spark. Any way you can.
1 Reacties, 27 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.96 Score |
ghghghghghghggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg 12-09-2020
7 Reacties, 76 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Advice on getting points...? 29-08-2020
Getting on here sucks ass! What are the best ways you have found to get ? Easiest,
what gives the most , quickest? Im trying to reply
to this gorgeous woman that wants me and Im desperate!!
help a horny deprived brother out!!!
3 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Sex during the pandemic 27-08-2020
Has anyone found it even harder to meet someone new due to
this damn pandemic? I know it's real and all, but being
cooped up for so long is weighing me down. When I go to the
store I am staring at guys I would never really ever consider.
I am hoping this ends soon because I am about to really put
myself out there lol
3 Reacties, 43 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
GPT3 15-08-2020
heThe most exciting new arrival in the world of AI looks,
on the surface, disarmingly simple. It’s not some subtle
game-playing program that can outthink humanity’s
finest or a mechanically advanced robot that backflips
like an Olympian. No, it’s merely an autocomplete program,
like the one in the Google search bar. You start typing and
it predicts what comes next. But while this sounds ...
1 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
how to get points for new members 14-08-2020
New members I suggest that you read our members blogs , we
have a few members that have contest that give away points
as prizes just for going onto their points blogs commenting
on them. Good luck & have a nice day.
2 Reacties, 24 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,4.41 Score |
Naked cooking lessons 31-07-2020
I would love to fill may free time with helping others with
cooking lessons. Thought we could put a twist on it and I teach you naked. I am looking to just teach and if you are naked up to you, if
you want more then that you will need to say. I am a trained chef and can help with basics to fancy. I am hawkfans4play on here
2 Reacties, 27 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,3.92 Score |
What happen to Broadcasting in IM 21-07-2020
I don't see a way to do this anymore.
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Don't be shy 16-07-2020
I know most of these gatherings can be intimidating but
just be yourself and have fun. Chat with people and don't
be pushy if it happends it happends just go with the flow.
0 Reacties, 17 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
Is any1 actually social distancing? Or you one foot in one foot out when pleasure cums Knocking hard 12-07-2020
I've social distanced myself going out in public keeping
a distance and wearing a mask and kinda freaked at times
when people coughing or sneezing lol, but when I get home
and feel safe this guy I've known for years wants to
come play with me says he's like me and played it safe
and are no worry's, I wonder what would others do in
this situation would you make up an excuse? Say ...
4 Reacties, 23 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,1.04 Score |
tips 08-07-2020
I've been a paying member for a long time and now i have
tip view certain members web cam whats up with that
takes away from being a paid member not sure how much longer
i will be around
1 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
Impossible Fakes 05-07-2020
Really interesting how many users aren't real but
I even see women complain of this, as well. I can't imagine
a circumstance where it would be feasible to create a fake
profile. Am I missing something here?
2 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Becoming A "Woman!" The Development of a Crossdresser. 04-07-2020
A somewhat confusing headline, I know. But you don’t
know the half of it! This is exceptionally long so I may break
it into 3 or 4 parts. In order for me to release the “woman
in me” and the “oral slut” I fantasize about being,
it’s important I find understanding friends and mentors.
Reading this may help in that search! IN THE BEGINNING – PART 1: I was born and raised Irish ...
0 Reacties, 27 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Des celibataires pleins de ressources.... 24-06-2020
oh man it suck here now
2 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
Member vs. Non-Member Communication 18-06-2020
Question of the day! <br><br>
How does one communicate with non-members and how do you
make your full profile viewable to non-members? Any additional
or pertinent information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
3 Reacties, 38 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,1.04 Score |
Same ole shit 11-06-2020
Well looks like points are impossible to get anymore for
the most part and can’t communicate with anyone without
1 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Site awash with fakes in Asia 06-06-2020
So many fake profiles allegedly from Singapore or Hong
Kong but more likely Chinese scammers. I've blocked
and reported over 100 but they still keep coming and Des celibataires pleins de ressources
are unwilling/unable (delete as appropriate) to stop
them. Maybe they are getting a slice. Such a shame what's happened to this site. <br><br>
FYI the are all 'sexy' something with an underscore
then another ...
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Do I have to ‘come out’? 27-05-2020
The phrase ‘coming out’ is often used for the conversations
we have about sexuality. Most of the stories we hear about
LGBTQIA+ people relate to how and when they ‘came out’
– and it can make it feel like a big event or announcement.
While that can feel right for some people, it’s not for
everyone. <br><br>
You are the most important person in this situation, so
don’t ...
0 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
New here 15-05-2020
I’ve heard that there are lots of flakes and fakes here
? Any advice to give a newcomer
4 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
do you not get points for certain actions you that you did before? 07-05-2020
i created an about 2 years ago on Des celibataires pleins de ressources
and you could get for certain actions, now on a new
having lost the old ones data i was curious why im
not earning those ?
1 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.96 Score |
Scams galore! 06-05-2020
i admit I have only been on here for a couple of weeks, and
that I am trying this site as I was curious about on line hookup
sites and the reality versus the fantasy of them. Are women
REALLY seeking sex from strangers? Or looking for relationships
online??? I may be old school in my thinking, and so 'last
century' in my beliefs, but I signed up anyway just
to see for myself. ...
1 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Points 30-04-2020
Basically making this to earn some points
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,5.20 Score |
Politically and sexually frustrated 12-04-2020
I know that that this site is not a political forum but some
times its best to voice one's own opinion especially
when you're frustrated by certain elites in government.
First, let me say that I am a Spaniard by culture, the second
I am a U.S. citizen, thirdly I am an habitant of this planet
called Earth. The lack of inaction by President Trump over
this COVID -19 since November 2019 when ...
3 Reacties, 17 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,5.20 Score |
covid19 09-04-2020
I hope everyone is staying safe out there. Just would loike
to know how everyone is doing during these troubled times?
1 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
points 26-03-2020
they no longer reward points
2 Reacties, 19 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,5.20 Score |
Is Des celibataires pleins de ressources being realistic in their expectations? Are they being fair in their actions? 25-03-2020
Ok here is the situation. We received this message for Des celibataires pleins de ressources
in our Des celibataires pleins de ressources mailbox <br><br>
Dear Silkymadness, <br><br>
Your Icebreaker has been approved and your Gold membership
has been activated. You're all set. <br><br>
Gold membership gets you unlimited access to photos, profiles,
and videos, plus unlimited emails and flirts. ...
3 Reacties, 34 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,5.57 Score |
SENIORS,,, your age >> 50 + >> 60 + >> 70 + should it matter ...>> NO 24-03-2020
SENIORS >>>>>Old age does not mean that
they "" can, t do anything "" !!!!!!
>> OR WANT TO !!!!! <br><br>
. Older people have been around , , AND , LOVE SEX.. !!!!!!!
And can do it "" ALL "" <br><br>
, I, am going to be 60 years old, and still love sex like i was
20.... WHY. <br><br>
. The same ...
3 Reacties, 33 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,4.50 Score |
In praise of older women 20-03-2020
Look, time only goes in one direction. It's a given.
I'll never be younger than I am now typing this. I get
a lot of messages from younger women with fake accounts
trying to lure me into something. The thing is, I am not even
enticed in the least by their youth and advertised sexuality.
More and more I find myself attracted to woman who are within
a five year age span of me, either ...
0 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,5.20 Score |
Friend list all Fucked up 15-03-2020
I discovered while looking through who was online in messenger
a friend symbol beside a name. MMMMM interesting. Name
didn't appear on my computer as a friend. I have discovered
others from around the country and world with the symbol.
I sent 3 last week all accepted and the only way I know is the
symbol in messenger and I asked. . I have sent out many request
after a nice conversation and ...
0 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
Finding a date. 09-03-2020
Anyone out there have any suggestions for standard members
to find a date on here. Seems like I end up usimg all my points
on fakes and flakes. Its quite frustrating. thanks in advance.
2 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Finding a date. 09-03-2020
Anyone out there have any suggestions for standard members
to find a date on here. Seems like I end up usimg all my points
on fakes and flakes. Its quite frustrating. thanks in advance.
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
How can we enjoy this site when doesn't work 04-03-2020
Seems that this site is falling apart and the site is no fun.
We can't earn points like use to and the chatrooms are
mostly empty. How can we have fun on site that doesn't
work.We need to join together to get it fixed
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Exposed in public 03-03-2020
Exposed in public, I am very exhibitionist, look me, use
my pictures I like, ...enjoy...
3 Reacties, 61 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
chat- groups 27-02-2020
when I go through the chat groups here there is usually nothing
or very little going on. The "visitors" come and go quickly without
having written a word. what makes a group interesting, how could you get the chat
rooms going again?
1 Reacties, 17 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Dude looks like a lady: The power of androgyny in heavy metal music - by Shauna O'Dorothy 26-02-2020
How experimentation of appearance and makeup allowed
artists to push boundaries visually and creatively. <br><br>
............... <br><br>
Imagine metal without makeup. One is a tangible medium
– gunk for enhancing, hiding or modifying external features;
the other, a noise, a state of mind, a way of life. Throughout
history, one has been traditionally associated with ...
0 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
anticipation 23-02-2020
I enjoy the build up of seduction, talking over time, increaseing
erotic energy until a possible meet. Im thrilled by it.
What do you think? Please share.
3 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,5.39 Score |
This site 19-02-2020
I’ve been here a while. It feels a little like a money grab,
but I’m hopeful there’s a needle in this haystack.
Who’s got the tips to get things done?
4 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
DL Hookup 18-02-2020
I traveled to Saint Louis in September for a conference
and had the evenings to myself. I posted on doublelist and
a black gentleman responded that he was interested, and
I was interested in his stats. He was 6'6" about
200lbs, 9" cock. His body pic was awesome. <br><br>
I invited him over, and about an hour later we were face to
face. He looked better in person than ...
0 Reacties, 24 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,5.39 Score |
Chatting 11-02-2020
Why do most women hotlist you and flirt with you but they
don't wanna chat with you or they ignore you ..
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
this site really sucks now 10-02-2020
when I joined this site they really appreciated it's
members no points system at all to chat and when you contributed
to the magazine you got perks. these days they try and extort private info just to "confirm"
and offer points for it <br><br>
but of all the bullshit the part that really rubs me raw is
that you pay your points and because of their system they
deduct ...
13 Reacties, 106 Bezichtigingen,
22 Stemmen
,7.21 Score |
I enjoy the blogs and the articles. 06-02-2020
Blogs and articles tell me more about people then their
profiles do. I have been enjoying reading blogs and the
comments. Articles and the comments sometimes are funny.
1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,1.73 Score |
Feel frustrated 06-02-2020
Falling into frustrated & feeling time goes so slow.
2 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.96 Score |
Any real people on IM 06-02-2020
Tried so many times to get conversations going in IM but
to no avail. Seems like no-one wants to chat or perhaps I'm
choosing bots to try and talk to. Really tough especially
with so few points to spare.
6 Reacties, 26 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,4.90 Score |
Ladies who like cream 05-02-2020
Creampie queens where are yall
0 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,3.43 Score |
Technology 04-02-2020
Do you think Technology is moving fast.
1 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
Where are all the real people? 04-02-2020
It seems so difficult to actually connect with anyone on
Des celibataires pleins de ressources these days. So many bots and fakers that you just dont
know who is who anymore. It used to be that virtually everyone
was genuine and honestly looking to meet pr chat. Not like
that anymore. Just me?
3 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Do i trust her? 03-02-2020
My gf has been spending alot of time away from home. She has
spent 2 nights now totally away as in staying the night at
friends house. Meanwhile i am at home with her 6 kids. Is
she using me?
0 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Points 03-02-2020
Why is it they are taking away all the ways to get points?
This seems awfully greedy.
1 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,3.63 Score |
Made Some Money Last Night 03-02-2020
Had KC minus 10 on a 3-1 bet. The last TD was a money maker.
Guy owes me $150.00. I think I'm going to let pay-off
with blow-jobs. I figure 15. Is that fair?
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
What's up ? 03-02-2020
Anyone active ?
1 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Days of old 03-02-2020
Sometimes i miss the days of old. The easiness. The way you
didnt have to stress about so many things. But they are just
that. Days of old.
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
sexy waitress 02-02-2020
we were in a old style trolley car type cafe one saturday
afternoon for a late lunch. <br><br>
the waitresses all wore a throw back uniform that looked
like 1950's. I really liked the look and the atmosphere
of the place and was checking out the memorabila on the walls.
I noticed hubby checking out the waitress and he smilled
and said just watch her. when she served someone she ...
2 Reacties, 50 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,5.36 Score |
sexy waitress 02-02-2020
we were in a old style trolley car type cafe one saturday
afternoon for a late lunch. <br><br>
the waitresses all wore a throw back uniform that looked
like 1950's. I really liked the look and the atmosphere
of the place and was checking out the memorabila on the walls.
I noticed hubby checking out the waitress and he smilled
and said just watch her. when she served someone she ...
1 Reacties, 41 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,5.75 Score |
Points 02-02-2020
Why does Des celibataires pleins de ressources hav ed to make it so hard to get ?
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
Turn off 02-02-2020
When a woman show her pic on profile, what's turns you
off about the pic.
1 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
Ladies 02-02-2020
Looking fun hott horny ladies lookin too be pleased
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Hello 02-02-2020
Hi whom ever is reading this. I would love invite you
say hi and if you're close enough maybe we can
say Hi in person?
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
Need Fun 02-02-2020
My name stems from needing fun, it seems like all i do is
watch my gfs kids while she goes snd plays. I am ready leave
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Whats up? 02-02-2020
I have been on here alot in the past few weeks, still i am looking
for a bj and still have not gotten 1 ! Any advice ?
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Points 02-02-2020
I am in need of if anyone would like to donate any or
i can work them off any way you decide!
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
How to get points? 31-01-2020
What is the best or most effective way get ?
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
Site seems to have changed 30-01-2020
Just returned to Des celibataires pleins de ressources after a long while away and it seems
very different. It was full of genuine real people a few
years back but there appears to be a lot of bots and accounts
clogging it up now. Anyone else found that?
1 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,2.08 Score |
i am having a lot of fun tonight 29-01-2020
i just joined and i am having a grea t time i love all of the
1 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.94 Score |
This place is fun. 29-01-2020
I am having a lot of fun with all you guys on this site. Great
0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Camming 29-01-2020
I enjoy watching guys camming.
1 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,3.47 Score |
I like looking at pictures. 29-01-2020
I like looking at pictures.
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
I just want to meet people. 29-01-2020
I just want meet people.
0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
lets do it 28-01-2020
message me ladies if you are interested
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
any real women 27-01-2020
is there any real womem that will actually meet.
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
Just for points 26-01-2020
Need some , so it goes.
1 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,2.80 Score |
Points 26-01-2020
Just trying get more .
2 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen,
8 Stemmen
,3.25 Score |
Just points for this 26-01-2020
Just being upfront here. Posting this for . I know
I’m not the only one. Haha
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Points 24-01-2020
Just adding an artical for , I am a horny old man who
is to cheap to this site for just a good time.i have been
on here for awhile, and have never gotton laid.Lot of guys
want to suck me tho!
4 Reacties, 17 Bezichtigingen,
7 Stemmen
,3.80 Score |
Warm January 24-01-2020
With this great stretch of warm weather 's playing
outside . It might be a bit chilly but really cares , does
it stop you
0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,2.47 Score |
Winter 24-01-2020
Winter has been mild. Not complaining. But seems like most
are keeping inside still
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.12 Score |
49ers or chiefs 22-01-2020
Who's gonna win the Super bowl.
3 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,2.51 Score |
Points. Points 22-01-2020
Just for . More any more . What’s
up with the anyways?
1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,2.08 Score |
Points. Points 22-01-2020
Just for . More any more . What’s
up with the anyways?
1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,5.39 Score |
One day 20-01-2020
One day things will go back to normal. Not sure what normal.is
anymore. Lol
0 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen,
11 Stemmen
,3.35 Score |
points 20-01-2020
who has a few thousand to spare..ha! they go so quick.
1 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,2.80 Score |
White stuff 19-01-2020
So snow damn am I sick of that stuff already...
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
Why do so few people meet & where has the integrity gone in society-STATISTICAL EVALUATION. 19-01-2020
We have been trying meet quality men for over 6 years between
our profile here (newer than 6 yrs old) and our other accounts
on other swing sites. <br><br>
STATISTICAL EVALUATION from a couple where MR has + years
experience in the Lifestyle <br><br>
First some scientific or more so psychological research
behind why so few people actually meet entice some provocative ...
4 Reacties, 21 Bezichtigingen,
7 Stemmen
,0.75 Score |
I want to know 19-01-2020
Jokes this was just for building
1 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen,
11 Stemmen
,3.35 Score |
Hi 18-01-2020
How is everyone doing?
1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
7 Stemmen
,3.04 Score |
Hi 18-01-2020
How is everyone doing?
0 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,2.80 Score |
Points 18-01-2020
I need .
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Site 18-01-2020
How do you like it?
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,1.04 Score |
Hi 18-01-2020
How is everyone doing?
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
femdom strapon nay or yay! pt.1 17-01-2020
Femdom strap on play , can be an awesome addition to ones
sex life if both parties involved can overcome the hurdle
and stigmas associated with it. for the man it can be one
of the most intense ball draining orgasms a man can have
. and for the woman it can be a very powerful orgasm and /or
a very intense and sensual experience. the love , lust
and trust involved can be somewhat overwhelming ...
1 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,5.20 Score |
Posting for the points 17-01-2020
Raised the chat to 15 pts and I let my gold run out so here I
2 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen,
7 Stemmen
,3.30 Score |
Siblings 16-01-2020
's ever been with a pair of siblings?
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Youngest or Oldest? 16-01-2020
What is your preference?
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,1.04 Score |
Free points. No hate 16-01-2020
Basically posting this for the free . No hate
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,4.90 Score |
Points 16-01-2020
Just here to get more sorry
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,4.50 Score |
Points 16-01-2020
Yup, just one of those I need points posts
1 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,1.04 Score |
Points 16-01-2020
Anyone want to give away points?
0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,2.86 Score |
point stuff 16-01-2020
is there a go fund points area here?
0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,3.47 Score |
Most public places you've Came ? 16-01-2020
Who likes to play outdoors?
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,1.04 Score |
Taboo fantasies 16-01-2020
Who's had one?
1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
7 Stemmen
,2.79 Score |
Youngest or Oldest? 15-01-2020
What's the age
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.96 Score |
Ever Had A Husband watch his Wife with Ypu? 15-01-2020
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Why is anyone here 15-01-2020
No one wants to meet or even talk anymore
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
Does size really matter??? 15-01-2020
Yes or no?
3 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.96 Score |
To shave or not to shave 15-01-2020
What do women prefer, clean shaven, trimmed or natural?
Me, I'm trimmed shaved balls.
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
Dunno what to say other then 15-01-2020
I need points
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,1.69 Score |
Taboo fantasies 14-01-2020
Anyone ever have a taboo fantasy?
2 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,3.47 Score |
Pulling out or leaving it in? 14-01-2020
What's your preference?
2 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,1.51 Score |
more points 14-01-2020
maybe if everyone enjoys this
0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,2.47 Score |
article one 14-01-2020
what is the best way to accumulate points
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.96 Score |
scavenging 14-01-2020
for points thanks
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.94 Score |
Is there 14-01-2020
A way take off her clo
1 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.45 Score |
points 14-01-2020
just needing points
0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.45 Score |
Curvy Shy Women, Zaftig Beauties 14-01-2020
From my blog. <br><br>
I have spoken with a few BBW women that I have known in my life
that are stunning and sexy as sin... yet very hesitant
cam, be photographed or even seen with the lights on. A lot of this is due to how they see themselves not as beautiful
being...it is a shame really. <br><br>
zaf·tig /ˈzäftiɡ/ adjectiveINFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN (of a woman) ...
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
hard to maintain points 13-01-2020
It is really tedious to mantain points to chat. Why is this
so hard?
1 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.45 Score |
hard to maintain points 13-01-2020
It is really tedious to mantain points to chat. Why is this
so hard?
1 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,3.43 Score |
really hard to maintain points 13-01-2020
It is very tedious to keep enough points to chat. Why is this
so hard?
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
More points 13-01-2020
It's kinda hard to get points
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
Size 13-01-2020
Do women prefer length or girth?
3 Reacties, 22 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.94 Score |
A better way 13-01-2020
There has to be a better way to talking with someone on this
site then just for the “free” members. There
is a reason we are free. But everything has a so in the
end this isn’t a free site. It’s a delayed payment plan
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,5.00 Score |
points 13-01-2020
HI anyone want to give me some ? ha! does not hurt to
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Playing in public 13-01-2020
I get very turned on at the thought of being naughty in public.
Be it getting touchy feely under a table at a restaurant,
playing around in a car in a parking lot, to even finding
an empty bathroom at a park and both slipping in side for
a quickie. I like pics and vids of people being daring enough
exhibitionists to show off their goods inside a store or
in front of a window. I personally ...
1 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,3.25 Score |
Playing in public 13-01-2020
I get very turned on at the thought of being naughty in public.
Be it getting touchy feely under a table at a restaurant,
playing around in a car in a parking lot, to even finding
an empty bathroom at a park and both slipping in side for
a quickie. I like pics and vids of people being daring enough
exhibitionists to show off their goods inside a store or
in front of a window. I personally ...
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Some day! 13-01-2020
Some day when all is right in the world and the stars align
just perfectly, we may hear people stop complaining. Or
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
The points game 13-01-2020
Yes i k ow its a hassle but it is a challenge all the .
2 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen,
8 Stemmen
,3.94 Score |
Wondering 12-01-2020
Ever wonder what your limits would be regardless if you
never thought you would. I'm saying that if you got
put in a situation you never thought you would be in would
you try it?
1 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Points 12-01-2020
People ask other people for so they can IM. I think
they should earn the by posting videos and pics.
1 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Points 12-01-2020
People ask other people for so they can IM. I think
they should earn the by posting videos and pics.
2 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,3.92 Score |
Rm 12-01-2020
What does rm stands for in some people names
1 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.45 Score |
Old Days Were Better 12-01-2020
Its a shame...I loved the old days where you could chat and
meet people on the instant . I know its a business,
BUT meeting people was easy and fun. Some people just do
not have the $$$ xoxo
1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,4.80 Score |
What happens to 3 message reply’s for free 12-01-2020
Just wanted to know why we do not get the 3 daily IM messages
2 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,5.75 Score |
What happens to 3 message reply’s for free 12-01-2020
Just wanted to know why we do not get the 3 daily IM messages
1 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Constant changing of points, user stats? 11-01-2020
So it seems like they constantly change the points system,
making it worse. Does anyone know if Des celibataires pleins de ressources shows their user
stats over time? I'd be interested to see how the numbers
are changing.
1 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Does it hurt 11-01-2020
How this all work?
0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
Why not. 11-01-2020
Why not take the leap into a new day. A thing to make your face
glow ans smile inside.
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,0.34 Score |
A new day 11-01-2020
Every day is a new day. Try something different. Knock something
off your bucket list.
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
New movies for friends only 10-01-2020
We now post almost all new movie clips for friends only so
a friend invite and become a fan to see more of what we
post to our profile
0 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,2.16 Score |
is getting gold worth it? 10-01-2020
should i bother upgrade gold membership?
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
Gold 10-01-2020
Men how many of you went ahead and got gold? I hesitant
get it because some sites use bots.
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.94 Score |
Singles 10-01-2020
Seems like this place is decent but the majority of single
people are not even single. Why not just be on with your partner
or dont be at all?
1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Life 09-01-2020
Life shouldn't be so complicated and hectic we should
all be able to slow down and enjoy but life gets in the way
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
New to the site 09-01-2020
Hey I’m new here and looking to meet friends in the Dallas
area, l. I’m down for pretty much anything and always
looking to explore. Im me or kick puzzle1131 if you have
a sc it’s natepiles19
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
points 09-01-2020
, need .....will work for ...ha!
2 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,0.34 Score |
Blog blah 09-01-2020
We have to ask ourselves "What are we doing here"?
Is it for fun with no intention of ever meeting someone face
to face, or are we really interested in taking that next
step? I've gone both ways. I've met some very nice
women here, but also have bee faked out others with the
attempt at a scam, you know, " me a gift card"
and that sort of thing. I've never fallen ...
2 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
Swinging 09-01-2020
I've seen several couples are no longer couples
on here, just wondering how many cannot tolerate the lifestyle,
I'm sure it is difficult not to be jealous
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.47 Score |
Feet as an erotic experience 09-01-2020
I am a self descibed foot fetishist. I find it puzzling that
so many people find this such aberition yet there is a proponderance
of foot worship video and photos available. I womder why
any woman would not like their bare feet pampered ( and worshipped/loved
) , but many do. Maybe I need to hear from those that don't.
1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
Feet as an erotic experience 09-01-2020
I am a self descibed foot fetishist. I find it puzzling that
so many people find this such aberition yet there is a proponderance
of foot worship video and photos available. I womder why
any woman would not like their bare feet pampered ( and worshipped/loved
) , but many do. Maybe I need to hear from those that don't.
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
Feet as an erotic experience 09-01-2020
I am a self descibed foot fetishist. I find it puzzling that
so many people find this such aberition yet there is a proponderance
of foot worship video and photos available. I womder why
any woman would not like their bare feet pampered ( and worshipped/loved
) , but many do. Maybe I need to hear from those that don't.
0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
IM'S 08-01-2020
Why don't women respond to IM'S
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
ugh IM 08-01-2020
raised the number of points again... damn <br><br>
3 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,4.22 Score |
LOOKING FOR FUN! 08-01-2020
0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.47 Score |
Points 08-01-2020
Sick and tired of needing points just to chat. I was actually
buying points when we got 3 free per day, because I was chatting
with more people. Bring it back
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
2020 08-01-2020
Happy new years to all! What sex fantasy will you check off
your bucket list this year?
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.94 Score |
Things to do 08-01-2020
2020 is upon upon us. So many things to do. Where do you start?
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.12 Score |
First article 07-01-2020
Yeah i just want some points, why not!
2 Reacties, 20 Bezichtigingen,
10 Stemmen
,4.38 Score |
Food and sex 07-01-2020
Does anybody like using fruit and or food as sex toys?
1 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
is gold membership worth it 06-01-2020
Does gold increase you chances of meeting or just mean more
chat with no action?
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,4.41 Score |
Point system sucks 06-01-2020
Need points. Too many lost on IM's that are not responded
to or the recipient had logged off. System was a little better
when they gave you at least 5 a day that you didn't need
points to talk.
1 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen,
10 Stemmen
,4.38 Score |
Penis Pumping 06-01-2020
I use a penis pump because I enjoy it. Sometimes during my
cam show I use my pump.
1 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,2.08 Score |
Big titties? Or little? 06-01-2020
So I love natural boobies. What do most men prefer? I love
hairy groomed pussy also.
1 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Anyone having issues with points? 06-01-2020
I have made a couple article post and voted on different
things. I have gotten a third of the points it should issue.
Must be a glitch in the matrix.
0 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,4.79 Score |
Anyone having issues with points? 06-01-2020
I have made a couple article post and voted on different
things. I have gotten a third of the points it should issue.
Must be a glitch in the matrix.
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
Who misses the days of free chat? 06-01-2020
IM used to be free and you didn't have to worry about
3 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,3.47 Score |
Who misses the days of free chat? 06-01-2020
IM used to be free and you didn't have to worry about
3 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,4.50 Score |
Playing the system 06-01-2020
Are you playing the system posting articles here purely
in order to gain points?
3 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,1.19 Score |
Points 06-01-2020
Can points be shared from 1 member to another?
3 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,2.82 Score |
Generally 06-01-2020
I just needed more points!
1 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
NFL Playoffs 06-01-2020
Does anyone watch the playoffs and have side bets going
on? Something like if X team is intercepted you start to
strip? Or if y team scores you give/get oral? I have done
this type of game before its fun i was just seeing if i am the
only one. <br><br>
Other than that everyone enjoying the games so far?
1 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.12 Score |
How is the points been increased 05-01-2020
It was a hard get points and maintain it and now that the
points have increased on the IM chatting. It will be even
more harder with people on standard members.
2 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,1.96 Score |
How is the points been increased 05-01-2020
It was a hard get points and maintain it and now that the
points have increased on the IM chatting. It will be even
more harder with people on standard members.
2 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,3.25 Score |
Why points 05-01-2020
I don't understand why the points for IM has been increased.
It's hard even get points. Yet it's
been increased from points. That's hard,
0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
A general discussion about general things 05-01-2020
I'm not really sure what to talk about anything in general
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
Gold members 04-01-2020
I thought if you were a gold member, non paying members could
see your profile. I am unable view very few gold members
and it charges me points when I'm on the IM and message
a GM. I was thinking about paying , but if free members can't
see profile , I feel I'm getting short changed!
2 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.94 Score |
What's the farthest you would travel? 04-01-2020
What is the farthest you have traveled or would travel
have with someone. Mine was 2 and half hours!
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
Posting Videos and Pictures 04-01-2020
I enjoy watching the videos . I like the pictures people
post. It is all good fun.
1 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,1.73 Score |
Posting Videos and Pictures 04-01-2020
I enjoy watching the videos . I like the pictures people
post. It is all good fun.
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
Holiday season 04-01-2020
As the holidays come an end, I was wondering if anyone
else feels the way as I do. After Years when all the
lights come down so does mood. I can’t be the
that feels that way right?!?
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Any woman out there 04-01-2020
Looking make a friend
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
just collection some points 04-01-2020
just need points. we shouldn't need them to chat
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
When it’s been so long... 03-01-2020
... that you can’t remember what it feels like to be wanted.
To feel a warm body pressed against yours. To taste sweet
lips with yours, tongues dancing as hands explore. Heart
rates rising as desire grows and you get lost in the passion.
I miss that.
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Sex in the cemetery 03-01-2020
night, Shelly and were heading home from a long trip
from home. Tired but wired by caffeine I decided a nap is
in need. Thinking a cemetery would be the last place get
bothered by anyone, we thought! Pulled In, layed the seat
back, like a baby, but somewhere in that time, I felt
cock being sucked on, never has it felt like this, I could
feel myself cumming and moaning like never before, I ...
0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,0.34 Score |
Sex in the cemetery 03-01-2020
night, Shelly and were heading home from a long trip
from home. Tired but wired by caffeine I decided a nap is
in need. Thinking a cemetery would be the last place get
bothered by anyone, we thought! Pulled In, layed the seat
back, like a baby, but somewhere in that time, I felt
cock being sucked on, never has it felt like this, I could
feel myself cumming and moaning like never before, I ...
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Everyone is so quiet 03-01-2020
Why is everyone on here so quiet
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Mature Women 03-01-2020
What qualities do mature women find attractive in
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,4.50 Score |
Is it true? 03-01-2020
I see that some unscrupulous people are trying to cheat
the free points system adding articles here. Does that
really work?
1 Reacties, 15 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,3.43 Score |
needing points 03-01-2020
looking for points
0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,1.84 Score |
needing points 03-01-2020
just here for points
1 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,0.98 Score |
needing points 03-01-2020
just here for points
1 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.94 Score |
This site 03-01-2020
I have been on and off this site for years now. Sometimes
paying member sometimes not. Lately I have been a free member
I really can't tell if its worth going to member
anymore. Is it worth it?
0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,3.65 Score |
can we save this site 03-01-2020
i think its possible to save this site from falling totally
apart . They need to give 3 free messages since they raised
the for im .Need to get the word to get site up .Give
people incentive to pass the word so more people come
in .
0 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,3.63 Score |
Swingers: qué son y en qué se basa su manera de vivir la sexualidad 03-01-2020
La sexualidad es un aspecto de nuestras vidas que a lo largo
de la historia ha recibido un trato variable en función
de la época y de las corrientes de pensamiento imperantes.
Múltiples prácticas sexuales han sido prohibidas y
censuradas, e incluso el deseo y placer femeninos han sido
minusvalorados y olvidados durante siglos. Lo mismo ha
ocurrido en toda aquella orientación sexual ...
0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,0.14 Score |
Points 02-01-2020
Must get points
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,2.42 Score |
Hello 02-01-2020
Any attractive women around?
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,2.94 Score |
Do Most people not reply on IM? 02-01-2020
I have have little no luck with getting replies back from
women i have messaged and it costs points even
a message, any thoughts?
1 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
I Really Hate This Point System For Chatting 02-01-2020
Especially when messenger reezes up or crashes and I lose
a chat, having to then use my points all over again.
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,3.08 Score |
Pleasing an Tounge teasing 02-01-2020
Ladies I love too please and make you cum harder than ever
its my pleasure
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,1.10 Score |
IM 02-01-2020
Is the IM working? I can recieve and respond but it doesnt
seem to work the other way around
2 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
4 Stemmen
,2.86 Score |
Maxing out on points 02-01-2020
They tell us to use points to chat with, then put limits on
how many we can earn. All for the almighty dollar. This site
is becoming less user and lifestyle friendlier by the month.
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,2.40 Score |
The new year 02-01-2020
May the new year be happy for all and bring point free days
to Des celibataires pleins de ressources again lol
1 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Hmmm 02-01-2020
Yes just adding an article to gain points. Its the way of
the Des celibataires pleins de ressources world now.
1 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,4.41 Score |
New Year 2020 01-01-2020
Hope everyone had some nice Year celebrations...Looking
forward some meets this year..
1 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
Today's Hot Topic: Points 01-01-2020
Need them, have have them. Can't get any simpler
of an article than this Haha.
0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen,
1 Stemmen
,3.70 Score |
A New Year And Hopefully Luckier Year 01-01-2020
Luckier in that I am hoping connect up with an ongoing
passionate lover. So points I need you now.
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Happy New Year! 01-01-2020
3 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,4.50 Score |
Des celibataires pleins de ressources Vs. CAMONSTER 01-01-2020
If you have tried Des celibataires pleins de ressources live feeds or Camonster live feeds.
Which one do you think has more offer and better feeds?
1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,3.43 Score |
Des celibataires pleins de ressources Vs. CAMONSTER 01-01-2020
If you have tried Des celibataires pleins de ressources live feeds or Camonster live feeds.
Which one do you think has more offer and better feeds?
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
So Close And Yet So Far From Hooking Up 01-01-2020
I've come close but seems like women can be as flaky
as men. So getting a few more points and back searching.
0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen,
2 Stemmen
,3.81 Score |
New year is here 01-01-2020
Made itvthru the night and it's time to start all over
. How are we gonna start what direction are we going to go
. Who are we keeping around who are we adding . So msny choices
so many directions choose eiselyb
0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,3.43 Score |
how to get woman to be friends with 01-01-2020
to get a woman to be friends its a detailed procedure . I do
my thing while i talk to a woman and what i say to her and judge
how she responds and go for next comment. And if i get a bad
reply i find new topic n it seems to work most times to get
female friends
1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen,
6 Stemmen
,3.37 Score |
Happy newyear 01-01-2020
Here's wishing everyone on Des celibataires pleins de ressources, a happy, horny and
sex filled New Year 2020..!!
1 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
3 Stemmen
,3.92 Score |
Why cant we get women in chat. 01-01-2020
It seem we have dieing chat rooms on this site. I go into the
room and 90 percent men in room and we need to get more women
in chat rooms. Its no fun on a adult site and in erotic chat
we have mostly men in here. We need to get every one together
and make ideas to get the women to come back
0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
The best places outdoors. 01-01-2020
There is something amazing about being out side, nude with
your partner. Whether it's in you tent while it's
open or off a trail for a quickie. There's nothing more
satisfying then having a good time playing outside.
1 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen,
0 Stemmen
Pts 01-01-2020
Is anyone else finding the new point system a hell of a lot
1 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen,
5 Stemmen
,3.47 Score |