Can not help you understand why, that would take a team of psychiatrist. Depending on who is asking and how they ask, I will respond if interested or to say no thanks. If it was a guy looking for a dick to suck they just get blocked. I think most females do not respond because of the hateful people who can not take no for an answer. You also have to take the piss poor IM on this site, often your message or their answer does get through.
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quote shadowtoo69: Can not help you understand why, that would take a team of psychiatrist. Depending on who is asking and how they ask, I will respond if interested or to say no thanks. If it was a guy looking for a dick to suck they just get blocked. I think most females do not respond because of the hateful people who can not take no for an answer. You also have to take the piss poor IM on this site, often your message or their answer does get through.
My last sentence should read.
You also have to take the piss poor IM on this site into account, often your message or their answer does not get through.
have to love missing words
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In todays Des celibataires pleins de ressources there are a variety of reasons a person may not reply.
If the member is standard they may not have points to reply or don't want to use the limited points that they do have even if doing so seems like common courtesy.
If the communication was an IM they may not have received it. The site shows people online that logged off hours prior.
They may be busy or away from the computer/phone
They might not use the IM or choose only to reply to members that they think will be a fit.
Some people argue with a no. Heck some even argue with an autoreply and are rude when rejected.
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best i can recall from the dozens of times this has come up is...some folks get such a large volumn of interest its impossible..others say because its apparent the person hasnt read their profile so they wont respond...others say no answer IS an answer...some say that when trying to leave a nice reply,they have received such backlash that they just had to stop..and anything common..whether courtesy or sense..are no longer common..how do i know all this? cause i bother to pay attention to what i read..
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I used to answer not interested. Some will answer with bitch, old and dried up fat ugly cunt etc.. Not meeting at this time but if ever decide to why should i answer? Couples choose to ignore the no couples part of my profile. So does the young ones with me having no younger men. There is other reasons men are not a match. My profile is clear. They think they are the exception. Mo.
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Here's why I would just rather bail out without comment. Just today I had someone IM me. I replied. We started chatting. He told me how much he liked my pictures, yadda yadda. I asked for a pic of him. When I replied that I didn't see an attraction his reply was, "Look who's talking...FU." So, yea, for me, that's why I would rather just leave with no comment.
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There are many similar blog posts on this topic. For women receiving an e-mail from someone they are not interested, more than half the time the sender cannot accept even the most polite refusal, so we save ourselves the abuse by not responding at all which, in itself, is a response. Damned if we do and damned if we don't.
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they do it because they can..after being stood up too many times getting ready to go out and sitting at a meeting place only to end up going home in the end then finding them online here and i asked why they didnt show up well its because i thought you were joking ...lol sure i want to get dressed and go sit by myself looking like an idiot ..sure buddy sure !! people lack common sense and common courtesy and online chats are taken with a grain of sand because they are waiting for what they feel is something better to come along..No one gets any second chance with me...sorry if its happened to you and dont give up there are nice people who will consider your feeling just plug at it...i found mine but not on this site ..good luck
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You're preaching to the choir here. As long as there is more than hi or hey or let's fuck, we always respond and never just dissappear in mid conversations. Like you said, it seems a lot of society on here never learned that courtesy thing in life.
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Not sure it's all intentional. If someone sends me an email, I can't answer it. Just a standard member here. IM is also a mess: sometimes my responses get through, often they don't.
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LOL I wouldn't say you have posted in the wrong place. This is actually something that has been posted here over and over though. As you don't get the messages women get you wouldn't understand. Women are bombarded with messages and trust me, the politest message often gets us called all kinds of names for it. No one owes you an answer. No answer IS an answer!!
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Hey!! You want common courtesy? Put on some clothes and pack your junk away. Common courtesy is wearing clothes , and not subjecting people to your chatting penis. But just accept that you will not always get courtesy.
When someone starts a conversation and bails, that usually means someone else more exciting and maybe lives closer came along, which is highly probable, or their spouse was about to catch them typing on here.
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I was mostly referring to IM chats or messages where a conversation is started -- some back and for exchanges -- no rude exchanges (that does not warrant a response) but it just seems to end abruptly...finish the conversation is all I'm saying.
If I'm leaving my computer, I say, 'have to go, hope to chat again' or if it's not a good fit...'sorry, not a good fit for me but hope you find what you're looking for. (If a rude reply comes after that, and it has, like many have noted, that does not need a further reply on my part.
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This is probably not what you're querying, but I've had the experience several times of exchanging messages over several weeks, all going well, then suddenly nothing. It's not that the conversation turned nasty. The conversant often then disappears from Des celibataires pleins de ressources. I could assume that she's found someone, but after almost daily exchanges over several weeks you'd think that they'd lt me know. One girl DID send a message that she'd found someone and I wished her luck.
Again, given the conversations and the length of time they'd get the idea that I'm not going to get angry with them, particularly if we're not close geographically.
If I *did* get nasty, well, she could always block me, but I never have been nasty.
I just find it a tad rude to cut off communication like that. Plus, I'm left going over my messages to see if I said something wrong.
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If people on the internet provided the common courtesy of respecting profiles most of this wouldn't even happen. I am even right now having a man from out of state that is married ignoring my profile and thinking he is going to convince me I will have sex with him. So far nothing I have said even makes the man blink. I am about to block him as it is the only way I can get him to stop. I have clearly said I am not interested, no, I don't want to meet him and I don't want to have sex with him. He has no courtesy to understand 'not interested' in any form. So before you go saying women should say not interested, why not ask the question of why can't people respect profiles? Why do they think they 'have to try' no matter what someone says to the point of they get blocked? Had I not answered at all he would be gone by now. All the courtesy in the world would be nice, but to expect it from people hidden behind computers with no chance of a repercussion for bad behavior is a huge part of it. It is a reflection of the world today.
With that said... I HATE people thinking we 'owe' them an answer!! If you had 150 emails a DAY and most were from people out of your ranges i.e. ages/distance/status, there is no way in H*LL I would have the time to write a 'no thank you' to each and every one of them. Now add this, for each one we write a no thank you to we get a myriad of types of replies mostly the following:
A - They keep writing as if you didn't say no and think if they keep you talking they will get laid, or they keep asking you why not and if they can change it to get laid.
B - They flame you for saying no, which someone already posted on here. NO ONE signed up to be called fat, ugly, a whore/slut, a c*nt, or anything else based on we said NO to you. They constantly write it is a 'sex site' as if that means WE as women have to f*ck every guy that asks, yet they don't have to do anyone they are not interested in. WRONG!! That would mean all those men would have to start sucking dicks and taking it up the butt not just have sex with women even if their profile says "WOMEN ONLY" or other variations of "I am not gay, NO MEN" as they signed up here and they ALSO would have to have sex with anyone and everyone. Bet they wouldn't do that so why think women will????
C - They get angry if you block them so then they make more profiles so they can continue to follow you and try to get laid.
D - They start sending email after email after email all within seconds when they don’t get a reply as they think you have no job, no family, no laundry, nothing to do at all but sit there and service them. WRONG!! People have lives and are not at their computer 24/7.
E - Standard members cannot even read a message from anyone let alone answer.
The idea of just block people, you cannot block people BEFORE they show they are an a**hole unfortunately. Anyone 'expecting' an answer from anyone I give this story too. If you were a door to door salesman and the people were not home would you seriously sit on their door step and wait for them to get home or go to the next house? I am betting you go to the next house. Same here, if you send an email and do not get a reply don't take it personal, go to the next profile. The person may not be home and not sitting there just waiting to answer you or you may be in the 150 emails that they do not have a secretary to answer them.
When you get 24 messages saying Hi, Hi, Hi, Hi, Howdy, Hi, Hi, Hello, Hi, Hi and nothing else it is really pathetic. It says nothing about why you contacted someone let alone you actually read their profile. I get that you may make friends and I have made many, but state up front something, anything, other than just Hi as it is really not worth anything.
I KNOW it is difficult for men to get replies, I DO, but to complain that women don't reply to you is not the answer. There are tons of your own gender ruining it for you by wasting our time and taking up our space that you could be in if they only read the profiles and didn't 'assume' we are all whores just waiting to service them. This is not an online whorehouse warehouse and everyone has preferences not just the men.
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I have looked at your profile. Yes, I see you are bi and looking for men. That is fine, but realize, many people are not looking for what you are. Going by what you wrote, you want someone Genuine, discreet, respectful, one who is not looking for anything complicated but just want to enjoy being pleasured and enjoy mutually satisfying sex. More men than women would be likely to have instant sex with no prior anything and then just walk away afterwards than women. Unfortunately there are too many that fall for the 'get laid in 24 hours' line the site uses in its ads and that just is not how the world works in reality. It is an advertisement. Again, much of the courtesy has to start with people contacting those that are looking for the same thing as they are meaning read and respect profiles. That is probably not going to happen as too many assume that everyone is here to f*ck and f*ck anything they can, which is totally unrealistic. I get it is a sex 'based' site, but as I said, it isn't an online whorehouse warehouse where everyone is just horny, beautiful, and has sex with anyone that asks.
Do the math here.... if a person is getting 100 messages a day and you narrow it to even just 25 people that is 175 a WEEK then it expounds to 700 A MONTH. That is just disgusting. I am sure you are going to say okay don't have 25 a day, choose just one and that one should be you. Guess what? The other 24 people are saying the same thing, make the one be them. There is a reason people write profiles and that seems to have been forgotten by the people writing this is a sex site, we are all here for sex, if you are here for anything other than to just randomly screw total strangers get off the site etc. There is a myriad of reasons to be here and even if one is looking for sex and sex alone that doesn't mean they have no preferences. If you had 100 people lined up for your attention you would go to the ones that you found most attractive not the ones you find unattractive or are not into what you want. That is logical not shallow.
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You referring to messenger here? It is known to have issues , emails are better.
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if you walk through a doorway and hit your head on the arch you soon learn to bow your head when passing through the doorway
if you walk across the street and stub your toe on the curb you soon learn to lift your foot when crossing the street...
when the majority of the people do the same thing that thing becomes the norm. therefore by asking why people do not respond you yourself are saying that it is normal not to reply when losing interest
so as it is normal to go out in public dressed to impress, normal to undress to impress here so is it normal to not to reply here unless you intend to "hookup"
by the by it is also normal to follow up a "common courtesy" post with a "fakes & flakes" post
bonne chance
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"I was mostly referring to IM chats or messages where a conversation is started -- some back and for exchanges -- no rude exchanges (that does not warrant a response) but it just seems to end abruptly...finish the conversation is all I'm saying."
well if that is all you are saying... then the many people that have commented on how badly IM's are fucked up here. how they lose contact with people in mid chat, how friends do not reply when im shows them online,and im open... and it has been so for years then i guess you are a victim of Des celibataires pleins de ressources's poor CSC (customer satisfaction concerns)
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Oh my G! What is happening to people?
Reasons I've just bowed out of conversations...
1- They only want to talk about sex - graphically. Boring!
2- They never respond to questions I ask.
3- Says something creepy. Examples: "My ex had a beautiful daughter." You're done!
4- Excessive wait times between chat responses. Wake up!
Each of those examples will likely come with an addition to my "blocked list".
Those are some examples. I'd tell you to see if any of those examples sound like you, but people like that never see themselves and always blames the other party... so this advice is likely wasted.
A much better piece of advice is this... The world is full of impolite people. There are people who think it's okay to be rude because someone is from a different culture, or has a different skin color. When you encounter someone who is rude, or mean to you, and you feel you did absolutely nothing to earn it.... learn to forget them and move on. It's a good exercise in thickening of the hide. Once upon a time it took a few stick and stones. Now, all they have to do is ignore people. SMH!
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Forgot to add....
"For those of you who need to leave a smart ass answer and tell
me I've posted in the wrong place, I'm happy to post this to provide a means for you to do your thing!"
An obvious attempt to CONTROL what others think, or say. If someone posts something that might be better addressed in a different area, why should they not say it??? It is, in fact, advice.
My additional advice is, you sound controlling and whiny and a lot of people might be inclined to end a conversation when those traits expose themselves.
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Well, actually, no answer *is* an answer. Simple as that. Same deal as in real life.
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? Isn't a reflection of the world I'd like to think and only posting out of boredom , am always courteous but rarely get any back and is 0 problem it is a very usual free sex site , maybe you are a bit too nieve and 0 offence meant as I'm not gold but have had it free on occasions so can't read your profile only see the pic and it is just another cock
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Courtesy is a two way street. And very little is common today.
There are as many reasons not to answer as there are people who don't answer. Each reason is the opinion of the person who doesn't answer. Hell like people have stated the IM sucks.
We very rarely respond to single men when on IM. Why are we not being discourteous? We specify she doesn't want single males. So should we ignore the disrespect to her desires? She gets tired of hearing "you know you want me" or "are you afraid I'll be better than your man?". My favorite was "is your husband afraid another man will please you better?". Aren't there other men in couples? duhhh
If my phone rings and it says "possible scam" am I rude not to answer? If I do answer and they start a "sales pitch" should I listen or click end call?
No one OWES you anything. Including a response to a cold contact IM message [or email]
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I often get no replies to friendly IM chats - even after being flirted. Not sure if it due to technical issues. For incoming chats sometimes I can't reply since I have no points left or won't "waste" them on someone I am not interested in to just say "not interested"
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I do not like to talk on IM for one and if I do I don t talk on it very long. I get cock picture and I am tired of seeing it so I will not respond.
The Light is shinning and she is lonely and waiting in the darkness.
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Yeah I have to say that I get emails and IM's form people I am not interested in. If its an email and I can respond (cause I am a standard) then I do..but I am not using my points for IM to respond. Just saying
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If someone has totally ignored my preferences and my requests in my profile then I see no reason to answer. So say for example a dick pic messaged me I will just delete.
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first off if get any replys from blank ,headless dick ,tits body parts profiles who takes em for real we just delete em.other with full profile we do reply back with a no thankyou or yes we interested.so if looking for others to reply back try full and up to date profile to get any 1 interest to reply back to you.
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There isn't anyone getting 100 messages a day as free blogs can't even get 50 hits a day. Blogs and everything is way down since the changes maybe they are saving $$ on bandwidth and they will fix things. Nah I see they added more advertisement places though for their live cams.
Not going to use points to respond unless it is someone I think I want to have interactions with.
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We've often lost live contact when using IM and we've always assumed that it's a site-based issue. We also feel bad for folks who send mail to us, assuming that we can see their messages. However, as free members we can't access these notes so it's highly possible that members think we're snubbing them! It would be nice if the site could bounce back a note to senders saying, "recipient cannot review your mail etc"
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AMAZING.. JUST AMAZING... men that don't get hardly any emails will dispute how many emails women get. LOL I URGE anyone to make a profile as a woman and put a hot photo on it and see how many messages you get!!! SERIOUSLY even with my profile stating NO LET"S CHAT.. NO LET'S MEET.. NO LET'S BE FRIENDS I AM HERE TO CAM ONLY I still am getting some 25 or more messages A DAY. A blog isn't the same as a profile with a hot woman on it that is looking. Blogs are blogs and a profile is what men are looking at not the blog when hunting for a woman for sex.
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As my profile states in the status line not just the profile itself, as well as I have it written on the photo that I am not available I still am getting at least 25-30 messages a day. This screen capture is of how many people have viewed me in the last 30 days. Now imagine what that number would be if I was available.. then do the math. YES women can and do get in excess of 100 messages a day, maybe not every day, but I know I was getting that many and more EVERY day when my profile was active.
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Here is how many people have viewed me in the last 90 days...note that is +7K meaning over 7000. Again, if I was available how many of them would be messaging me. I know how many are messaging me as it is. I would get 100 messages a day and I am sure as I am busy on here and use many things including groups and such that makes me far more high profile seen than others that don't join groups and things. That adds to it.
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I am going to answer this one with a question. WHY do men, ignore, or flat out not read, a ladies profile??? When a woman, or a man for that matter says "I DO NOT WANT THIS" and lay it out clearly, do they STILL get the exactly what they have listed as they DO NOT WANT.
Example, I am a Senior, oh yeah, I am 80 years old. I did not lie about my age. Yet, I get EVERY DAY, men or I should say BOYS like the one today 23 years old. What did he email me. " I am looking for stress free sex". " I want to make you feel good". UM Hello READ MY PROFILE, it clearly says NO ONE LESS THAN 65. Did I stutter???? My auto reply also states the SAME THING. This idiot sent me 3 messages, each one with the auto reply. Now my question is WHY should I even waste a second on answering that email??? Did he respect MY profile? NO. Was he polite? NO. Oh yeah his profile in his intro is really L O N G. Here is what it says, " ASK". ONE WORD. And you think he is due a proper polite reply????
OH YES MANY women get 100 or MORE a day. out of those maybe 1 out of that number will come even close to her profile requirements.
As for the conversations ending, trust me, it is not just males that happens to, I lost count a long time ago of men who contacted me, shared well maybe 3 emails and then poof, gone. I certainly could have cared less if they gave me a fond fare thee well. I didn't KNOW them, and they did not KNOW me, and obviously, they chose not to know any more.
NO ONE on this site or any other site is OWED anything. You join, throw your hat in the ring, and take your chances. However, if you READ and RESPECT the profile requirements, your chances of a reply increases.
I for one have been approached with somewhere in the area of 10 men so far that thought I was so dumb, that they chatted, were oh so sweet, then came up with the most idiotic stories to get MONEY, from me. I may be old, but I am not so old, I cannot spot the liars, and fakes a mile away. So, nope not a one got a penny. All they got was a score or some of the ridiculous ideas they came up with and were expected to be believed.
Just sayin.
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It says site ambassador and obviously you are messaging lots of people daily even if it is a canned auto-message. People tend to click hey who sent me this mail. Even super hot 19 year olds like cupcake get very few photo/video comments daily maybe 2 dozen on a good day certainly not even 100. I would estimate paid gold membership at less than 5K worldwide I doubt a sizable number of them are going to hit the same woman with messages given they might not even be in their area.
Views isn't proof of messages per day. You make those claims the assumption is you must get that much. Maybe at one time you did but this site is a pale shade of what it once was apparently. It has only been sparsely populated since I have been a member with a notable decline recently.
Since there seem to be more gay men looking for men than single women looking for men, why the doubt a man could have 100 messages a day if a woman could.
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I AM NOT A SITE AMBASSADOR!!! THAT IS ON MANY PROFILES AND IS AN OPTION TO USE, BUT IT IS NOT SOMETHING "i" PERSONALLY USE!!! I DO NOT EMAIL ANYONE!! I have NEVER used it, but it is there on my page. Before you make an accusation you better find out what is what.
I also DID NOT SAY that views equated to messages. There is something majorly wrong with you that you read into and add into things that are not there to make yourself look right. Because YOU don't get those emails, and you are a MAN not a woman, doesn't mean WOMEN don't get them. Women have always been bombarded here on this site by the men because the odds are some 500 men to 1 woman contrary to what many believe. You are also a standard member!!! Women don't go looking for men when we have an inbox full of messages daily.
Even gay men, there is not as many gay men on here looking for gay men as there are straight men looking for women. So no, I would doubt highly a man would get 100 messages a day.
I find it also vastly interesting that others have said the same thing yet you go after only me or only women to dispute things. Here is Koffla saying the same thing...."If a woman receives hundreds of emails a day, do you think she has time to reply to everyone?"
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Site ambassador - I just looked and I have that button as well. I didn't even know it was there. I am a standard member and I can't email people so don't think that having the button means something. I never even knew it was there. I can at least say thank you for pointing out something else on this site I would never use!!
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When told about this thread we looked. Screen capture is attached. Trust me, 100 messages in a day is very able to happen. Also, I do not have an ambassador button on this profile.
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It's not you and it's not just the people on this site, it's people in general. Sure there are many men and women that are still courteous, have manners and morals, but that population is shrinking in percentage to the whole. I contacted a member a few days ago and was pleasantly surprised that she responded with her face photo and her first name, a rarity.
You are correct, basic consideration has seemed to go the way of proper english!
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quote sh_secretlunches: When told about this thread we looked. Screen capture is attached. Trust me, 100 messages in a day is very able to happen. Also, I do not have an ambassador button on this profile.
That could be 10 years of messages just never deleted. To be proof of 100 messages in a day there needs to be a 100 by the active. It also can mean that person sent out a lot of messages. That shows no proof of 100 messages incoming in a day.
Better proof would be the incoming message icon on the tool bar having over 100 on it. Can easily be photo shopped though.
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quote Superman4695: That could be 10 years of messages just never deleted. To be proof of 100 messages in a day there needs to be a 100 by the active. It also can mean that person sent out a lot of messages. That shows no proof of 100 messages incoming in a day.
Better proof would be the incoming message icon on the tool bar having over 100 on it. Can easily be photo shopped though.
We heard about you. No one ever tells the truth or knows anything but you. roflmao Everyone is lying in your book, everyone but you. There is one think that can't be faked or photo shopped..... your shitty attitude!!! You attack anyone that doesn't agree with you or see things the way you see them. That male nurse that put your balls through the ringer was the best. You didn't fight with him because he was a man. Well guess what, this is the man here speaking!! There was no faking or photo shopping. Because you can't get that kind of response from people on here doesn't mean others can't. It is your attitude and approach that turns people off and I am sure you get 100 ignores a day rather than 100 messages a day. I for sure am not going to take a screen capture of my inbox and give up the privacy of others that contacted us to prove fucking Jack shit to you. You are a sad person and I know why you are lonely. I am sure you will not profess to have tons of pussy and are not lonely and my response would be then why the fuck are you here?? You are so damned awesome you don't need this place or anywhere else. I suggest you go to your own wonderful world where no one does anything but what you say and only agrees with you because that sure as hell isn't here or in the real world. Good riddance from us. We have no reason to lie or fake anything, but obviously you have problems and need to constantly tell people how great and smart you are when in fact you are not. Go ahead, now proceed to bash us and make us laugh. How pathetic.
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I would like to point out to everyone that once you OPEN a message the number next to 'active' goes down!! So yes, we actually DID open all the messages, we just didn't answer all of them nor will we even attempt to. We did read them all though. Onlyt a freaking douche bag to think the number stays even after you open it.
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quote sh_secretlunches: We heard about you. No one ever tells the truth or knows anything but you. roflmao Everyone is lying in your book, everyone but you. There is one think that can't be faked or photo shopped..... your shitty attitude!!! You attack anyone that doesn't agree with you or see things the way you see them. That male nurse that put your balls through the ringer was the best. You didn't fight with him because he was a man. Well guess what, this is the man here speaking!! There was no faking or photo shopping. Because you can't get that kind of response from people on here doesn't mean others can't. It is your attitude and approach that turns people off and I am sure you get 100 ignores a day rather than 100 messages a day. I for sure am not going to take a screen capture of my inbox and give up the privacy of others that contacted us to prove fucking Jack shit to you. You are a sad person and I know why you are lonely. I am sure you will not profess to have tons of pussy and are not lonely and my response would be then why the fuck are you here?? You are so damned awesome you don't need this place or anywhere else. I suggest you go to your own wonderful world where no one does anything but what you say and only agrees with you because that sure as hell isn't here or in the real world. Good riddance from us. We have no reason to lie or fake anything, but obviously you have problems and need to constantly tell people how great and smart you are when in fact you are not. Go ahead, now proceed to bash us and make us laugh. How pathetic.
WELCOME TO OUR WORLD!!!! Everyone knows nothing compared to HIM!! He reminds me of that biblical story of Doubting Thomas. When Jesus came back from the dead and stood before the apostles Thomas didn't believe it was him so Jesus told him to come forward and Thomas put his finger into the hole made by a Roman Soldier's spear while on the cross. I may not have that story exact, but you get the picture. This is this guy. He doubts anyone and everyone and only HE knows the truth and unless he can stick his finger in the dead guys wounds he won't believe he was even wounded probably. ROFLMAO I am not sure just who died and left HIM in charge that HE thinks everyone owes HIM explanations and proof, but it sure is hilarious. I would bet he would think the wound was just special effects from a movie studio on top of it all anyway.
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The folks above address the main issues, but I have had some of the rude people that will come back like 30 minutes later and say "oh, I'm doing laundry", well why didn't you say that so I didn't have to come back and look avery minute or so.
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A better question would be: why your messages aren't standing out from the scads of form messages women get?
The first line or two has to contain something which proves you read their profile. Otherwise, you're just another guy sending out dozens of messages each day trying to make this a numbers game.
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