bonne trav soumise 18/11/2020
que pensez vous de cette trav sexy
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
0 Votes
L'exploration et l'évolution des pratiques libertines 26/12/2017
Au début on est curieux, on veut savoir ce que c'est,
est-ce que ça nous parle? Est-ce que c'est seulement
un fantasme ou est-ce qu'on veut vraiment passer à
l'acte. Une fois franchi la porte, on veut savoir comment les autres
font pour savoir ce qu'on aimerait faire. On observe, de loin et puis de plus près... Est-ce que nous
sommes des voyeurs? On montre notre ...
0 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Coucou y a quelqun 18/8/2017
Le sexe l amitié et l amitiées sexuelle se faire des amies
cokin fait tellement de bien pk se priver il faut vivre les
instants présents on ne vie qu une fois pk se priver se chose
on peu se amuser cokiner mais le respect et la gentillesse
sont la base gros bisous à tt se qui se reconnaîtront.
. . Ps :si vous avez quelques points à gaspiller merci d
avance 😁 vive adultfriendrfinder à ...
2 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Coucou 28/7/2017
mais ou sont les cokines et les cokins mais ou vous cachées
2 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
le plaisir et le sexe c la santée 30/6/2017
as plaisir quand tu nous tiens
2 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.92 Score |
moi nu 29/6/2017
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
0 Votes
Trouver partouze 14/2/2017
A la recherche d'une partouze sur montpellier Quelqu'un peut m'aider
3 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
echange sexuel et.... 12/2/2017
Quand vous cherchez des couples, il vous arrive de vouloir
faire d'autres activitées avec ces couples ou bien
si vous ne voulez plus rien savoir apres votre plan cul?
Pour nous qui ne voulait pas aller se faire des amis dans
ce milieu, nous nous sommes rendu compte a quel point ce
sont des gens sympatiques et ouverts avec qui il est super
interessant de cotoyer...Y a pas que le sex dans la ...
6 Commentaires, 32 Consultations,
11 Votes
,4.85 Score |
entre homme et femme 12/11/2016
La rencontre entre deux sexe opposer Femme et homme , consumee comme il faut , meme si c'est
un soir C'est ce qu'il y as de plus beau Et c'est ce que ne voulons et devons voiloit tout le
temps sinon la vie sans ca c'est de la monogammie , la vrai
vie et la polygamie
2 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
3 Votes
,5.39 Score |
Comment cela vient il ? 11/7/2016
L'echangisme au sein d'un couple est un sujet
passionnant. J'invite ici des couples, ou toutes autres personnes
à laisser un témoignage sur comment l'échangisme
s'est installé dans leur couple. A vos plumes
3 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.99 Score |
Distinction Mélangiste & Échangiste 3/11/2015
Afin de se distinguer des échangistes, le mélangiste
veut exclure les usages inscrits dans la pornographie
commerciale : il refuse par exemple tout rapprochement
avec le voyeurisme et l’exhibitionisme. Cherchant
à vivre un bonheur simple, dans la sensualité et la joie
la plus saine, il se pratique idéalement sans le support
de l’alcool, de la drogue, mais aussi en l’absence
de toute ...
4 Commentaires, 46 Consultations,
17 Votes
,3.97 Score |
echangisme au cameroun 27/5/2015
salut à tous .je vis au cameroun et j'aimerais bien
savoir s'il y a un des membres qui voudraient faire
de l'échangisme. je suppose que des régles doivent
^tre respectées notamment des tests médicaux préalables
ou alors l'utilisation des preservatifs pour ma part je suis des tests médicaux prealables.je
m'addresse aux membres de sexes masculins comme feminins
pouvez m'aider por créer un ...
2 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.19 Score |
byby 31/1/2015
i <3 the ass and boobs
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
1 Votes
sexe and sexe 12/10/2014
vvous pansez quoi sur l ichangisme
4 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.66 Score |
rencontre 12/10/2014
Rencontre sur nimes et sa region
0 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
2 Votes
,0.34 Score |
Intérêt 30/4/2014
L'échangisme est quand même une pratique assez
bizarre. Qu'est-ce qui vous fait le plus plaisir dedans:
l'adrénaline? le vice?
1 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.51 Score |
Demande coquine... 17/5/2011
J'ai 25 ans et j'ai rencontré une femme plus âgée
que moi (48ans pour les curieux). Sans même un premier
rdv, elle ma proposée d'aller dans un club échangiste...
! A ma place que feriez vous ?
14 Commentaires, 197 Consultations,
24 Votes
,5.40 Score |
Recherche femme 28/9/2010
Bonjour je suis à la recherche d'une femme qui voudrait
vivre une expérience femme avec femme. Je suis en couple
et celui-ci voudrait assisté à cette rencontre sans
échangé avec ma partenaire.
Avis aux intéressés avec ou sans expérience.
5 Commentaires, 103 Consultations,
12 Votes
,4.57 Score |
old high school friends 3/5/2010
this is a story of two old friends. We are not married to each
Ironic that they both had gone to high school together but
had never dated. It was a very small high school and she had
always gone with one of his friends. Even though I had lusted
after her and thought of her sexual escapes in high school,
I don't think she thought of it at all.
Well, years passed and ...
1 Commentaires, 68 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.28 Score |
Party Entertainment 3/5/2010
After her midweek visit to the frat house we spent the next
couple days relaxing and having time alone in a nice hotel.
Late Friday night A CLOSE FRIEND OF MINE CALLED and said
he had a huge favor to ask of me. Tony was my room mate in college
our last three years and I had told him of several of our sexual
adventures in the past year but he had never experienced
anything with us just heard a few ...
2 Commentaires, 42 Consultations,
5 Votes
,5.43 Score |
London's Final Four 16/3/2010
My wife was ready again after a short break making her way
back into the party room to escort the four guys waiting
their turn back into the bedroom with her. She was naked
upon her return to get the final four from london who was
left waiting their turn with her. There was silence as she
walked in nude as the men talking about her grew quite until
she took the last four with her into the beroom. ...
4 Commentaires, 50 Consultations,
6 Votes
,4.50 Score |
London 's Arrive 11/3/2010
My wife took the day off for some much needed rest as the two
of us spent the entire day catching up on little things together.
That night I took her to a great restaurant and some quite
time walking downtown just the two of us. We even left our
phones at home so we could not be contacted by anyone. After
an early bedtime both of us received a good 10 hour sleep
waking up on THURSDAY morning ...
0 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
cherche homme 25/2/2010
salut je suis un homme en couple et je cherche un homme qui voudrais
bien me baiser devant ma copine, ce n'est pas un tripo
a trois car ma copine ne s'occuperas que de moi.
4 Commentaires, 131 Consultations,
13 Votes
,4.32 Score |
Cougar, Recherche quasi impossible!!! 20/12/2009
Bonjour a tous , je m adresse au mecs de mon âge a peu qui aurai
le même trop que moi, je m explique cela fait maintenant
quelque moi que je cherche desesperement une ou plusieurs
rencontres avec des femmes mures beaucoup plus mures malheureusement
certains d' entre nous doivent passer les bornes car
les femmes ont du mal a répondre!!! Donc mesdames si vous
voyez cette article n hésitez pas a ...
1 Commentaires, 42 Consultations,
2 Votes
Rencontre couple pour couple ou couple pour femme 20/12/2009
Bonjour à tous, Nous sommes un couple de 25 et 22 ans de Montréal et nous recherchons
un couple ou une femme sexy pour un trip. Nous voulons nous amuser.
Si cela vous dit, écrivez nous
0 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
Couple cherche femme sexy 18/12/2009
Bonjour à tous, je suis une jeune femme de 18 ans et mon copain
a 24 ans et nous cherchons une femme sexy pour un trip à trois
ou bien un couple pour un échange sexy. Nous voulons s'amuser
et pimenter un peu notre vie. Si vous vous sentez concernez
faites nous signe
2 Commentaires, 48 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
pourquoi messieur 26/2/2009
pourquoi messieurs qund ses écrit HOMME SEUL S'ABSTENIR
vous perdé votre temps a nous ecrire.
7 Commentaires, 182 Consultations,
10 Votes
,0.60 Score |
geneve suisse 4/2/2009
bonjour, a tous ne pourrais t'on pas créer un genre
de recensement des personnes utilisant ce site et ce trouvant
sur genève...
je suis nico, 42 ans, je recherche une relation avec une
femme ou un couple, j'aime le cinema, la musique la
peinture et bien d'autre chose... Je serais assez
interessé par des rencontres du style, on bois un verre,
et pourquoi pas plus si le filing suis et ...
1 Commentaires, 74 Consultations,
4 Votes
Ma femme avec un autre !!?? puis-je supporter ça ? et VOUS ?? 23/9/2008
Bonjour à tous et toutes,
Je ne sais pas si vous êtes tenté dans votre couple
à l'expérience échangiste ou si vous en avez déjà eu
une expérience mais pour moi qui n'est pas encore passé
à la pratique, une question me hante et me torture :
Puis-je supporter de voir ma
partenaire avec un autre homme ...
3 Commentaires, 100 Consultations,
12 Votes
,2.45 Score |
Tatouages 3/8/2008
Nous adorons les tatouages.
Nous en avons quatres chacuns.
Qu'en pensez-vous ?
6 Commentaires, 151 Consultations,
32 Votes
,4.65 Score |
site de rencontre avec webcam 19/4/2008
bjr, Depuis que Des celibataires pleins de ressources a coupé l'accès aux webcams pour les
membres standard, cela perd un peu de son intéret non ? connaissez
vous d'autres sites ou l'on peut discuter cam
à cam gratuitement ?
5 Commentaires, 246 Consultations,
16 Votes
,2.98 Score |
Quand vous matter 15/3/2008
Avec toutes les ohotos et les vidéos que l'on trouve
ici... Que faites -vous en regardant ? Et à quoi pensez-vous
? Par exemple quand vous voyez mes seins ?
26 Commentaires, 535 Consultations,
42 Votes
,6.47 Score |
DESIR 11/3/2008
11 Commentaires, 265 Consultations,
16 Votes
,1.22 Score |
DESIR 11/3/2008
0 Commentaires, 35 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.92 Score |
Sauna Echangiste 10/3/2008
Chers amis... cet article pour vous parler du plaisir que procure la visite
d'un sauna echangiste. Qui d'entre vous n'a
jamais titillé le souhait d'une rencontre surprise
et aveugle au detour d'un bain de vapeur, la chaleur
ambiante ne faisant qu'un avec la chaleur des corps
entrelacés. Tous ces corps nus au sein d'un même espace,
de quoi attirer bien des convoitises n'est ce pas???
3 Commentaires, 277 Consultations,
10 Votes
,1.99 Score |
Triolisme 19/2/2008
Nous voyons souvent des couples qui cherchent une femme.
Mais on se demande si cela arrive vraiment.
Y a-t-il des femmes qui peuvent raconter des rencontres
qu'elles ont eu avec des couples ?
1 Commentaires, 173 Consultations,
13 Votes
,1.47 Score |
2 Commentaires, 63 Consultations,
7 Votes
,0.49 Score |
echangisme au maroc 27/1/2008
y a-t-il un groupe deja forme au maroc?comment y adherer?
0 Commentaires, 53 Consultations,
7 Votes
,1.00 Score |
y a t-il de vrais couples ici? 27/1/2008
ou sont les couples?serieux et discret?franchissent-ils
le pas?ou bien les partenaies manques de serieux?les couples
donnez vos avis la-dessus, cela facilitera peut etre les
0 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
baise a trois 8/1/2008
ma partennaire et tres chaude aime ce faire prendre par
de groses bites , elle baise jusqu'a epuisement total
, je veux bien qu'on la baise devant moi !
12 Commentaires, 495 Consultations,
29 Votes
,3.54 Score |
j'aime la baise à plusieurs et vous ??? 3/1/2008
Et oui j'en suis folle mais pas facile de trouver les
bons partenaires alors si vous me correspondez bien il faut qu'on se
fasse une soirée
27 Commentaires, 621 Consultations,
27 Votes
,4.92 Score |
Envie d'essayer à trois... 28/12/2007
Tout est dans le titre... je suis célibataire actuellement
et depuis un moment dans mes envies se trouve celle de faire
des calins avec un couple. Donc ça serait pour une première
expérience! Je suis à genève; si un couple coquin aime ce
genre d'expérience; me répondre.
18 Commentaires, 423 Consultations,
33 Votes
,5.53 Score |
Y-a t-il un danger pour son lorsque l'on pratique l'échangisme 2/12/2007
Je pense que cette question , beaucoup de couples se l'on
déjà posé. Car pour pratiquer l'échangisme, il faut
une certaines complicité et surtout une certaines confiance.
Mais voir son conjoint faire l'amour avec un ou plusieurs
partenaires peut engendrer une certaines jalouise. Comment
assumer cette jalouise. De plus ni a--t-il pas de danger
que l'un des amants ne tombe amoureux ou ...
3 Commentaires, 219 Consultations,
17 Votes
,2.14 Score |
on recherche 11/8/2007
sé dur de trouver des pour des tripe a 3
7 Commentaires, 256 Consultations,
16 Votes
,0.63 Score |
léchangisme vient souvent plus de lhomme que la femme ?? 6/2/2007
la plupart du temps la demande pour pratiquer léchangisme
vient habituelement de lhomme ??
quen penser vous ?
6 Commentaires, 184 Consultations,
16 Votes
,1.95 Score |
1 Commentaires, 63 Consultations,
7 Votes
,0.49 Score |
Hétérosexuel = névrosé ? 3/12/2006
une thése américaine soutient que l'être humain est
naturellement bisexuel et donc que l'hétérosexualité
est une perversion engendrée par la culture : qu'en
pensez vous ?
2 Commentaires, 96 Consultations,
11 Votes
,3.54 Score |
la france 26/9/2006
j'ai pas l'impression que ce site convienne au
francais car je pense qu'il y a pas beaucoup de demandeurs
alors qu'aux etats unis c'est le contraire.
Vous allez dire pourquoi je dis ca?
ben en fait ca fait 2 mois que je suis inscrit, et j'ai
eu quasiment que des propositions venant des usa ou de grande
bretagne mais aucune de france!
je voulais juste savoir si vous ...
3 Commentaires, 85 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.39 Score |
pour les couples 25/9/2006
alors j'aurais voulu savoir ce que recherche un couple
chez un mec; est ce que c'est le corps qui compte le plus
ou est que c'est le visage?
3 Commentaires, 60 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.37 Score |
ca... 28/8/2006
j'adore ca. mais serait-il possible que sur Des celibataires pleins de ressources quelqu'une
soit conscentante pour parir en viree avec moi???
1 Commentaires, 80 Consultations,
7 Votes
,1.00 Score |
Je suis inscrit depuis 3 mois, je n'ai eu que 2 contact
dont un concret. Peut etre est ce la moyenne ou suis je en
dessous, dites le moi .Que ou qui faut il faire/etre pour
que cela fonctionne. Je ne pense pas etre le casimodo du
coin, j'ai espoir.
J'attend vos réponses pour un mec sympa du 33.......a
3 Commentaires, 115 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.09 Score |
L'homme echangiste limite 間oiste.... 3/7/2006
Bonjour à tous,
Avez vous déjà remarqué les différentes variantes d'un
homme echangiste ?
D'abord, il y a celui qui partage sa compagne, femme,
copine, pour se délécter de celle des autres... Je l'appel
le "vrai échangiste", ils va trouvé son plaisir
avec d'autres femmes tout en laissant sa femme trouver
le sien avec d'autres hommes...
Ensuite, il y a le ...
3 Commentaires, 300 Consultations,
21 Votes
,5.23 Score |
11 Commentaires, 523 Consultations,
42 Votes
,5.39 Score |
kel club choisir??? 13/6/2006
bjr à tous,
je voulais faire une sorte de petit sondage concernant
les clubs échangistes.
depuis kelkes temps un grand nombre de club est apparu et
j'aimerai avoir vos avis sur ceux ke vous avez frékenter
dernièrement ke ce soit seul ou en couple.
merci à tous de votre participation
2 Commentaires, 481 Consultations,
13 Votes
,3.31 Score |
Libération sexuelle ou tyrannie du plaisir ? 12/6/2006
Envie de briser la monotonie du couple, de pimenter sa vie
sexuelle ? Les libertins modernes seraient de plus en plus
nombreux à s'adonner à des pratiques autrefois taboues
: échangisme, sadomasochisme, mélangisme… Mais derrière
cette façade de liberté sexuelle pourrait bien se cacher
une nouvelle tyrannie du plaisir obligatoire.
Il n'est pas si loin le temps ...
0 Commentaires, 85 Consultations,
3 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Abécédaire du sexe collectif 12/6/2006
Décrites comme de moins en moins marginales, les variations
sexuelles à plusieurs utilisent cependant un langage
propre. Quand le sport en chambre devient un sport collectif,
mieux vaut ne pas oublier son glossaire ainsi que quelques
De préférence à laisser au vestiaire… Ici, il est généralement
question de sexe et ...
0 Commentaires, 113 Consultations,
1 Votes
L'échangisme : libération sexuelle ou conformisme ? 12/6/2006
A des années lumières des orgies mythiques où des dizaines
de personnes se livraient ensemble à des relations sexuelles,
l'échangisme se définit aujourd'hui comme une
forme de comportement extra-conjugal codifié. Simple
jeu récréatif et divertissant ou moyen de combler les insatisfactions
de la vie d'un couple ?
L'échangisme met en jeu des couples légalement ...
0 Commentaires, 64 Consultations,
0 Votes
L'Echangisme, c'est super 20/5/2006
Tout d'abord, qu'esce-que c'est. C'est
comme son nom l'indique s"échager entre partenaires.
S"échanger sexuellement, c'est sublime.
C'est voir son ou sa partenaire jouir d'un ou d'une
autre. Lui donner l'occasion de connaître l'amour
ou les jeux sexuels dans d'autres conditions. Je suis
devenue échangiste grâce à des relations qui m'y ont
entraîner. Réticente dans les débuts, je ...
3 Commentaires, 308 Consultations,
24 Votes
,5.63 Score |
fo avoir 17/5/2006
fo avoir un truc a echanger et moi g rien !
1 Commentaires, 80 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.47 Score |
peut on faire des rencontre reel et sincere via ce site ? 12/5/2006
on a beaucoup de mal a trouver une personne sincère et pour
rendez vous reel est qu'on est pas assez bien pour elles
ou est ce que l'on s'y prend mal ?
merci de donner vos commentaires ainsi que votre avis .
4 Commentaires, 325 Consultations,
17 Votes
,4.68 Score |
nul 7/5/2006
Selon mes critères, celui que j'ai vu la èle
était moche!
1 Commentaires, 112 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
je me pose une question 18/4/2006
croyez vous qu il soit possible pour une femme seule de rencontrer
l amour lors d une sortie en club echangiste ?
7 Commentaires, 411 Consultations,
14 Votes
,3.78 Score |
question 6/4/2006
comment vous y prennez vous?
qu'est ce qui vous attire dans cette pratique...
parlons en
0 Commentaires, 349 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.98 Score |
rien que du plaisir ... 27/3/2006
Avec ma femme nous allons de tps en tps en club libertins
pour vibrer encore plus fort à deux, trois, quatre, cinq
et des fois bien plus encore ...
Nous nous aimons très fort mais nous agrementons notre
vie avec un peu plus pour aller encore plus loin dans nos
Un soir à l'eden un petit club en région parisienne
(nous vous le recommandons) nous avons passé un moment
avec ...
0 Commentaires, 176 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.45 Score |
le mème... 22/3/2006
Pas facile de se trouver une copine pour sortir en club,
sans que ce soit l'officielle qu'on garde pour
soi au chaud à la maison... Quelqu'un à un truc???
0 Commentaires, 158 Consultations,
1 Votes
Lors d'un rapport à plusieurs.... 21/7/2005
Pensez-vous que lors d'un rapport échangiste "pur"
c'est à dire que deux hommes echangent leur femme ou
deux femmes echangent leur hommes pensez vous que les femmes
ou les hommes peuvent devenir bi? Cela doit forcément les
exciter et leur donner envie d'aller plus loin. ??
6 Commentaires, 1526 Consultations,
46 Votes
,3.23 Score |
une femme qui sent différente 18/6/2005
voilà si tu est, une femme parce que dieu le veut, et si
trouve que tu agis comme un homme, peut étre que vous avez
le degrés de virilité élevé dans votre corps des hormonnes
ou quelques choses comme ça......
ou bien dans votre passé, vous aimez étre toujour avec
les garçon, a boir ou a faire beaucoup de choses ensemble,
mais saché qu'il en a des hommes qui peut vous faire ...
0 Commentaires, 150 Consultations,
5 Votes
Fantasme,réalité,imaginaire? 9/6/2005
Tout a commencé par un bel après-midi d’été, sur la plage
de Mateille à Gruissan, mon épouse et moi-même étions entrain
de revenir de nous baigner quand un couple est arrivé et
a déposé ses serviettes et produits bronzants tout à coté
des nôtres. L’homme et la femme nous souhaitèrent le bonjour
et aussitôt se ...
3 Commentaires, 1144 Consultations,
60 Votes
,6.94 Score |
echangisme 22/11/2004
l echangisme se pratique t il depuis longtent?
1 Commentaires, 241 Consultations,
13 Votes
Loving Yourself Can Make You Sexy 4/9/2022
Your sex appeal is largely an extension of the way in which
you carry yourself in daily life. And this, in turn, is influenced
by your level of self-esteem. The more you accept yourself
for who you are, the more attractive you become to others.
A lot of the responses that we receive from the world –
and from the people in it – are the result of the thoughts
that we're ...
1 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
Tadarius 6/7/2022
Yes love it dick
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
0 Votes
Fancy a fling in Ho Chi Minh 19/3/2022
Do you want to play?
0 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
0 Votes
Always on my mind 21/10/2021
For a long time now I have always wanted to try swinging.
My girlfriend I've been with for years now. I
brought it to her thought she would not do it but said when
we go out of town maybe we can try it. But really it was me I
want is some strange pussy. When where you went out of town
to the beach we made a couple in a bar and started talkin.
They said they were swingers she was real pretty ...
2 Commentaires, 87 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Swinging is amazing 8/8/2021
The art of swinging is just amazing. The thought of watching
the woman you love get fucked by another man is just mind
blowing to me. Her ass just getting pounded and seeing her
ass just ripple like the waves of the sea gets me horny as
fuck. Then to switch back and feel the warmth of her pussy
and just knowing another mans cock was in there is sensational
3 Commentaires, 58 Consultations,
3 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Looking for a lady to join hubby and I, eager to please!! 16/3/2021
We have fantasized for so long now about having another
woman join in the already amazing sex we have together.
Not looking for a pillow princess, but someone willing
to do what it takes to please and the same will be reciprocated.
Honest, disease free lady who will respect boundaries
and know how to give great head to him and I. Willing to teach
the right person, and of course willing to go ...
1 Commentaires, 86 Consultations,
2 Votes
,5.20 Score |
Fucking on the first meeting 26/2/2021
We met Fred & Wilma on Des celibataires pleins de ressources. After a couple
of emails and a chat on the phone, we agreed to meet. They live about 2 hours
from Calgary. We were a bit anxious on the agreed Sat. so
we waited for them to arrive at our house. They arrived at about 3:00 PM and
we greeted them. We sat down to chat and they seemed so very nice. Fred was slim and
Wilma b bit on the chubby side. I cooked ...
4 Commentaires, 303 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.85 Score |
A full swap 4some 14/2/2021
We had played with Alice and Gord a few times. Being from
out of Calgary, they stayed overnight in our spare bed.
One evening, after some great fucking, Alice asked to trade
partners for all night. After some discussion, we agreed
to do it. It was a strange feeling to wake up with Alice next to me.
Her hand was holding my cock so it grew stiff right away.
I could hear Gord fucking my wife, so I ...
6 Commentaires, 300 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.28 Score |
My First MFM 3-Way 14/2/2021
My now -wife and I had been married a little over 7 years and we were ridiculously in love. The sex was amazing and
we basically tried everything a couple can do. Naturally,
we decided that a threesome was the logical next step for
us. We tried for a while to find a girl, buy didn't have
much luck with that and eventually found ourselves on a
swinger's hookup site. We quickly had lines of ...
3 Commentaires, 387 Consultations,
8 Votes
,5.33 Score |
I have no partner 14/11/2020
Swinger would be a different experience for me but I don't
have a girlfriend, would it be disrespectful to bring an
escort for the opposite couple ?
2 Commentaires, 81 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.63 Score |
Vacation in December 4/11/2020
My girlfriend and I are heading to Umhlanga in SA for 10 days
end of December. Looking for friends to hook up, parties
and lots of fun
0 Commentaires, 54 Consultations,
0 Votes
Bi MMF 25/10/2020
Back when AOL was around and a good place to meet like minded
gals I had started a chat room seeking a local gal for ménage
a trois fun. After awhile a gal popped into the room that
was local and into chatting about the idea of a Bi MMF threesome.
To my surprise she invited me to her condo. <br><br>
It was just the two of us, but I knew we would be talking about
a third and I had ...
3 Commentaires, 383 Consultations,
12 Votes
,6.16 Score |
Renee's sexuality 25/10/2020
My pal from work, Brian, and I stopped off at the club for
drinks after work. A couple of drinks later I called my wife,
Renee, to join us. She took a bit of time to get ready and then
to drop off our kids at all night day care. By the time she
arrived at the club both Brian and I were in full party mode
and the band was playing loudly. <br><br>
Tequila sunrises and dancing, ...
4 Commentaires, 401 Consultations,
6 Votes
,5.07 Score |
Golf Then Gangbang for my Slut Wife 13/10/2020
Since moving to Khon Kaen our sex life is at an all time high
I as play golf anymore but took Phon to a club to sign up, she
booked in to do 9 holes only with me driving the buggy, she
was teamed up with 3 English guys all from Hampshire living
local and married to younger Thai wives. <br><br>
I had Phon put on a short red skirt with sheer black panty
under she ...
16 Commentaires, 479 Consultations,
20 Votes
,7.21 Score |
Mutual Masturbation With This Girl... I have photos! 28/8/2020
Let's say... If you're a guy, say 30 to 45 with a
6 pack and a hairy chest and, say I'm a girl who loves
shaved balls, and you are in her general vicinity, and you
love to watch a hot sexy nympho cougar masturbate while
she watches you stroke your beautiful hard throbbing cock...
gives me chills just thinking about it, then check out the
pics from her resume. WOULD YOU MASTURBATE WITH ...
8 Commentaires, 340 Consultations,
7 Votes
,5.08 Score |
swinging is fun 22/8/2020
i love swingers, and also love group fun
1 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
How hard is it to get into swinging? 11/5/2020
I'm a single who has had some recent fun with a FWB.
We ended up having a few MFF encounters and one MMFF encounter.
She has opened my mind to the swinging world and partner
swapping. <br><br>
Now I am single so not sure If i can call myself a swinger haha
but I now open to explore this more and wanting to join others
for potentially MMF, GB and more. Hence the sign up here. ...
5 Commentaires, 140 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
My beautiful wife and the big black monster 7/4/2020
sorry about my grammer and miss type... but i wanted to share
the store of when i let this big black monster in the house...we
had been talking about it for a while .. me watching her with
a huge black cock...she was so hesitant every time i mentioned
it.... and i can understand why...but the night we both
got a really good buzz i called a guy i knew without her knowing
it... when this 6'4 ...
5 Commentaires, 1007 Consultations,
25 Votes
,6.12 Score |
Shared At Her Conference 14/3/2020
My fiancée, Mariela, invited me to go to a conference in
Orlando recently. She was excited about going since she
had met a guy named Jim from the West Coast at the same event
last year and they really hit it off. She was looking forward
to seeing him again. <br><br>
I'll add at this point that Mariela is, by any standard,
an incredibly attractive woman, the type that sucks the ...
19 Commentaires, 971 Consultations,
36 Votes
,7.12 Score |
looking for a gentleman 5/3/2020
will be in Halifax this summer woundering if there is a bar
that we would have a better chance of meeting a gentleman
that would li>>!ke to join us.
6 Commentaires, 89 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.02 Score |
looking for a gentleman 5/3/2020
will be in Halifax this summer woundering if there is a bar
that we would have a better chance of meeting a gentleman
that would li>>!ke to join us.
1 Commentaires, 67 Consultations,
8 Votes
,5.33 Score |
What is it? 14/2/2020
what is the best term to have a successful swap life style
0 Commentaires, 58 Consultations,
1 Votes
Honeymoon gone right - second post 14/2/2020
Honeymoon gone right <br><br>
Last winter my wife and I took a much delayed honeymoon to
a resort in the Bahamas. We were married two years ago...the second
for each of us, and other committments caused us to postpone our romantic
getaway until this past spring. I'm 42 and my wife Amy is 36 and
a knockout. Soft brown hair, bedroom blue eyes, and an impish grin compliment
a body ...
3 Commentaires, 291 Consultations,
7 Votes
,6.10 Score |
Honeymoon gone right - second post 14/2/2020
Honeymoon gone right <br><br>
Last winter my wife and I took a much delayed honeymoon to
a resort in the Bahamas. We were married two years ago...the second
for each of us, and other committments caused us to postpone our romantic
getaway until this past spring. I'm 42 and my wife Amy is 36 and
a knockout. Soft brown hair, bedroom blue eyes, and an impish grin compliment
a body ...
4 Commentaires, 167 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.71 Score |
Honeymoon gone right - second post 14/2/2020
Honeymoon gone right <br><br>
Last winter my wife and I took a much delayed honeymoon to
a resort in the Bahamas. We were married two years ago...the second
for each of us, and other committments caused us to postpone our romantic
getaway until this past spring. I'm 42 and my wife Amy is 36 and
a knockout. Soft brown hair, bedroom blue eyes, and an impish grin compliment
a body ...
1 Commentaires, 113 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.82 Score |
COUPLES! Were you guys having 3somes and moresomes before you met each other? 11/2/2020
Were you guys having 3somes and more somes before you met
each other?
6 Commentaires, 192 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.28 Score |
Wife and husband with another man. 9/2/2020
M F M , swinging. mature wife and husband having another
man join them IS the couple BI , or Straight, , or BI curios ??? <br><br>
. {{{ BI Curios --- ?? ?? }}} is that ware the man has thought
about IT ???? <br><br>
. It is all up to what you all have agreed on before you start
.... <br><br>
. MFM sex. is it kinky , , , YES , is it fun , YES , , So why not ...
6 Commentaires, 357 Consultations,
10 Votes
,5.38 Score |
Looking to Try Cuck Situations!! 6/2/2020
Whats the best route to finnd couples that are looking for
a guy to come in and cuck the husband??
5 Commentaires, 90 Consultations,
3 Votes
,5.39 Score |
single swing 2/2/2020
we've been married for almost 27 years and been swinging
for at least half of that. we love to play. neither of us really
enjoy group action and trust each other enough to do separate
room swaps. we even had this one couple that we became very
close to and enjoyed playing with them for about 3 years.
the last half of that we played apart. It was so hard to make
all four schedules fit that we ...
5 Commentaires, 342 Consultations,
17 Votes
,5.67 Score |
trollin for points 2/2/2020
thats all
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
Try new ways 2/2/2020
Of getting that I lost
0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
0 Votes
I really like costumed girls 1/2/2020
There is nothing funner than a swinger party where everyone
has a different persona happpening. <br><br>
Fucking their wives is even better too.
1 Commentaires, 34 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Would you... 31/1/2020
Just need the points guys, sorry.
0 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
Getting sucked by both 28/1/2020
Very hit when I’m with couple and both the man and the women
get on their knees and shre my cock really turns the women
on seeing her man choke on meat
2 Commentaires, 131 Consultations,
4 Votes
,5.57 Score |
Threesomes 28/1/2020
I’ve been lucky enough have had a few threesomes. I
would like hear from anyone on their experiences.
2 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
Friday nite 24/1/2020
Swing swing who's swinging tonight . Site is supposed
to be a great resource to find and meet like minded people
! Whetecarevtheyb
4 Commentaires, 29 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.80 Score |
716 weekend 24/1/2020
The weekend is here and it's swing time in the 7 , some
great local places to and meet others , I love heafing
downtown and seeing all the activity. The city has cum alive
0 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
716 weekend 24/1/2020
The weekend is here and it's swing time in the 7 , some
great local places to and meet others , I love heafing
downtown and seeing all the activity. The city has cum alive
0 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
Dressed for sharing 18/1/2020
I love dress very slutty for meets with other guys. I dress
in Stocking and heels and always have lots of red lipstick,
more than i would wear at any other occasion. I plan the day
by getting hair done specially and having nails manicured
and take a long soak in the bath fantasizing about the evening
ahead by playing with pussy in the bath. I make sure
have a revealing dress wear and try ...
9 Commentaires, 116 Consultations,
19 Votes
,6.55 Score |
Voyeur or active paticipant? 18/1/2020
I love watch wife with other men and love take part
in helping her orgasm, but just lately i have a fantasy about
her being alone with multiple males in hotel, while i;m
at home. She calls me whilst she's getting ganbanged
and one of the males videos the horny scene and i get watch
it when they post it on an adult site. Are ther any other guys
finds this fantasy ?
4 Commentaires, 50 Consultations,
12 Votes
,4.21 Score |
2 part cream pie 18/1/2020
We had a regular visiting couple that would spend a weekend
with us. We would share some good then they would
spend the rest of the night in our spare room. I would wake
to hear the lady cumming as her husband fucked her. my wife
would sleep through this. I would join in on their play and
when he shot his load, stroking until his cock was limp.
I enjoyed finishing him cleaning the juice from ...
7 Commentaires, 337 Consultations,
12 Votes
,5.10 Score |
Swinging couple 18/1/2020
Thai si very interested thing that swinging is very good
or sometimes bad it's depend what kind of person you
are meeting with he is or she is good or not <br><br>
. Is they are doing for enjoyment only Secure your safety first then do any swinging as today's
word is full of many kind of person <br><br>
Enjoy your swinging
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.02 Score |
Swinging couple 18/1/2020
Thai si very interested thing that swinging is very good
or sometimes bad it's depend what kind of person you
are meeting with he is or she is good or not <br><br>
. Is they are doing for enjoyment only Secure your safety first then do any swinging as today's
word is full of many kind of person <br><br>
Enjoy your swinging
0 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Swinging couple 18/1/2020
Thai si very interested thing that swinging is very good
or sometimes bad it's depend what kind of person you
are meeting with he is or she is good or not <br><br>
. Is they are doing for enjoyment only Secure your safety first then do any swinging as today's
word is full of many kind of person <br><br>
Enjoy your swinging
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Swinging couple 18/1/2020
Thai si very interested thing that swinging is very good
or sometimes bad it's depend what kind of person you
are meeting with he is or she is good or not <br><br>
. Is they are doing for enjoyment only Secure your safety first then do any swinging as today's
word is full of many kind of person <br><br>
Enjoy your swinging
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
Swinging couple 18/1/2020
Thai si very interested thing that swinging is very good
or sometimes bad it's depend what kind of person you
are meeting with he is or she is good or not <br><br>
. Is they are doing for enjoyment only Secure your safety first then do any swinging as today's
word is full of many kind of person <br><br>
Enjoy your swinging
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.80 Score |
Swinging couple 18/1/2020
Thai si very interested thing that swinging is very good
or sometimes bad it's depend what kind of person you
are meeting with he is or she is good or not <br><br>
. Is they are doing for enjoyment only Secure your safety first then do any swinging as today's
word is full of many kind of person <br><br>
Enjoy your swinging
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
Swinging couple 18/1/2020
Thai si very interested thing that swinging is very good
or sometimes bad it's depend what kind of person you
are meeting with he is or she is good or not <br><br>
. Is they are doing for enjoyment only Secure your safety first then do any swinging as today's
word is full of many kind of person <br><br>
Enjoy your swinging
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
Swinging couple 18/1/2020
Thai si very interested thing that swinging is very good
or sometimes bad it's depend what kind of person you
are meeting with he is or she is good or not <br><br>
. Is they are doing for enjoyment only Secure your safety first then do any swinging as today's
word is full of many kind of person <br><br>
Enjoy your swinging
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
Swinging 15/1/2020
I want share wife with other guys and see her get pounded
and mouth filled with big cocks
10 Commentaires, 239 Consultations,
23 Votes
,7.10 Score |
Dunno what to say other then 15/1/2020
I need points
1 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.82 Score |
how to get the wife on board, after we fantasize about it 14/1/2020
we often fantasize about mmf and group play... any clue
how to make it really happen... would love some help
7 Commentaires, 110 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.49 Score |
how to get the wife on board, after we fantasize about it 14/1/2020
we often fantasize about mmf and group play... any clue
how to make it really happen... would love some help
3 Commentaires, 72 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.94 Score |
how do you begin 13/1/2020
hello so im curious on how you come about making the initial
choice to be swingers? i mean is it hard is it easy did it take
a long time to actually do it? after doing this how if at all
did things in you relationship change? did it heat your
sex life up do you enjoy it now can you still go about your
day away from your partner without wondering if she/he
is getting fucked while your not around? ...
3 Commentaires, 54 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.64 Score |
how young is too young for a BBC? 12/1/2020
first time was 20 years old
0 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.30 Score |
what's the age requirement for BBC bulls? 12/1/2020
20 years old too young? first experience was at that age
3 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
11 Votes
,2.42 Score |
what's the age requirement for BBC bulls? 12/1/2020
20 years old too young? first experience was at that age
0 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.92 Score |
Drinking jizz 10/1/2020
My love for gallons of cumm started when my hubby and 6 of
his buddies ran a train on my cunt and asshole after a road
trip to Chicago I usually let them fill me with bust but this
time they denied me that please and made me deepthroat all
of them as they drained their big dick down my neck making
me swallow every drop I loved it and can't get
enough cumm in my belly since
3 Commentaires, 142 Consultations,
10 Votes
,1.79 Score |
Drinking jizz 10/1/2020
My love for gallons of cumm started when my hubby and 6 of
his buddies ran a train on my cunt and asshole after a road
trip to Chicago I usually let them fill me with bust but this
time they denied me that please and made me deepthroat all
of them as they drained their big dick down my neck making
me swallow every drop I loved it and can't get
enough cumm in my belly since
6 Commentaires, 100 Consultations,
22 Votes
,4.45 Score |
Drinking jizz 10/1/2020
My love for gallons of cumm started when my hubby and 6 of
his buddies ran a train on my cunt and asshole after a road
trip to Chicago I usually let them fill me with bust but this
time they denied me that please and made me deepthroat all
of them as they drained their big dick down my neck making
me swallow every drop I loved it and can't get
enough cumm in my belly since
1 Commentaires, 70 Consultations,
13 Votes
,3.98 Score |
Curious 9/1/2020
Hello I am this very curious on being with other swingers
so if anyone is interested please let know I'm open-minded
and curious did try things
1 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.14 Score |
Curious 9/1/2020
Hello I am this very curious on being with other swingers
so if anyone is interested please let know I'm open-minded
and curious did try things
0 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
8 Votes
,0.70 Score |
Looking 9/1/2020
Looking for some fun tonight
1 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.64 Score |
Hung Bi Sub in Central FL 9/1/2020
It takes to IM someone now? WTF. They used to give
you 3 free IMs day... Anyone else annoyed this site
0 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.55 Score |
How to find swingers 7/1/2020
Outside of this service, we are struggling to find swingers
does anyone have advice ?
2 Commentaires, 25 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.48 Score |
Talking a friend into trying it 6/1/2020
I’ve had some female friends who I’ve been reluctant
to share my Des celibataires pleins de ressources association with...the perception is that
swinging is “dangerous, ” or that they’re going
to be recognized or catch something. Obviously, those
are concerns...I get that. But, I feel those same concerns
are true of any hookup, regardless of where people meet.
How do you approach this with people? ...
2 Commentaires, 102 Consultations,
15 Votes
,2.52 Score |
Membership length 6/1/2020
Average length of membership? Off and on for almost 20
0 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
5 Votes
,0.53 Score |
Swings per year 6/1/2020
So on average how many times do people swing year?
2 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
Swingers in oublic 6/1/2020
Any way to recognize swingers in public?
3 Commentaires, 44 Consultations,
6 Votes
,0.52 Score |
Swingers in oublic 6/1/2020
Any way to recognize swingers in public?
0 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
2 Votes
,0.34 Score |
Swingers in oublic 6/1/2020
Any way to recognize swingers in public?
0 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
2 Votes
,0.34 Score |
Fakes 6/1/2020
If your really wanting to hook up meet people be your self
sometimes it works sometimes it don’t. So what’s point
being fake because your definitely gonna get rejected..it’s
like using yearold pic and you look different from your
previous pics.so what’s point of being fake like that
because your really being catfish
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Swinging etiquette 4/1/2020
I have neen asked to join a couple for some fun and need some
advice about making the first move. I'm bi curious
but afraid the part of is couple is going to come on a
bit too strong. i want to play but want to ease into it. any
tips would be appreciated. Thanks
3 Commentaires, 72 Consultations,
12 Votes
,4.92 Score |
Tell me 4/1/2020
As a single trying the life style, I'm curious what
it was like for other singles on your first time.
0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.25 Score |
Swinger 3/1/2020
Swinging for pounts
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Cougar Swinging 2/1/2020
Anyone has experience with cougar swinging.
2 Commentaires, 33 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.49 Score |
happy new year 1/1/2020
3 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.79 Score |
Flakes 31/12/2019
Tired of guys that give others a bad name: specifically
no shows, smelly, nasty, and assholes. Why be an idiot?
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
looking for 30/12/2019
whats the thing you look for when finding another person
for cpl?
5 Commentaires, 42 Consultations,
15 Votes
,3.90 Score |
How to start 29/12/2019
Looking to see what others did to start swinging
3 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.37 Score |
i like swinging 29/12/2019
Sex is not a taboo subject anymore. Most people feel comfortable
with discussing their bedroom antics with friends and
the average of partners people have in their lifetime
has increased dramatically in recent years. Even sex parties,
which were once reserved for only the very adventurous,
are more popular than ever. However, there is still an element
of mystery that shrouds a ‘swinging ...
0 Commentaires, 40 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.94 Score |
How many couples actually do this and stay together long term 28/12/2019
Is it possible?
6 Commentaires, 147 Consultations,
14 Votes
,3.78 Score |
Looking to be a third 27/12/2019
I'm interested in being a third person to join a couple.
I enjoy both sexes and could really get into satisfying
each of them while the other watches. Where are all these
couples I see on Des celibataires pleins de ressources hiding?
3 Commentaires, 36 Consultations,
15 Votes
,4.97 Score |
Who's out there 26/12/2019
Would love to find some people to have some fun with.
0 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.53 Score |
Points 26/12/2019
Sorry but just here for points
3 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
11 Votes
,2.98 Score |
Full swap or no?? 24/12/2019
Partners of the world there do you enjoy full swap when
you swing or is there usually a wall of intimacy depending
on partner and connection?? I like to imagine its a conversation.
Myself with a selected partner I suppose I dont think I would
0 Commentaires, 33 Consultations,
13 Votes
,3.14 Score |
I am looking for that elusive couple........ 23/12/2019
I am searching for that elusive couple who are looking for
creative lovemaking. A couple who knows no sexual boundaries
and is willing to experiment for pure, unbridled pleasure.
Imagine the possibilities of incredible MMF experiences.
1 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
13 Votes
,2.81 Score |
how to get into swinging 22/12/2019
im very interested in swinging, ive had sum experience
with other couples but how do i get my wife to swing with me?
or should i try and play with others?
2 Commentaires, 45 Consultations,
16 Votes
,3.86 Score |
Kinky.... 20/12/2019
I have had some great experiences with couples. All the
couples seem have a dominant wife. I love a woman with
a dominant bedroom appetite. Does anyone prefer a dominant
woman or dominant man?
0 Commentaires, 29 Consultations,
18 Votes
,2.85 Score |
Looking for friends and fun 20/12/2019
there wants to have some fun
0 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
11 Votes
,2.79 Score |
Looking for friends and fun 20/12/2019
there wants to have some fun
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
7 Votes
,1.77 Score |
Swing Partner thats not my regular partner 19/12/2019
Question, <br><br>
My regular partner doesnt like to swing. She perfers to
play separately on separate occassions. I asked her if
I could find a swinging partner and she hesitated to answer.
Is it because she doesnt want me to swing with someone else
or could it be another reason. <br><br>
Im a little confused because we play with others often ...
0 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
12 Votes
,2.62 Score |
Is Swinging Safe 19/12/2019
Is Swinging really safe and if so How do you find the safe
friends and places to play?
2 Commentaires, 30 Consultations,
13 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Adding a Third....... 19/12/2019
Do many couples like adding a third person to their sex life
or do you prefer couples to join you. I found the idea of two
members of the opposite sex vs one make the one very vulnerable
and makes for a great experience.
4 Commentaires, 36 Consultations,
16 Votes
,3.27 Score |
Swing 19/12/2019
Swing for points
0 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
11 Votes
,1.48 Score |
no points 18/12/2019
I haven't received any points in 3 days from this damn
site. this site is turning to crap.
2 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
11 Votes
,2.23 Score |
same room? 18/12/2019
do you prefer to swap in same room? is it more fun?
5 Commentaires, 27 Consultations,
10 Votes
,2.19 Score |
points 17/12/2019
1 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.45 Score |
8’”plus tool 17/12/2019
Okay your chatting with guy your into each other your Flirting..
they guy to you he 8”+ then you meet up thangs get heated
moment comes.. you undress each other the. You find that guy you met up with
that’s 8”plus tool really is about 4”s your like
wtf. P This goi g to be waste time
3 Commentaires, 48 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.47 Score |
Hard to find. 17/12/2019
Is there any real couples looking to play CD with single
males? It is hard to find.
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Swinging 16/12/2019
Swinging is it a type of life or just a one time thing?
2 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.43 Score |
points 15/12/2019
2 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
3 Votes
,5.39 Score |
I'm tired of hearing single guys bitching about woman not wanting you. it's your fault! 14/12/2019
To the single men in the lifestyle that bitch, moan and complain
about women being , stuck up and flaky this is for you...
when you go to an event, know that there are rules to this
shit. In my book, first and foremost DONT COME TO AN EVENT
a gentleman there is a better chance ...
4 Commentaires, 37 Consultations,
6 Votes
,5.64 Score |
Who knows? 13/12/2019
Two men visit a prostitute. The first man goes into the bedroom.
He comes out ten minutes later and says, "Heck. My
wife is better than that." The second man goes in.
He comes out ten minutes later and says, "You know?
Your wife IS better."
1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
6 Votes
,4.79 Score |
I'm tired of hearing single guys bitching about woman not wanting you. it's your fault! 13/12/2019
To the single men in the lifestyle that bitch, moan and complain
about women being fake, stuck up and flaky this is for you...
when you go to an event, know that there are rules to this
shit. In my book, first and foremost DONT COME TO AN EVENT
a gentleman there is a better ...
0 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
5 Votes
,5.75 Score |
Couples Fun 8/12/2019
An experienced couple in this lifestyle can be a lot of fun.
I have had many encounters and it has been a blast. The women
really love a thick cock and the men love to watch their wives/GFs
have a lot of fun. The downfall to this lifestyle is a lot
of people are fake and do not meet. They waste your time,
but, those that are real, are respectful, clean, and know
how to have a good time. ...
6 Commentaires, 78 Consultations,
20 Votes
,5.04 Score |
Just for points 7/12/2019
This is just for people want points. Please comment.
9 Commentaires, 42 Consultations,
12 Votes
,4.74 Score |
Good or bad when in a relationship 7/12/2019
Is it possible have a healthy trusting relationship
while being swingers?
9 Commentaires, 82 Consultations,
23 Votes
,4.65 Score |
family taboo 7/12/2019
who can you have family taboo with?
2 Commentaires, 58 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.25 Score |
swing party with everyone 6/12/2019
i have a huge fantasy, all the users off this website all
togheter in a huge party, sex everiwhere, OMG. Do you like
the idea ?
4 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.06 Score |
Im a swinger baby 5/12/2019
need points swing!
2 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.12 Score |
Fantasy 5/12/2019
Woman separate fantasy from reality. They are turned
making love to a stranger but when reality comes they shy
away. They feel uncomfortable about having a strang man
jump the but talking about it makes their clit hard. <br><br>
Is it true reality is not like fantasy? <br><br>
Do you agree with the above. Have you found a way to get her
out of her shell. Would she ...
2 Commentaires, 31 Consultations,
12 Votes
,2.80 Score |
Fun Weekend 5/12/2019
A few years ago met a lady here on Des celibataires pleins de ressources, we had been talking
on the phone as I had to go away for a few days but kept in touch
with her and our conversations were very open, that is when
I knew that she was very open about her sexuality as she is
the one that broached the subject which was great. When
I did return and we met for our first date, she did have a son
at home that was about 18 so did ...
1 Commentaires, 149 Consultations,
10 Votes
,5.38 Score |
ED, swingers 5/12/2019
I recently met a couple and they asked if I wanted to join
them . I told them that i have ED my dick gets semi hard not all the
way ?. The wife asked if i liked to eat pussy ... YES I DO.. she said her husband was bi curious I said im not bi but does
not bother me if the husband is .We went to their house , , a few drinks
to talk about what was ok to do. it was great , ate her pussy till she ...
5 Commentaires, 197 Consultations,
20 Votes
,4.15 Score |
Swinging Advice 4/12/2019
We are new the swinging lifestyle anybody have advice
for us on how get started?
0 Commentaires, 6 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
Looking 3/12/2019
looking for sum fun. a bi bottom. of the
sharon Pennsylvania area. If you want to talk or get together
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.62 Score |
swing party 2/12/2019
would love to find a swing party, anyone?
0 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.30 Score |
Swingers 2/12/2019
Swingers By Coco Swan | Submitted On May 21, 2007 <br><br>
Recommend Article Article Comments Print ArticleShare
this article on Facebook10Share this article on Twitter3Share
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this article on Pinterest5 Ever wondered what wife swapping, swinger's clubs
and ...
4 Commentaires, 53 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.21 Score |
Swingers 2/12/2019
Swingers By Coco Swan | Submitted On May 21, 2007 <br><br>
Recommend Article Article Comments Print ArticleShare
this article on Share this article on Twitter3Share
this article on Linkedin3Share this article on Delicious5Share
this article on Digg3Share this article on Reddit4Share
this article on Pinterest5 Ever wondered what wife swapping, swinger's clubs
and swingers ...
1 Commentaires, 35 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.48 Score |
Hi just looking.....but! 2/12/2019
seeking any bi vers tgurls who might be in Texas Arkansas
or Oklahoma 😈🍆
0 Commentaires, 1 Consultations,
0 Votes
Love eating pussy for hours 2/12/2019
I love eating beautiful pussy and asshole for hours mmm
mmmm while my cock is being sucked and wanked
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
2 Votes
,4.50 Score |
fun couple 1/12/2019
Would love to find a couple to enjoy some mfm with between
Dallas & Hou. Tx. near I 45.
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
0 Votes
fun couple 1/12/2019
Would love to find a couple to enjoy some mfm with between
Dallas & Hou. Tx. near I 45.
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.12 Score |
Really want to try this with my spouse and another guy 30/11/2019
I really want to try this and feel my husband really hard
12 Commentaires, 159 Consultations,
20 Votes
,6.06 Score |
Couples for guys to add? 29/11/2019
Is it just me or does it seem like a chore find a respectable
looking for a respectable man values them both?
Idk have rude guys just spoiled the intensity and realness
of the situation? Thoughts from couples are appreciated.
3 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Younger (28) 26/11/2019
So I wanted to share something and get experienced members
results, so I’ve been into older women my whole life.
It’s not some fantasy like most younger guys I’ve had
relationships since I was 20 I’ve had a “partner”
etc and my partner was 48 when I was 25 and couples loved playing
with us and always got off to the young guy thing but now that
I’m playing alone everyone says or ...
0 Commentaires, 39 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.30 Score |
To swing or not to swing? 26/11/2019
Thats the question and this is for points...
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
1 Votes
,1.10 Score |
Trying to hook up using Old pics and filters 26/11/2019
Look if your on sites like this be your self. If your pic’s
our ten years old and your using filters change what you
look like that’s not cool.. people expect to meet person
in pics so don’t be fake be you..because that’s just
gonna piss person off your meeting make them feel like your
fake or catfish so please just be you it will work for you..
1 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.93 Score |
Mature couple 25/11/2019
Still to this day at 28 I find it so crazy that I basically
only play with couples 35-60 but I’m not ashamed I always
wondered why but to be honest it’s the hottest sex of my
life and I’ve done it for 8 years now and love it more and
more everyday.
3 Commentaires, 35 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
Swinging fantasy 25/11/2019
Love to hear all your swinging stories and fantasies. How
did y'all get started and who started the conversation.
3 Commentaires, 34 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.65 Score |
any gurls in the Plano area ? 25/11/2019
looking for a cute gurl to explore and play with, are there
0 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.25 Score |
Pics don’t Match person 25/11/2019
I hate it win you meet someone your clicking with exchange
pics chemistry is their. Then you meet your excitement is there.then you realize
the pic they took was from like ten years ago they look like
someone else.that pisses me off wtf or pics been filtered
come on that’s fucked up be you at the end of day if someone
don’t like fuck them..but don’t be fake that makes
you shitty person show ...
1 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.80 Score |
Married people 25/11/2019
I really hate win you meet someone on here..and you wanna
meetup. Then they ask can we meet your place.then your realize
they are married..their cheating..wtf if you wanna
swing either leave your spouse or bring them in and n what
your doing you only get one life so why hide it. Or be piece
of shit if you can do it so can your partner
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
4 Votes
,0.92 Score |
Married people 25/11/2019
I really hate win you meet someone on here..and you wanna
meetup. Then they ask can we meet your place.then your realize
they are married..their cheating..wtf if you wanna
swing either leave your spouse or bring them in and n what
your doing you only get one life so why hide it. Or be piece
of shit if you can do it so can your partner
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
Sexy male for other 24/11/2019
How people feel about who really like other males but
say they are straight
3 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.37 Score |
Couple swinging 23/11/2019
Couple swinging is a very popular these time . Many married couple also looking for this as well many gf
bf swinging g's as well So This is why because of they want taste others body after
married as well Don't know what is the reason for the same. Need your vote on this
0 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.94 Score |
Straight but... 21/11/2019
Wow my first dp experience was incredible. First of all
my lady friend was so wet and willing it was a whole new side
of her. It was incredible to be in her, and feeling the pressure
of another cock in her was pretty cool. Don’t get me wrong
totally straight but interesting feeling
4 Commentaires, 77 Consultations,
15 Votes
,5.12 Score |
Getting started with groups 21/11/2019
Had one experience with a couple but really I am more excited
about group play. I have no problem with performing in front
of multiple guys, and really want to see a true slut enjoying
herself over and over with 2 3 or more dudes. My attempts
have so far been muted because of the guys attitudes. Any
0 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.49 Score |
How to fill 21/11/2019
Finding the right ppl. -thoughts below...
1 Commentaires, 14 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.93 Score |
tthat swin 19/11/2019
%3cu%3eMy wife and I have talked about being with a another
person male or female. We read the forums and get all worked up and have a good time
in fantasy. We also like to go out and try to find places in public to have
sex. I posted a about our time out at the movies a few months
ago. Well nothing new until last night. We set out last night
in need of some fun went to a few bars and had a few ...
3 Commentaires, 84 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.55 Score |
<i>tthat swin 19/11/2019
<u>My wife and I have talked about being
with a another person male or female. We read the forums and get all worked up and have a good time
in fantasy. We also like to go out and try to find places in public to have
sex. I posted a about our time out at the movies a few months
ago. Well nothing new until last night. We set out last night
in need of some fun went to a few bars and had a few ...
1 Commentaires, 43 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
\u003ci\u003ethat swin 19/11/2019
My wife and I have talked about being with a another person
male or female. We read the forums and get all worked up and have a good time
in fantasy. We also like to go out and try to find places in public to have
sex. I posted a about our time out at the movies a few months
ago. Well nothing new until last night. We set out last night
in need of some fun went to a few bars and had a few drinks ...
3 Commentaires, 51 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.80 Score |
no luck 19/11/2019
I have tried this thing with swinging but no luck with this
thing I knew I had zero luck with sex but this is low
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
1 Votes
,3.70 Score |
Oral 18/11/2019
Love to one day 69 with a woman on top while she's being
1 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
13 Votes
,2.14 Score |
Oral 18/11/2019
Love to one day 69 with a woman on top while she's being
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
Oral 18/11/2019
Love to one day 69 with a woman on top while she's being
2 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
Single male 17/11/2019
Couple ever look for or want a single . Just to eat her
before during and after sex. Maybe play with the too.
? Probably the thing I would definitely enjoy the most.
1 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.53 Score |
together or alone 16/11/2019
do you prefer swing in same room or separate
5 Commentaires, 28 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.71 Score |
swing clubs 13/11/2019
any swing clubs in the panamacity beach area .or surounding
1 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.23 Score |
Single Males 13/11/2019
Why is it so hard for single males who are in the life find
people willing meet up with us?
2 Commentaires, 24 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.12 Score |
Local Places 10/11/2019
Does anyone have any swinger locales in Mass?
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
3 Votes
,0.98 Score |
Wife wanted to swing. 10/11/2019
So my wife and i decided to swing.. So when we get there everything
is going smooth.. He takes my girl to the couch and i take
his to the love seat.. After reciving oral for about mins
and me licking her for mins she climbed on top of me and
put my cock on the opening of her clit.. Not in yet just. About
to be in.. Well my wife had sucked dude and he made her stop
and just climb on top of ...
1 Commentaires, 63 Consultations,
8 Votes
,3.25 Score |
success on site 9/11/2019
have people had much successs on here?
3 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.04 Score |
in or out 9/11/2019
do you prefer to swing in room or
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
6 Votes
,1.66 Score |
MFM 8/11/2019
So had a very mfm planned this past weekend and he did
show and had a lovely thick cock but then the downside that
he couldn't ever get it up anyone else run into this?
5 Commentaires, 65 Consultations,
19 Votes
,3.26 Score |
Bbc for her 7/11/2019
She loves black cock, big long superior black cock with
a man that’s going choke her and spit in her mouth. Dominance
is a huge role in this. She needs a man that’s going fuck
her like she’s a little whore and cum wherever he pleases
1 Commentaires, 74 Consultations,
8 Votes
,4.87 Score |
My first experience Swinging 6/11/2019
When I got divorced I was a 33 yr old woman who had never been
with anyone other than her ex-husband. It took me 3 months
and his explicit permission before I was confident enough
to start dating. <br><br>
Fast forward 6 months, and I was living in a new state and
meeting new people. I went to this AMAZING clothing optional
campground where anything thing went so long as it was ...
8 Commentaires, 285 Consultations,
35 Votes
,6.50 Score |
First meet with cuckold couple 6/11/2019
I had been chatting with the husband lets call him Tom who
was part of a couple for quite some time and I never got to
speak to his wife so I questioned whether he was a single
guy with a couples profile . He told me that he would prove
that he was part of a couple and he gave me his wife's
ph number and to ring and chat with her and told me to organise
to meet her for lunch .
2 Commentaires, 151 Consultations,
12 Votes
,2.62 Score |
MMF Fun 4/11/2019
What’s everyones favorite position when in a mmf?
2 Commentaires, 41 Consultations,
14 Votes
,3.46 Score |
Filling wifes 3/11/2019
Really like the feeling of unloading in a married women
.. If any denver women ate interested please let me know..
Must be std free , shaved and clean
4 Commentaires, 61 Consultations,
14 Votes
,4.10 Score |
Humboldt male for fun. 3/11/2019
34 year old White . <br><br>
Looking for fun with Females and Couples in Humboldt and
the Northcoast. <br><br>
me if you're into it and in my area or leave me
a comment so we can get together and chat.
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.86 Score |
For BBC lovers 2/11/2019
I would like to know how couples and single females got into
the BBC craze?
4 Commentaires, 36 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.86 Score |
Is it fun 1/11/2019
How do I get my wife to try swinging she doesn’t even want
to talk about it.
2 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.31 Score |
Mfm threesomes 31/10/2019
What are some opinions and feeling of females when taking
on two males for the first time?
3 Commentaires, 64 Consultations,
18 Votes
,4.76 Score |
Orgy. 30/10/2019
Has anybody ever taken a partner to an orgy or sex party?
1 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.08 Score |
Orgy. 30/10/2019
Has anybody ever taken a partner to an orgy or sex party?
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
1 Votes
,2.40 Score |
Orgy. 30/10/2019
Has anybody ever taken a partner to an orgy or sex party?
0 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.78 Score |
Orgy. 30/10/2019
Has anybody ever taken a partner to an orgy or sex party?
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
Orgy. 30/10/2019
Has anybody ever taken a partner to an orgy or sex party?
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.04 Score |
wifes husband with man 29/10/2019
Don’t Make Him Beg <br><br>
Bambi had four children in five years. She went from being
a sex kitten a fat cat who craved catnaps. She lost all
interest in sex and was so tired that she had a “headache”
for most of the next decade. When her husband tried get
frisky, she’d often arch her back and hiss, “You must
be kidding!” He wasn’t. She refused him so many times
that ...
3 Commentaires, 63 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.85 Score |
Is she ready 28/10/2019
I want to ask my old lady to go to a swingers club but I'm
not sure if she s ready. She is very sexual and can fuck like
a champion. What's the best way to go about asking her?
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
How to start 27/10/2019
Would.love to get into swinging. Not even sure where to
2 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.36 Score |
Just looking to have some fun 27/10/2019
Would love to find some awesome people to hang with and have
some fun.
1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.77 Score |
Just looking to have some fun 27/10/2019
Would love to find some awesome people to hang with and have
some fun.
0 Commentaires, 4 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.96 Score |
Swingning couple 27/10/2019
I heard about many times for swinging couple each other
so it is only married couple or gf bf also. If married couple
swinging the maintalitt of both partner should be match
Or of gf bf swinging I did not understand that u can any time
have sex with other why swinging required for this Thearried couple can use this swingy bit don't know
what is the percentage for the
1 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.80 Score |
3some with a couple 25/10/2019
Interested in a 3some with a . What main aspects are
couples looking for a 3some with a looking for?
6 Commentaires, 49 Consultations,
13 Votes
,4.82 Score |
how to get her back into it 25/10/2019
she used to like 3 somes i cant get her back into it any ideas
5 Commentaires, 23 Consultations,
8 Votes
,2.55 Score |
where to swing 24/10/2019
does anyone has a preferable place swing
3 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
11 Votes
,4.10 Score |
Swinging or 3 soms 24/10/2019
how do i get my wife interested in swinging or a 3 sum
0 Commentaires, 21 Consultations,
10 Votes
,3.58 Score |
How to know if this is a fit for you? 24/10/2019
Hi guys, thinking about trying the swinger lifestyle,
but how do you know if its for you?
1 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
4 Votes
,4.80 Score |
The wife 23/10/2019
Suggestions on how get my wife agree swinging or
at lest theesomes. I don’t care if it’s WMW MMW. I just
need more excitement in my life
5 Commentaires, 37 Consultations,
12 Votes
,3.68 Score |
The wife 23/10/2019
Suggestions on how get my wife agree swinging or
at lest theesomes. I don’t care if it’s WMW MMW. I just
need more excitement in my life
4 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
8 Votes
,1.86 Score |
How do women really feel about male bi play 21/10/2019
I want to know what women really think about male on male
bi play. Some say it gets them hot. Others say they are not
into it. What are your thoughts?
8 Commentaires, 80 Consultations,
19 Votes
,4.57 Score |
11" For Shared Wife 21/10/2019
We had went to a hotel bar in Dallas so Sharon could pick up
Business men to fuck her. That evening she had engaged in sex with two different
salesmen before we had to leave. That she said were not that great in bed.
But it was a week night and we had to work the next day so we headed home. As we drove along I noticed a stranded motorist as he had
started to walk away from his car. I told Sharon ...
4 Commentaires, 230 Consultations,
19 Votes
,5.89 Score |
Sex With Strangers 21/10/2019
I am finding I am more and more turned on with the thought
of meeting someone and having sex with them, 2 complete
strangers sharing something so intimate turns me on so
much. <br><br>
Anyone else turned on by this?
6 Commentaires, 33 Consultations,
12 Votes
,4.21 Score |
Older women and younger guys 20/10/2019
Do older women enjoy younger guys? <br><br>
On here primarily to meet with odler, experienced MILF's
/ women but also to maybe engage in a DP/gangbang, something
that is hard to achieve from your typical night or dating
apps. <br><br>
Not had any much luck yet. Had some luck with 2 couples but
they were in their late 20's and then the second lot,
30's. ...
2 Commentaires, 41 Consultations,
20 Votes
,3.89 Score |
Dvp 19/10/2019
Swinging is the best doing dvp do tag teaming your that
0 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
3 Votes
,1.47 Score |
Dvp 19/10/2019
Swinging is the best doing dvp do tag teaming your that
0 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
5 Votes
,1.84 Score |
dvp 18/10/2019
Anyone else besides me love dvp? What positions do you enjoy
for dvp?
5 Commentaires, 39 Consultations,
13 Votes
,2.64 Score |
swingers 18/10/2019
So are most of the swingers here actually swingers or are
they couples just looking for 3somes
2 Commentaires, 11 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.69 Score |
swingers 18/10/2019
So are most of the swingers here actually swingers or are
they couples just looking for 3somes
0 Commentaires, 3 Consultations,
1 Votes
,5.00 Score |
swingers 18/10/2019
So are most of the swingers here actually swingers or are
they couples just looking for 3somes
1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
2 Votes
,1.73 Score |
Vegas 17/10/2019
Any freaks in vegas looking to have fun
0 Commentaires, 2 Consultations,
1 Votes
Want to get back into swinging game in London 17/10/2019
I had a long break in swinging for almost 4 years. I used to
go for swingin parties constantly before. I am looking forward to getting back to the scene as it's
very vibrant. Any advice on the best swingin parties in
London ?
2 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.63 Score |
Being a Bull for a Stag/Vixen couple 16/10/2019
So, lets get a discussion going about Stag / Vixen couples.
These are a specialized portion of the hotwife lifestyle,
where the husband (Stag) enjoys watching or sending off
his wife (Vixen) whom he loves completely to enjoy another
man. <br><br>
The Bull in this situation gets to enjoy the vixen and could
potentially have a friendship with the stag. ...
3 Commentaires, 33 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Married but playing discreetly on the side. 16/10/2019
So, this is a bit personal to me but here it goes... <br><br>
Why is tthat so hard for guys are married but are here
looking for some discreet fun to actually FIND that fun?
I can understand if they hide the fact that they are married,
but if they are up-front about it and the fact that it will
be a discreet encounter, why is it still so hard? ...
7 Commentaires, 55 Consultations,
13 Votes
,4.99 Score |
BBC preference for wife 16/10/2019
Straight couple here. Both white but she likes bbc Was wondering
how many people’s wives also enjoy bbc.
3 Commentaires, 45 Consultations,
7 Votes
,2.79 Score |
3rd 16/10/2019
So you have a great 3-some with a fun couple after meeting
for drinks and really hitting it off. You all finish playing
and it just gets a bit awkward afterwards. Should you stick
around? Leave right away?
2 Commentaires, 16 Consultations,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
Just a question 15/10/2019
I know that swingers usually share partners. What if I am
single? Could I just be alone with the female if I am straight
or does it involve both members?
2 Commentaires, 12 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.16 Score |
Swinging for the fences 15/10/2019
I would like ask a couple swing with but don't
know how approach the subject. They are flirty but I’m
not sure they'd be into it. any advice?
2 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.08 Score |
Couples 14/10/2019
I have met some great couples on this site. Keep contacting
me. I do meet and don't leave couples hanging. Very
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
3 Votes
Playing with others... 14/10/2019
I have had fun playing with couples in the past. It wasn't
too difficult to meet up if timing worked out right. However,
it seems now it is more difficult. I am not sure why, but,
it appears to be. Maybe there are more couples that are able
to meet up more easily with singles. I am not sure as to the
reasons. Perhaps couples or singles for that matter, may
be able to shed light on this ...
0 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.30 Score |
Playing with others... 14/10/2019
I have had fun playing with couples in the past. It wasn't
too difficult to meet up if timing worked out right. However,
it seems now it is more difficult. I am not sure why, but,
it appears to be. Maybe there are more couples that are able
to meet up more easily with singles. I am not sure as to the
reasons. Perhaps couples or singles for that matter, may
be able to shed light on this ...
0 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
where to swap? 12/10/2019
this question has always being very important for us, where
is the best place to swap?
5 Commentaires, 43 Consultations,
15 Votes
,4.05 Score |
tree to tree 11/10/2019
i looking to have a swinging time with other people but
my partner is unsure
0 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
5 Votes
,2.16 Score |
tree to tree 11/10/2019
i looking to have a swinging time with other people but
my partner is unsure
1 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
4 Votes
,1.69 Score |
If you are ready & convinced to afford us; we are pleased
to thrill you carnally in a private way after you taking
our expertise 04 hands full body scrub S2S nuru tantric
massages. So, Don't keep procrastinating. Go through
our profile, status and photos. <br><br>
Be our Friend & Be our Top ...
1 Commentaires, 44 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.71 Score |
play 10/10/2019
let s have fun ?
2 Commentaires, 22 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.55 Score |
play 10/10/2019
let s have fun ?
1 Commentaires, 8 Consultations,
5 Votes
,3.14 Score |
Group fun 10/10/2019
Any good swing groups in chicago?
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
4 Votes
,2.47 Score |
group sex 10/10/2019
cum join the fun me up for details
1 Commentaires, 17 Consultations,
5 Votes
,4.45 Score |
Anyone around? 8/10/2019
Anyone in western New York into the swinging scene? Looking
for safe, fun play...if interested let’s talk and see
if we click...
1 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
6 Votes
,2.80 Score |
HI WHY R WE HERE 7/10/2019
can we
0 Commentaires, 9 Consultations,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
Swinger rules 6/10/2019
I have often thought about being a swinger. But I don't
really know the etiquette to follow. Any advice on rules
to follow?
1 Commentaires, 47 Consultations,
17 Votes
,4.40 Score |
swinging really work? 5/10/2019
i don't mean for like sexual satisfaction, i mean on
the ground floor of your actual relationship. They never
seem solid. Swinging us always what the relstionship is
built on, not the actual facets of a relationship.
0 Commentaires, 15 Consultations,
7 Votes
,4.06 Score |
Curious at 19 2/10/2019
When I turned 19 years old, I was curious about the swinging
lifestyle. So I agreed to meet a couple in their mid-50's
at their home. I found them to be very kind and sweet. According
to them, the man had ED issues and he enjoyed watching her
be satisfied. We all undressed and got into bed. She kissed
me and we started having sex. I was surprised at how good
she felted beneath me. He kept ...
5 Commentaires, 197 Consultations,
14 Votes
,5.06 Score |
Looking for a sexy female 2/10/2019
My husband and I are looking for a female to join us for a 3sum.
We not having any luck. Everyone we are interested in are
far away ugh.
3 Commentaires, 20 Consultations,
9 Votes
,4.07 Score |
Looking for a sexy female 2/10/2019
My husband and I are looking for a female to join us for a 3sum.
We not having any luck. Everyone we are interested in are
far away ugh.
2 Commentaires, 10 Consultations,
6 Votes
,3.65 Score |
So many guys love to lick my long feet and suck my toes in presence
of the husband. In addition they seek to fondle my legs,
thighs, butts, pussy and boobs while pecking my pussy,
ass and boobs too. Most of those guys expect me to give them
a soothing full body fondle, cuddles and exciting hand
job or foot job in the process until they cum in a thrill.
Few guys love to feel husband's feet and ...
3 Commentaires, 42 Consultations,
9 Votes
,3.64 Score |
Only women 1/10/2019
Trying to find women but no wants to exchange photos. I would
a gold membership but don’t have money. So how about I
put a pic of my privates. To young to expose myself. Anything
to get women.
1 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
4 Votes
,3.25 Score |
Swingers 30/9/2019
always wanted to be apart of it but its slightly nerve racking
4 Commentaires, 29 Consultations,
11 Votes
,3.17 Score |
Sex clubs 30/9/2019
It's the closest to swinging we've got. Fuck me
it was .
8 Commentaires, 42 Consultations,
8 Votes
,4.41 Score |
How do I start? 28/9/2019
Hi all. I am completely new to all of this. How do I get started?
2 Commentaires, 5 Consultations,
2 Votes
,2.42 Score |
Anyone break up after a threesome? 27/9/2019
Just wanted to know if anyone has broke up with their parter
3 Commentaires, 54 Consultations,
19 Votes
,4.44 Score |
Professionally I am a Bi-Bottom - Expert Therapeutic,
Sensual, Nuru and Tantric Massages and WELLNESS, FITNESS
........................... In Private life I interact with selected TOP BI GUYS,
NEUTRAL GUY with ...
1 Commentaires, 32 Consultations,
3 Votes
,4.41 Score |
first time 25/9/2019
has anyone got stories about their first time?
0 Commentaires, 0 Consultations,
0 Votes
r-f 24/9/2019
Are there any real swingers here???? If so speak up just
to soo who is real in any state or anywhere, prove me wrong.
Nobody reads these anyway
2 Commentaires, 18 Consultations,
7 Votes
,3.04 Score |
points 24/9/2019
just trying to get some more points.
1 Commentaires, 7 Consultations,
3 Votes
,3.92 Score |
Kinda new but instead 23/9/2019
The swinging thing is kinda new to me. Difficult finding
a partner in play. That leaves more if a cuck situation.
Any local woman want to be my partner in crime? Finding that
would definitely make things more interesting.
2 Commentaires, 19 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.36 Score |
Had a couple come over 22/9/2019
I had a come overband had a good time the husband could
toch his wife he was bieng cuckold i would stick cock in
her ass hole for her her first time and i woud take it she
would tell him smell cock that he wish he had like
mine i came so hard in her asshole she then had her husband
suck iall the cum and catch it in his mouth what inexperience
jright after thst4 the both sucked cock ...
4 Commentaires, 87 Consultations,
16 Votes
,1.66 Score |
To be or not to be 20/9/2019
What's your experience of swinging? Does it really
2 Commentaires, 13 Consultations,
9 Votes
,2.78 Score |